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  • in reply to: JR’s Characters #35074


    Nice! It looks like those wings were custom made for her :D

    in reply to: DiCicatriz- Mi propia realidad #34601


    One more for the wardens (I think I only have one more team member after this, maybe two.)

    VESSEL- She was the unfortunate victim of possession, by a great and powerful demon, one of the primordial infernals from before our universe came to be. After several botched exorcisms, resulting each time in the death of the practitioner, she was brought to the Wardens. Scribe and Sacrament pooled their knowledge and performed the ritual, but the situation soon began to deteriorate. The demon almost emerged from her flesh, and in the pivotal moment both Sister Sanctity and Null struck out to stop it. Sister Sanctity used her touch to hallow the girl’s body, hoping to burn the demon out, while Null negated the Demon’s dimensional breach. The resulting reaction was catastrophic, but the effect was quite unique. The demon’s consciousness was obliterated by Sister Sanctity’s touch, but Null’s abilities fused the demon’s physical body to the girl, stuck halfway between incarnation and oblivion. With practice and the aid of a special suit, she learned to push and pull the demon’s body further in and out between states. This allows her to embody the demon, growing razor sharp claws/fangs/horns and gaining its immense strength and pyrokinetic abilities, or conceal its presence and assume human form once more. She joined the Wardens and learned to fight the forces of darkness as: VESSEL.


    in reply to: Mad Jacks Showroom #34581


    Whatever do you mean? I’m not getting a movie reference at all, though he does seem like a very fast and furious kind of warrior. ;)

    I do have to say the lighting on that character is riddickulously good. The highlights and the shadows give it that action-movie poster vibe.

    in reply to: DiCicatriz- Mi propia realidad #34513


    Thanks guys! I’ve been really busy at work lately, but I wanted to post a quick addition to my Wardens. Especially since Jeff posted that nifty new Zeus head. http://www.heromachine.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif



    He is the lore-master of the group, a sorcerer of Arthurian times and once-apprentice to the legendary Merlin. His quest for power led him to a hidden chamber, an extra dimensional All-Space, accessible from any point on the globe, but only if one knows to look for it. There he was able to use all his mastery of the lore to summon to him Odin, the All-Father. He sacrificed his humanity to learn the secret of the Runes, the secret language known only to Odin that has the power to warp reality. Odin gave him the knowledge he sought, but turned him into a being of unfeeling stone and rooted him to the All-Space. He had the power he sought, but could not move from his fixed spot in the world. He can manifest his stone body through any part of the secret chambers, but can never again re-enter the earthly plane.

    He remained there for centuries, using the All-Space and its library to amass a vast knowledge of the universe, of forgotten magicks and ancient beings. The All-Space was eventually discovered by Voyeur, who could see it with his sight beyond sight. SCRIBE was discovered by the group and he agreed to aid them, lending his expertise to them in times of need and using the Runes to strengthen their arms. He provides them all instantaneous access to the All-Space.

    in reply to: Jeimuzu’s World #34511


    I have to comment on that sword. SO COOL!

    in reply to: Mad Jacks Showroom #34510


    I have to join in on the Manbot love… uh I mean appreciation. That pattern on his chest is amazing!

    in reply to: Jeimuzu’s World #34112


    Nice work. You’re very good at unconventional item use, love the segmented look on Cyber Mermaid.

    in reply to: headlessgeneral’s army #34111


    Phenomenal lighting on that one! Classy costume too :)

    in reply to: DiCicatriz- Mi propia realidad #34003


    Thanks, Jeimuzu! I didn’t get a chance to say so in your thread, but it’s good to see you back around these parts :D

    Two more wardens:

    VOYEUR- Gifted with “The Sight” and one of the few able to control it (however slightly). He can ‘see’ through time, past events, present events, future events (although his knowledge of the future events dims accordingly to how closely they become present). In addition his vision allows him to see the true nature of all things, allowing him to see past illusions and enhancements, see evil intent within people, even to see shifted individuals in their original forms. The breadth of his vision takes its toll on his sanity. Voyeur is one of the more mentally imbalanced individuals of the group. He wears a mask to cover his physical eyes, finding them “distracting”.


    SACRAMENT- He is part of a religious order that celebrates the power of blood and pain. They use the sacrifice of inflicting pain on the flesh to seal their rituals and empower their magic. Sacrament is an especially powerful member of this order. He has undergone haemogenesis, a ritual that tortures its subject repeatedly to the edge of death. In doing so they are transformed, infused with powerful blood magic. Through this ritual Sacrament has enhanced strength, senses, and durability. His most powerful ability is in his blood. Fresh from his body, his blood is a powerful catalyst to any kind of magic. Any who ingest his blood find their abilities strengthened, seals or rituals enhanced with his blood are extra potent, etc.


    in reply to: DiCicatriz- Mi propia realidad #33987


    Thanks, madjack! I was going for a more grown up Wednesday Adams kind of character :D Glad she delivers.

    LightningSword: The gold effect is really simple.

    Whatever item you want to make metallic gold, just fill in all of its color fields with the Darker Yellow Orange. Next you take the gradient circle from backgrounds, reduce it’s prime color and line color down to 0% opacity, make its second color the lightest shade of yellow and mask onto your item of choice. Resize and position based on lighting and there you have it.

    Relevant colors and items:

    in reply to: DiCicatriz- Mi propia realidad #33969


    I don’t know if it’s my binge-watching American Horror Story: Coven or the Harry Potter marathon on TV, but I’ve got the hankering for some magic-based characters.

    New concept: The Wardens – A team of mystics from diverse backgrounds, banded together to combat threats to/from the magical community.

    SISTER SANCTITY- The product of a brief and disastrous affair between a mortal woman and an archangel. She’s been trained by her mother since birth to combat offenders on either side of the spectrum. Sister Sanctity fights with the gifts of her divine heritage. She has enhanced reflexes/strength/durability/speed. In addition to her physical attributes, she possesses the Hallowed Touch. She can tap into the divinity of her bloodline and sanctify any object she touches, turning it into a brutally effective weapon against dark magic.


    NULL- A morose young woman. She was sickly as a girl, battling illness after illness. Null was declared legally dead several times (the longest being for ten minutes). On one of her jaunts to the other side, something reached out to her… and changed her. Null is stuck in a state of flux between our plane and the other side. The frequency of her existence cancels out magical activity. She can dispel curses, undo protections, basically negate any magical phenomenon in her presence.


    in reply to: Mad Jacks Showroom #33803


    Excellent! I’m a big fan of multi-armed humanoids. :D Love the differences between the two characters. They could either be from distinct classes (political leader/foot soldier), time periods (ancient/modern), or maybe the invaders take on specific weaponry/attire based on the world’s they’re invading. Very cool stuff!

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #32963


    Excellent use of rainbows. It is very true that you can never have enough :D

    Great character, too. I wouldn’t mind owning that hoodie/vest in real life…

    in reply to: DiCicatriz- Mi propia realidad #32962


    Thanks guys!

    in reply to: DiCicatriz- Mi propia realidad #32958


    Hmm. You are right there, I was feeling particularly lazy about that problem, but it warrants taking care of it’s indeed noticeable. I couldn’t get anything to fit just right, so I ended up making my own hand circuitry. Feast your eyes:


    Aaaand how about a group shot?

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