Blue Blazer

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  • in reply to: Heromachine Amalgam #18470

    Blue Blazer

    I see now. I’m going to go with “no” so we eliminate any possibility of dispute before it can even arise. The characters you use should be 100% your own, whether they are part of your existing universe or you make them specifically for the contest. No redesigns.

    in reply to: Heromachine Amalgam #18334

    Blue Blazer

    Please explain.

    in reply to: Heromachine Amalgam #17599

    Blue Blazer

    I’m working on one.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #17328

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Banshee
    Genre: Demon
    Powers/Special Skills: destructive scream; sharp claws; prehensile tail
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Hades’ Minions
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    From the depths and muck of the Cronus Pit, there emerged a dark figure covered in green fur. His pointy ears twitched as they flicked the slime from his birth from the top of his head. A deep growl came from within his throat, which quickly turned into a maniacal laugh.

    The god Hades smiled at this new addition to the Underworld. This beast, named Banshee, would disrupt the lives of the Greek men and women. It’s screams were loud enough to cause their brains to hemorrhage. The Olympians would have a time with that. And there would be many more souls for the dark god to harvest.

    Banshee shook the remaining sludge from his fur, howled an ear-splitting howl, and ran off to cause as much trouble as his father desired.


    in reply to: Heromachine Amalgam #17243

    Blue Blazer

    The time has come, y’all! The winner of the first ever Amalgam Challange is…


    Nicely done, bro. Now it’s your turn to give us a character to amalgamate!

    in reply to: Heromachine Amalgam #17027

    Blue Blazer

    Okay, folks, it’s been a week. You have three days to get an entry in before I judge.

    in reply to: OPERATION: DO MY DIRTY WORK #17025

    Blue Blazer

    Hint taken.

    Blazing Blue Redesign Contest #13



    I’ve never been particularly satisfied with any version of this character I’ve made. For some reason I just can’t get her right.

    This super-villainess remains an identity mystery. No one is sure who she is under the full face mask she wears. Blackout’s power is to mentally short out electrical equipment within 1600 feet of her, and cause explosions. She is also able to fire short bolts of electricity from her hands. Her power is most often credited to a genetic mutation, because she doesn’t seem to wear any equipment for generating the blasts.

    Stick with Blackout’s signature full-face mask and long white hair, otherwise, make any changes you’d like.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #16892

    Blue Blazer


    Bio to follow…


    in reply to: OPERATION: DO MY DIRTY WORK #16832

    Blue Blazer

    Ugh, you guys are too damn good at this. All of the entries are awesome, but I had to choose the one that really captured my original visual image for the character, and that honor goes to…


    Good job, fella.

    in reply to: Heromachine Amalgam #16591

    Blue Blazer

    Awesome! Keep ’em coming, folks!

    in reply to: Heromachine Amalgam #16502

    Blue Blazer

    Awesome, dude! Exactly what I’m looking for!

    in reply to: Heromachine Amalgam #16467

    Blue Blazer

    I’m going to stick with the original plan, but extend the contest length to 10 days. Let’s kick this thing off with…


    Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to submit your own character to combine with this dude, and then submit a new character mixing visual elements of the two with a name that also combines the two names.


    in reply to: OPERATION: DO MY DIRTY WORK #16466

    Blue Blazer

    Since I, too, have been slack I will allow another 24 hours for this contest before declaring a winner.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #16179

    Blue Blazer

    It appears that the UGO forums no longer exist, which is distressing because that’s where all of my bios were. Oh dear…

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #16177

    Blue Blazer

    @Scatman said:

    hey he looks super wild,one question is he of white or african american ethnicicity?


Viewing 15 posts - 871 through 885 (of 1,172 total)