Blue Blazer

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  • in reply to: JR19759’s Redesign Contest #14866

    Blue Blazer

    Ahhh, I’ve got it now.

    in reply to: OPERATION: DO MY DIRTY WORK #14811

    Blue Blazer

    Are you guys really going to let djuby win by default????????

    in reply to: headlessgeneral’s army #14810

    Blue Blazer

    I was having trouble earlier as well. I ended up logging out and then back in and it’s working now.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #14803

    Blue Blazer

    Designation: Avius
    Genre: Warrior Robot
    Powers/Special Skills: flight; sonic blasters; ultranium shell
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Hero Corps
    Other Aliases: Nightingale
    Status: N/A
    When nearly all of the superhuman population of Earth was wiped out thanks to a virus synthesized and spread by the White Scare during his takeover of America, the Hero Corps were no exception. But scientists on the planet Valerin, in appreciation of Earth’s heroes for saving their world on more than one occasion, created artificial intelligence versions of each of the team’s six original members in what would be the 100th year of Hero Corps. With this added bit of force, the resistance was eventually able to topple the cruel dictatorial efforts of the White Scare and restore some sort of true order to the United States.

    Avius was built to replace founding Hero Corps member Nightingale. It mimics her color scheme and her powers of flight and destructive sonic force.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #14798

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Avenger Doom
    Real Name: Hunter Bradley
    Genre: Antihero
    Power(s)/Ability(s): unexplained access to an arsenal of automatic weapons, extensive training in firearms and explosives
    Affiliation: none
    Past Aliases: none
    Status: active
    Hunter was a somewhat sadistic child with a skewed sense of justice, and when he grew up and joined the Army, he became a sadistic man with a skewed sense of justice. He showed remarkable talent in the use of weapons and was recruited into a special team of demolition experts. But his outward love of violence landed him in the civilian world, a liability the government refused to support any longer. Now, somehow still able to get his hands on a plethora of guns and explosives, Hunter roams the streets of the city of Caligo, fighting crime by extremely questionable means. He has butted heads with more than one of the city’s many heroes. He once auditioned to be the city’s champion to replace Mr. Ultimate. Below is the transcript of the interview, conducted by Caligo Mayor Ralph Logan.

    Mayor Logan: Good heavens! Weren’t you asked to leave your weapons at the front of the courthouse?

    Avenger Doom: Don’t nobody touch my guns.

    ML: Mr. Doom, are you not aware that if you are to be this city’s protector and upholder of the law, you yourself must abide by the rules?

    AD: Nobody…

    ML: All right, I think we can make an exception in this case. Mr. Doom, welcome. Is there anything you’d like to start by saying?

    AD: …

    ML: Okay, then I’ll just ask you a few questions. First, where did you receive your weapons training?

    AD: Army. Special Operations.

    ML: I see. And what made you decide to try out for Caligo’s new champion?

    AD: I like shooting things.

    ML: Indeed. Do you have any non-lethal procedures when fighting evil?

    AD: Kneecap shots, I guess. Not as fun, though.

    ML: I think that will be enough. Thank you, Mr. Doom.

    AD: Don’t nobody touch my guns.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #14797

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Avarice
    Real Name: Jonathan Ravage
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: able to convince anyone to give him any physical object
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: U.S. Government; The Seven Deadly Sins
    Other Aliases: Greed
    Status: at large
    Jonathan Ravage is a U.S. Senator, but he didn’t achieve that position solely on political talent. In fact, most of the funds he raised for his campaigns were given to him as a direct result of his mutant power to convince anyone to give him any physical object. This power makes it easy for Jonathan to achieve great wealth, so what he craves now is power. He is also the supervillain Avarice, leader of the villainous group the Seven Deadly Sins. He represents the sin of greed and he keeps the group very well-funded as well as well-informed on any government secrets he is let in on. He has aspirations of becoming President and, perhaps one day, the leader of a global government.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #14796

    Blue Blazer

    Interestingly enough, I have a character called the Silver Hammer, but he’s a Beatles-themed hero.

    in reply to: JR19759’s Redesign Contest #14795

    Blue Blazer

    Orange Solarian: Vova Vevu (VOH-vah VAY-voo)

    I imagine this handsome fella as a former gladiator champion from his home world. He was undefeated for years and years, which gave him a serious complex, until he pretty much had his head handed to him by some opponent who was way better to him. Or, alternatively, that is was discovered that he had been cheating somehow. He was seriously put out of commission and/or shunned from the coliseum, the only life he’d ever known. He was forced to restructure his entire way of thinking from the ground up. This is why he has experienced the extreme of humility, from which he draws his power.

    in reply to: Professor Anthrax’s Musty Old Barroom #14586

    Blue Blazer

    @Prof.Anthrax said:

    Not intended, but The Beatles’ “Revolution 9” is to blame. And that’s the whole story.

    Coo coo katchoo!

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #14583

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Avalanche
    Real Name: Simon Griss
    Genre: Supervillain
    Power(s)/Ability(s): wields two hammers that can summon a wave of snow and ice
    Affiliation: Sinister Society
    Past Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    Simon was a small-time mob thug, notorious for his massive size and strength. But he remained a mere human until he was sent to Alaska to seek out and retrieve a former mafia member who had ratted out his boss to the FBI. The rat pleaded for his life, offering Simon the chance at being superhuman with two large war hammers. When banged together, the hammers summoned a huge wave of arctic ice and snow, able to bury the user’s enemies. Simon accepted the offer and went on the run from the mob himself, committing crimes to support himself, until he was picked up by the Sinister Society. Now he is a formidable member among their ranks, though he has begun to question whether the Society’s quest for world domination is truly something he wants to be part of.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #14570

    Blue Blazer

    Designation: The Automatic Man
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: higher-than-human strength; faster-than-human speed; tough metal body
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Phineas Wainwright
    Other Aliases: Johnny Clokwerkz
    Status: deceased
    Phineas Wainwright was a humble inventor in the very earliest days of the now-booming city of Caligo. Wainwright lived in the mid-1800’s, and specialized in clock work and steam machines, particularly novelty toys. He had a small shop where he created and sold his tinkerings. But with the sudden population boom brought by the newly arrived locomotive line, Caligo also saw its first crime wave. Derelicts, con artists, thieves, and murderers following the progress of the rail line began to appear in droves, often stopping in Caligo to take advantage of its native citizens, who were not used to such dealings. To combat the growing criminal element in the young town, Wainwright constructed what would become his magnum opus; a life-sized steam-powered mechanical man. It was intended to simply scare away criminals, but what Wainwright quickly discovered and could never explain nor replicate was that the robot, despite his crude clockwork design, was able to think, learn, and make decisions on its own. The Automatic Man became Caligo’s most famous man overnight. He willingly and tirelessly fought off outlaws in Caligo, until the people unanimously elected him the town’s first non-human sheriff.

    Anxious to keep the Automatic Man out of the public light and therefore all to themselves, the folks of Caligo kept him a secret. Phineas Wainwright taught him how to load himself with coal and keep it burning so as to stay active. Eventually, the Automatic Man’s creator died and he was left, immune to death and aging. Also, his thinking evolved and matured as the century turned, and the Automatic Man began to feel emotions. Instead of warrior, he decided to become an agent of peace. He became very interested in human rights and eventually gave himself the name Johnny Clokwerkz. He became a speaker on behalf of the unrepresented women and ethnic groups, even being granted audiences with various U.S. Presidents to discuss social change. As technology changed, Johnny allowed himself to be upgraded to run on newer and more efficient power. Once the rights of women and minorities had become equal to white men, Johnny turned his focus to religious tolerance. This was his unwitting undoing. In 2027, Johnny will be found in a charred heap of parts, a victim of an extreme Christian group dedicated to making America a Christian-only nation.


    in reply to: JR19759’s Redesign Contest #14518

    Blue Blazer

    The King of Cards – It is surprisingly difficult to reproduce the King of Hearts in HM3…


    in reply to: JR19759’s Redesign Contest #14491

    Blue Blazer


    in reply to: JR19759’s Redesign Contest #14427

    Blue Blazer


    in reply to: JR19759’s Redesign Contest #14422

    Blue Blazer


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