Blue Blazer

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  • in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #15728

    Blue Blazer


    Mario and Carlo Mancini are twin Italian jugglers. They also share a dark and wicked tendency towards sadism and a complete disregard for the law, which is why they joined the Circus Macabre. This is a traveling group of super criminals masquerading as a circus, who move from town to town robbing the townfolk and often leaving a corpse or two behind. The Mancinis are most known for juggling very dangerous objects, which they often use to threaten, hurt, or even kill their victims.


    in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #15726

    Blue Blazer


    Made up of 5 members, the All-Stars can technically be described as a superhero group. But they spend most of their time under fire from various civil rights groups and activists because of their unabashed refusal of membership to females, minorities, and homosexuals. They are also selective in who they are willing to save. Most people would rather the All-Stars just disappear than go on fighting crime in Caligo, but they won’t. The members are:

    Mindgame: telepathy and limited telekinesis
    Blaster: optic energy blasts
    Pronto: super speed
    Pretender: shape-shifter
    Mighty Man: super strength


    in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #15725

    Blue Blazer

    Abbot is from of a dystopian future in which paranoia has convinced Americans to accept Christianity as the only legal religion practiced in the country. He is a member of an elite and violent police force charged with enforcing this law and punishing any who break it.


    in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #15724

    Blue Blazer

    1 of 6 is a mysterious entity who only knows that he is the first of 6 superior beings.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #15680

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Baja
    Real Name: Rosario Zavala
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: able to shrink herself to infinitismally small sizes
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: The Federal Agency for Superhuman Tasking
    Other Aliases: Special Agent Corta
    Status: active
    Rosario was only a year old when her family attempted to illegally cross the Mexican border and sneak into the United States. Every one of them was shot by border guards except for little Rosie, who was placed under government care. Before she could be put into foster care, Rosario’s caretakers discovered that the little girl was a mutant who could shrink herself to any desired size. Seeing an opportunity, Davin Breckenridge, the director of FAST (The Federal Agency for Superhuman Tasking) moved Rosario into the facility where his superhuman agents train. From childhood, Rosario has been taught to use her shrinking ability to infiltrate high-security locations to retrieve information. Her lack of any real childhood has left Rosie without an imagination to speak of, and the actions of others often confuse and/or irritate her. Through training, she has found that she can shrink to the size of an atom if she so desires.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #15645

    Blue Blazer

    Thanks, HK.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #15665

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Bailiff
    Real Name: Doug Jenkins
    Genre: Criminal
    Powers/Special Skills: none
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: police issue 9mm pistol
    Affiliations: The Criminal Court
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    Doug was an ordinary thug, robbing people on the streets at gunpoint to make a living. For some reason, though he was recruited by the insane villain Prosecutor into his criminal group The Criminal Court, a bizarre team of psychopaths who put their enemies through the ordeal of a mock trial. Doug now serves as Bailiff, dressed in a police uniform and overseeing the security of Prosecutor’s mad proceedings. Though Doug isn’t sure what he did to deserve this position and has trouble getting into the theatrics of it, he does enjoy the irony of a criminal sporting a police uniform.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #15664

    Blue Blazer

    Thanks, guys!

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #15547

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Bahoth
    Genre: Extradimensional Being
    Powers/Special Skills: flight via wings; prehensile tail; pyrokinesis; highly flammable plasma body; immune to fire
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Hellgate Dimension
    Other Aliases: The Firestarter
    Status: deceased
    Of the many horrific creatures that invaded our world from the Hellgate Dimension, Bahoth is probably the most terrifying. Though the beasts were not really organized, Bahoth could claim leadership of them through his sheer power. His body is composed of a napalm-like substance that ignites instantly and burns without consuming him. Coupled with his pyrokinesis and wings, Bahoth is a serious force to be reckoned with. It was only through the combined efforts of several superheroes that he was destroyed.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #15539

    Blue Blazer

    Much obliged, Scat.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #15384

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: The Baffler
    Real Name: Dedrick Duvall
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: genius-level intellect
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: none
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: missing (presumed deceased)
    Dedrick knew that he was a genius even from an early age in the 1930’s. He was obsessed with acquiring new knowledge, sacrificing any hope for a social life for learning. He would spend days studying while his schoolmates went to parties and slacked off and did what most students do in-between classes. Dedrick would have been perfectly happy living out his life as a hermetic bookworm, if not for bullies. He was ridiculed and pushed around a lot, which slowly gave him a resentment and contempt toward mankind. Instead of getting a good job, Dedrick turned to crime. He pulled off carefully-though-out capers, leaving mysterious clues only equally brilliant minds could solve. He became known as the Baffler, and was only caught a handful of times by several smarter-than-average cops and superheroes. Sometime in the late 1980’s, the Baffler disappeared and has not been seen since. Given his age, he is presumed to be dead.


    in reply to: OPERATION: DO MY DIRTY WORK #15343

    Blue Blazer

    Blazing Blue Redesign Contest #11



    I never got around to developing this character, so he can be either a hero or a villain. You can make up the specifics of his power.

    Neon’s skin glows neon green. Otherwise, no restrictions. You could even change the character to female if you want.

    Have at it, you maniacs!

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #15279

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: The Badger
    Name: Neil Chandler
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: super strength and durability; ability to shift to a feral state
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: razor sharp claws attached to gloves
    Affiliations: The Totem Force
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    Neil was never a good guy. In truth, he was always more or less a bully, quick to anger and prone to ridiculing others. His life as a superhuman began because of his gambling addiction, on a trip to a casino on an indian reservation. As he was staggering drunkenly to his hotel one evening after losing a ghastly amount of money, he came upon two men attempting to rob a young Native American woman. He stopped the mugging and sent the men running; not out of a sense of honor but because he thought the woman was good-looking and would sleep with him if he intervened. She did not, but she did reward him with a small totem of a badger. Neil was angered, but the little statue looked valuable and he thought he could sell it.

    But he quickly discovered that the totem imbued him with uncanny physical strength. He tried becoming a masked superhero for a time, and even briefly joined the Totem Force, a supergroup composed of other totem recipients, but his savagery and ill-temper were not conducive to the hero’s life. Gradually, Neil realized that in truth, he wanted to use his new ability for his own gain, especially to be an ever bigger and more powerful bully as the Badger. The totem also allows Neil to slip into a state of almost blind fury, further enhancing his strength, speed, agility, and resilience but causing him to destroy everything around him without prejudice. His costume is equipped with incredibly sharp claws used for slashing his prey and any object that’s in his way.



    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #15251

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Badge
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: expert at hand-to-hand and small arms combat
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: performance-enhancing, bulletproof suit; two pistols able to fire various projectiles
    Affiliations: Ford City Police Department; The N-Force
    Other Aliases: 100606-O; Oscar
    Status: active
    In the year 2123, the Ford City Police Department begins a new project used to eliminate human casualties in the war on crime. Lab-created clones are grown and trained from childhood to be the ultimate fighting machines, outfitted with advanced armor and weaponry, and then put on active police duty. Badge began as one of these hundreds of thousands of clones. He was known in the future as 100606-O, and he was no different than any of his fellow officers. But then the superteam N-Force were unwittingly hurled into the 22nd century, and they aided 100606-O in bringing down a notorious gangster. When the team figured out how to get back to the present, 100606-O was accidentally pulled through the time gate with them. Immediately upon arriving in our time, the future cop became more than a programmed soldier. Doctors examining him found that he, along with his brother clones, had been outfitted with a microchip that impeded their individuality and kept them from questioning their place in society. Now existing in a time when such technology wasn’t around, the link was broken and he was free to be his own man.

    Now known simply as Badge, he attempted to assimilate himself into the present day FCPD, but his methods did not fit into contemporary procedure. So he struck out on his own as a superhero. Because his previous identification number ended with the designation Oscar, he sometimes uses that name.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #15242

    Blue Blazer

    Thanks, AP!

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