Blue Blazer

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  • in reply to: Heromachine Amalgam #16174

    Blue Blazer

    I mean, I have complete faith in all of you that a week is sufficient to get in an entry. But I don’t want to discourage anyone from entering. Feedback please.

    in reply to: Heromachine Amalgam #16147

    Blue Blazer

    How about 10 days?

    in reply to: Heromachine Amalgam #15889

    Blue Blazer

    @The Atomic Punk said:

    Sounds good. I would go with a “Two Great Tastes” format. Everyone submits an original character before a deadline. Once the judge compiles the list, entrants amalgate a new character from two of the choices. We get the benefit of seeing the original characters and the hybrids!

    That’s a good idea, but I’m going to avoid it for two reasons:
    1) It could take weeks before a suitable number of characters were submitted
    2) I want everyone to have the freedom to come up with the most suitable second character he/she can.

    in reply to: Heromachine Amalgam #15878

    Blue Blazer

    Either. As long as it’s your own original character it qualifies as an entry. If the week’s judge submits something and you don’t have a character in your archives that you think will mix well, you can make one up specifically for the contest.

    Just to be perfectly clear with everyone, these will be our own characters, not any pre-existing, copyrighted characters.

    in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #15872

    Blue Blazer

    It’s in Body-Mech.

    in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #15844

    Blue Blazer

    Indiana’s representative is Victory Lane, who salvaged the parts from the wreck that killed his NASCAR driver father and turned them into an Iron Man-esque battle suit.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #15843

    Blue Blazer

    Which of these are based on forum members?

    in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #15835

    Blue Blazer

    Chicago Fire, a man made of an ever-burning flame, is the representative from Illinois.

    in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #15801

    Blue Blazer

    Idaho’s representative is Peregryn.


    in reply to: Magnus Maximus’s Imperial Imagination Emporium #15800

    Blue Blazer


    in reply to: OPERATION: DO MY DIRTY WORK #15798

    Blue Blazer

    Blazing Blue Redesign Contest #12


    By day he is hard-boiled police detective Tom Parker. By night he is hard-case vigilante Striker, operating beyond the laws to which he is bound while in uniform. Striker wears chainmail-style armor and carries a long bo.

    He’s got to look tough. Tom Parker generally sports a day or two of stubble on his chin and has short blonde hair. Stick with the red and gray color scheme and include some element of chainmail-esque armor and his bo, which is about 5 feet long. He definitely needs some facial covering because protecting his identity is crucial. The rest is up to you!

    in reply to: OPERATION: DO MY DIRTY WORK #15797

    Blue Blazer

    Okie dokie, artichokie! The time of the week I usually dread is at hand. True to history, this was a tough decision to make, but I finally settled on


    as the winner of this week’s contest!

    Excellent work as always.

    fluffy123: Welcome to the forums and thank you for entering! There are lots of tips that Heromachiners much better than myself can teach you, including shading/lighting effects. Look around and ask, we’re a pretty friendly lot. That being said, your entry is awesome.

    djuby: As usual, excellent work. Where are those feet in the program?

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #15795

    Blue Blazer

    I love the way you made my…I mean his fingers poke through the fire.

    in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #15790

    Blue Blazer

    The representative from Hawaii is Night Marcher, who models his name and costume after a Hawaiian urban legend that says that the ghosts of ancient Hawaiian warriors wander through the islands at night. Aside from combating evil with his spear and shield, Night Marcher has the ability to become intangible.


    in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #11554

    Blue Blazer

    Indeed. I don’t recommend pissing her off.

Viewing 15 posts - 886 through 900 (of 1,172 total)