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  • in reply to: Kaldath’s Creations #32030


    Why don’t you both just leaf each other alone? ;)

    in reply to: PLANET AMS #32316


    Nice job on the updated Male-Body study! Looks a lot better :D

    Styx is awesome! The jacket has just the right touches, and the facial expression is your usual level of mastery :)

    in reply to: DJuby Gallery – Volume 2 #32363


    Scarlet Terror is nuts! Love the jagged cape :D

    in reply to: PLANET AMS #32362


    A little late again, but Lady Dragon is spectacular! She has the perfect DILLIGAF expression, befitting a woman badass enough to be Alpha’s right hand lady.

    As for the shading study, great job! The visible seams mentioned before are fairly faint, and could easily be covered with a different color palette, glove items, etc.

    If I may give one or two notes, very minor things. His nipples seem a bit central/close together to me. I think proportionately each one might move a few pixels to the left and right, respectively. In terms of proportion his torso seems a bit narrow where the trunk meets the chest, under the arms. I think that’s by virtue of using the adolescent body-type from Body>Male Alternate with the chest/neck from Body>Male Military, but a guy that buff would probably have bigger lats! I’ve actually used the curve of the forearm item (the complete item with elbow bone and closed wrist) from Body>Male Standard, layered behind everything and blended in with gradients to counteract that problem.

    Other than my nitpicking, the shading is exceptional, especially on the legs and the face. Great job!

    in reply to: TWELVIAN CHRONICLES #32026


    Nice! Great pose!

    in reply to: Delirious AL’s stufffffffffffffffffffffff. #32025


    LOVE these last three! They all have a very grand cosmic feel about them. Heavy hitters for sure :D

    in reply to: DJuby Gallery – Volume 2 #32024


    Wow! That’s a wedding I’d like to see!

    in reply to: Trekkie’s World #32023


    So classy! If any of your supers ever needed a billionaire playgirl philanthropist secret identity, you’ve got them covered :D

    in reply to: PLANET AMS #31858


    Definitely the look! He’s so physically intimidating already, but something about the relaxed posture and the costuming makes it seem like he’s only just beginning to show his true potential. Definitely a world-breaker :D

    in reply to: CantDraw Gallery of Bad Art #31857


    Druidess is just about the most amazing HM creation I’ve ever seen! That lighting is impeccable. Nice job!

    in reply to: Kaylin’s Characters #31856


    Yay! Rainbowficate EVERYTHING!

    in reply to: PLANET AMS #31840


    I too am a little late to this party, but had to say: Alpha is amazing! He looks like one of those high-caliber villians, like a Despero or a Thanos, somebody who could take on the premiere superteam of his universe all by himself.

    in reply to: DiCicatriz- Mi propia realidad #31804


    As promised, here’s a quick rainbow-masking tutorial. It’s actually quite simple:

    STEP 1: What do you want to rainbowficate? I’m only doing one single item, so let’s do a wolf. Because, why not a rainbow wolf?

    STEP 2: To get the seamless full-color effect I usually need around seven or eight gradient squares, which means you need eight copies of the wolf item to mask them onto. I like to make each one a different line color, makes it easier to keep track of them all.

    STEP 3: Start adding your gradient squares! Orient them however you want, in this case since we’re doing a horizontal rainbow effect, I turned the item 90 degrees. Then start placing them side by side so that the colors line up (putting the Line Color’s alpha at 0%). I usually use the following color set up: (darker-red/red, red/orange, orange/yellow, yellow/green, green/blue, blue/purple, purple/darker-purple)

    You may have to resize your item, or the backgrounds (be sure to re-position them if you do or the colors won’t be perfect), to get the right proportions.

    STEP 4: Now you can start masking. Easy process, mask a square, bring it to front, send the item you masked onto all the way to the back layer. Repeat until all squares masked.

    STEP 5: Once you’re done, it’s a matter of refining the details. Masking these gradients isn’t always perfect (this is a beta version of HM after all), you can see how the base white color of the item leaks through the masks. Just click on the item that’s right under the masks and color him all black, easy fix. We were fortunate in this instance but sometimes the mask can cover up some of the line work on the item self. (Also an easy fix, take one of the items bring to the very front on top of all the masks, reduce the alphas of Color 1 and Color 2 to 0% and leave the Line Color at 100%) Once you’re satisfied… BAM! You got yourself a rainbow wolf.

    in reply to: Mad Jacks Showroom #31757


    Great team! Anarchists are the perfect foil to your government sponsored international teams :D

    With those insect and canine physiologies Mad Dog and Marabunta must have a very uh… interesting love life. :O

    in reply to: TWELVIAN CHRONICLES #31414


    Nice job on Amy Atom! The energy affects are amazing!

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