Blue Blazer

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  • in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #15768

    Blue Blazer

    Honeybee is Georgia’s representative.


    in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #15758

    Blue Blazer

    The Florida representative is Gator. Once a marine biologist working in the Everglades, he was bitten by a cursed alligator and became a were-gator.

    in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #15755

    Blue Blazer

    The Delaware Diamond is Delaware’s representative in the 50. She is composed entirely of an unbreakable crystal.

    in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #15752

    Blue Blazer

    Thanks, Scat! Looking at the pic I think I should’ve put Pronto in front because he looks like he’s about to break Pretender’s arm, but what can you do?

    in reply to: JR19759’s Redesign Contest #15747

    Blue Blazer

    @JR19759 said:

    Ok. I’ve run out of ideas for what characters to give you guys to redesign now, so I’m not going to run this thread as a redesign contest until I figure out what the next contest should be. But instead of neglecting it, I thought I’d try something different.
    Now that I’ve finished doing redesigns of my more recent characters, I thought I should go back to some of my very earliest creations, The Elements, a team of normal people who are given ten legendary orbs each containing a great elemental spirit. Thing is though, I want to shake this up a bit, so what I’m going to do is ask you guys to serve as my inspiration. What I want is for you guys to get involved, become part of the team. So, if you want me to do a portrait of you as a member of my new elements team, or if you want to create a character specifically to be a part of it, then post a head-shot and text file below or PM me with them (head-shots only please, I’ll figure out the rest later) with a name for the character, which elemental orb they would have and a short description of their personality (I’ll also flesh that out later). I’ll be operating on first come first served. I’ll update the list below when an element becomes unavailable.

    The elements are: Fire, Earth (TAKEN), Water, Electricity (TAKEN), Air, Ice, Metal, Light, Darkness, Time (TAKEN)

    Vampyrist has already got involved, via my deviantart page, so I hope some other people will follow his example. I’ll post them up on my thread when I’ve got at least two more people interested and their designs done. Also, I will be reserving at least three spaces for female members, incase any of the girls don’t get involved here, I don’t really want to have an all male team.

    Hope to hear from you guys.

    My face is on HM3 in the Winners tab. It’s this one…

    And I think Blue Blazer is actually a pretty good name for a fire-based character…

    in reply to: JR19759’s Redesign Contest #15746

    Blue Blazer

    Thanks for the win! I am honored to share this victory with the incomparable NHA247.

    in reply to: Heroes & Villians of Vengeances #15745

    Blue Blazer

    Scare definitely lives up to his name. The mask is particularly frightening. Good job.

    in reply to: Mechs over here! #15743

    Blue Blazer

    Welcome back to the nuthouse, dude. It wasn’t the same without your sick mechs.

    in reply to: dblade's Whiz Bang Item Dispenser #15742

    Blue Blazer

    I’ve already thought of ten of my characters that could use the fly eyes. Awesomesauce!

    in reply to: Amelia’s World #15741

    Blue Blazer

    That’s a cool picture. Looks sort of like a noire book cover or movie poster.

    in reply to: DJuby Gallery – Volume 2 #15740

    Blue Blazer

    Not gonna lie, I selfishly hope it’s my redesign thread that you plan to continue competing in, but I understand your dilemma. There was a while when the only reason I went to the Heromachine page was to enter contests, and I was ignoring my characters that I love so dearly. I admire your conviction to keeping it fun and personal.

    in reply to: Scatmans loft’ the gallery #15739

    Blue Blazer

    Eye only have eyes for you…

    in reply to: OPERATION: DO MY DIRTY WORK #15738

    Blue Blazer

    Great entries so far, my friends! One more day until JUDGEMENT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #15734

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Baldrion
    Real Name: Bradford Neeley
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: expert swordsman
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: personalized rapier
    Affiliationa: none
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    When Bradford made his debut as a crimefighting swashbuckler in Caligo, he was immediately the laughing stock of the hero community. His style of clothes, hair, and weapons did not help him to fit in with other crimefighters. But as soon as he put his amazing skills to good use, the laughs stopped, for Bradford Neeley proved to be the best swordsman the metropolis had ever seen. His methods are unorthodox, his language archaic, and his personality strange, but Baldrion, as he prefers to be called, is a formidable champion for the people.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #15730

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Bakomir Stroga
    Genre: Fantasy
    Powers/Special Skills: adept hand-to-hand combatant; expert archer
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: inherited dwarven battle axe and bow; specially forged dwarven armor
    Affiliations: Neia; Southern Dwarf Army
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: n/a
    Bakomir is the son of legendary dwarf warrior Tabomir Bako, and thus is himself a fierce combatant and protector of the southern dwarf realm in the fabled world of Fontegan. Gruff, cold, and obsessed with discipline, Bakomir has no time for romance or children. When he is not fighting, he is practicing for the next fight. Bakomir is vocally disappointed with his younger sister Neia, who dropped the family name and married a quiet, sensitive, and peaceful northern tree farming dwarf named Hoblox and moved to live with him in the great Wrynwud Forest. Bakomir is the adoptive uncle of Rogan, a human baby that Hoblox and Neia found abandoned in the forest and have raised as their own. It was thanks to Bakomir’s secret training that Rogan grew to become a formidable fighter.


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