Blue Blazer

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  • in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #27776

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Brahma
    Real Name: Chris Cullom
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: part-bull DNA, with accompanying strength, size, and horns
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Citizen Heroes League
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: depowered
    In 2032, the technology-based company PresCorp discovered an amazing thing. By stimulating and manipulating the right genes, they could give a normal person amazing super powers temporarily. The effects lasted for about a week.
    To collect as much on this breakthrough as they could, PresCorp created a daughter company called Venture, Inc. Venture offered the process to those who would pay for it (a hefty sum), and then kept them on a compound on an otherwise deserted island. They would create adventures in which these people could use their powers. It was exclusively for the sake of entertainment and profit, letting the rich and influential people of the country live out the fantasy of being a superhero for a short time. Lengthy background checks were performed to ensure that none of the customers would use their powers for evil, as well as a cancellor gate, which would void all powers when passed through.

    There was a public outcry scolding Venture for making the experience so expensive and thus only for the wealthy, but no legal action could be carried out.

    But then the demons arrived.

    To call them demons is probably a misnomer. They were really just beings from another dimension. They had found a way to cross to our world, and when they saw that we were physically inferior, the invasion began. It soon became clear that the world’s existing heroes were not enough. Therefore, the US military declared martial law over Venture, Inc.

    The “hero surgery,” as it was known, suddenly became available to anyone for free, as long as they were willing to volunteer to help battle the armies of beasts. And thus, the Citizen Heroes League was formed. Many different powers were offered, and all were given to these everyday working people. Thousands applied and most were accepted. They were each given a crash course on how to control and use their newfound powers, and then they were sent to the fray. They were divided into teams of ten, each being led by a pre-existing superhero. makeshift hospitals were set up near the battle lines so that the week long powers could be continued as long as was necessary. They fought until the menace was destroyed. Many died in the battles. The rest returned to their normal, mundane lives, but with the memory of being and doing something extraordinary.

    Chris was a champion of the rodeo, breaking records almost every time he climbed onto the back of a bull. He loved the massive beasts he had learned to tame, and was always envious of their strength and raw power. He finally got the chance to become like one when he enlisted with the Citizen Heroes League. His power was customized to make him a humanoid version of a raging bull during the battles.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #27775

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Boy Howdy
    Real Name: Billy Yates
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: excellent hand-to-hand combatant
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: The Sidekicks
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    The Sidekicks are a band of former sidekicks who are fed up with following the orders of heroes who never listen to their ideas and treat them like inferiors. They have banded together to form their own team of crime fighters.

    Boy Howdy is the former sidekick of Ultimate Man; he got tired of Ultimate Man’s neverending struggle to be named Caligo’s new champion after the death of Mr. Ultimate; instead of fighting crime, Ultimate Man would rally for his candidacy; Boy Howdy now fights alongside his friends in a much more effective partnership.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #27774

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Boy Hornet
    Real Name: Todd Belmont
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: none
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: suit grants flight and limited armor
    Affiliations: Yellow Jacket
    Other Aliases: The Hornet
    Status: active
    He was the sidekick to Yellow Jacket until the hero was persuaded into evil. Now the Boy Hornet has begun to train himself in the ways of crime-fighting, determined to be a self-made man and hero. He has no special abilities, but through fierce training and rigorous exercises may one day emerge as a formidable warrior. He also has pangs of vengeance in his heart for the ugly scars left on his face in the battle he was forced to have with Yellow Jacket. 10 years after Yellow jacket’s betrayal, Boy Hornet has become an adult and changed his name to simply the Hornet. His Hornet Suit allows him to fly with mechanical wings, and gives him a small amount of body armor.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #27773

    Blue Blazer


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #27770

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: The Bowman
    Real Name: Cary Sinclair
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: expert archer
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: various specialty/trick bows and arrows
    Affiliations: none
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    Cary Sinclair, millionaire playboy with a huge inheritance and grand mansion, grew tired of his partying, womanizing, boozing ways and took up archery as a hobby. He soon found that he had a knack for the art, and became one of the world’s top archery professionals. His hunger for a better life not yet sated, Cary decided to help those less fortunate than him against the scum of the city streets. He fashioned himself a costume reminiscent of swashbuckler movies and took to the streets as the Bowman, using his aim with the bow and arrow to fight off the ever growing darkness.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #27765

    Blue Blazer

    Indeed. This will ultimately make it much easier to find individual characters when I need to.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #27759

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Boris Markinov
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: super strength
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: The Impossibles
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    The Impossibles are a team of superheroes who immigrated from their home country of Russia recently. They had grown tired of the grayness in the streets, skies, and faces of their country’s people. Each is in his or her late twenties or early thirties, and they quickly found upon arriving in America that they had their work cut out for them. Here, in this highly commercialized, rich land, crime and villainy were abundant, and they knew instantly that they had travelled across the world for a higher purpose. In little time, the Impossibles had become one of the foremost champions for justice in Caligo.

    Boris is the least intelligent of the Impossibles, but oddly the most gentle-natured. He loves children and helps out doing volunteer work in the city when not heroing. But when his team members are threatened, Boris fights with a passion unrivaled by most.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #27757

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Boost
    Real Name: Avery Amundsen
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: none
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: physical enhancement suit
    Affiliations: none
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    Avery was once a career gambler down on his luck and at the end of his rope. He got in deep with some very unsavory types, owing them an impossible debt. He skipped town and went off the grid, camping out in the woods until he could think of an escape. One nigh t he was awoken by a bright flash and a thunderous cacophony nearby. When he went to investigate, he discovered a crashed spaceship, and its sole occupant near death in the grass, wearing a bizarre golden suit. When the creature died, the suit detached, and then it sped through the air and reassembled around Avery before he even realized what was happening. After a brief moment of horrible pain, Avery began to hear a robotic voice instructing him that he was the new wielder of the suit – a technological battle armor that fuses itself into various parts of its wearer’s body and giving it incredible powers beyond human capability. Now reborn as the hero Boost, Avery has kicked his gambling habit, turned over a new leaf, and with the aid of his new suit, fights crime on the streets of Caligo. The suit gives Avery incredible strength and speed, various types of vision and hearing, and a mental clarity that allows him to come up with unique solutions to dire situations.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #27717

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Boone
    Real Name: unknown
    Genre: crime lord
    Powers/Special Skills: expert at all forms of melee and martial arts combat
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: katana swords; steel face mask
    Affiliations: The Network
    Other Aliases: The Steel Shadow
    Status: at large
    Boone is one of the most feared criminal minds in the history of America. He heads up the national syndicate known as the Network. His identity completely unknown, Boone is always able to evade capture during his criminal dealings. He has no mercy for anyone, including his vast web of followers. Though Boone generally prefers to delegate responsibilities, he is more than capable of holding his own in a fight against any challenger.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #27716

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Boomerang
    Real Name: Anthony Clark
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: Mentally change the direction of any object already in motion
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Dynamos Special Forces
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    Anthony had no idea he was a mutant through his entire childhood. He grew up in a poor neighborhood in Mercury Mile, an infamously shady part of Ford City. But much to his mother’s delight, Anthony was able to get a scholarship to Malachi University thanks to his amazing ability int he game of basketball.

    But his dream of being the first person in his family to earn a degree was cut short during a basketball game. Anthony jumped to block an opponent’s shot and, though his fingers clearly made no contact with either the ball or the shooter, the shot was deflected.

    An investigation ensued, brought on by the sudden insurgence of mutants across the country, and it was found that Anthony was indeed superhuman. Despite swearing that he had no knowledge of his power, Anthony was kicked off th team and his scholarship was revoked. Unable to pay for any more semesters of college, he was forced to drop out and move back in with his mother. He began work at a local gas station.

    One fateful night, while Anthony and another cashier were working, an armed man entered the store and demanded money. When Anthony’s co-worker told him they never had more than $50 in the store at a time, the robber pulled the trigger of his pistol, aimed directly at the other man. Reacting at a speed that amazed even himself, Anthony was able to change the bullet’s direction to spin around and hit the mugger instead.

    The criminal was apprehended and Anthony suddenly realized that he had the power to right many wrongs in the city. For a while he operated only in Mercury Mile, but soon let his presence and his power be known over all of Ford City.

    He joined the Dynamos Special Forces after watching them battle the villain Mastermind and his minions.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #27711

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Boneyard
    Real Name: Phil Santiago
    Genre: Hitman
    Powers/Special Skills: weapons expert
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: Kevlar suit; enormous gun
    Affiliations: Sphinx Foundation
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    A hitman hired by the nefarious Sphinx Foundation. He was subjected to a surgery during which a microchip was attached to his brain, allowing his employers complete control of his body. When being controlled, Boneyard has no thought other than to completely obey the commands given to him. His kill tally is in the thousands.



    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #27706

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Bones O’Malley
    Real Name: Jonathan O’Malley
    Genre: Mafia
    Powers/Special Skills: excellent aim with handgun
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: twin revolvers
    Affiliations: The O’Malley Gang
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    Bones is the second oldest of the O’Malley siblings. His nickname comes from his unnaturally thin body and his affinity for murder. His chief weapon is the Colt .45 revolver. He fiercely misses their native country of Ireland and is often seen trying to convince his family to move back there.



    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #27701

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Bonebender
    Real Name: Blaine Porter, Sr.
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: ability to stretch and bend the bones of other people
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: medeival-style armor
    Affiliations: Bone
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: deceased
    Bonebender was one of the most feared villains of the time. He had the mutant ability to manipulate bones, whether they be in a living person or part of a skeleton. He was able to cause extreme pain and even death in humans, bending their skeletons, and if he focused hard enough, ripping them completely out of a person’s body. In his wake lay the limp, formless corpses of his victims. He sought domination of the world, moving toward his aspiration one bone at a time. He was the father of hero Blaine Porter and villain Bone, who was his apprentice until he murdered his father and continued his dream of world conquest.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #27696

    Blue Blazer

    Name: The Bone King
    Genre: Evil Spirit
    Powers/Special Skills: voodoo magic, able to steal bones from living things
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: supernatural chest plate; necromancer cane
    Affiliations: The Black Menagerie
    Other Aliases: Boogeyman
    Status: at large
    When little Cajun children refuse to go to bed, their parents tell them the story of the Bone King. They say that he walks through the night, visiting the house of every child, and steals the bones of the children who are still awake. He uses these bones in his dark rituals, raising the dead, cursing the houses of his enemies, calling forth strange powers, and bending evil sprits to his will. The Bone King’s face is painted like a skull, and he wears a ribcage on his chest for supernatural armor.

    What these parents don’t realize is that there really is a Bone King on the loose, exhibiting the same eerie powers of his namesake. He is the co-founder and co-leader of the Black Menagerie.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #27661

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Bone
    Real Name: Gareth Porter
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: bone spikes
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Bonebender
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    Gareth is the son of villain Bonebender and the younger brother of hero Blaine Porter. When Blaine distanced himself from his evil father, Gareth decided to stay and become his father’s apprentice. He, like his brother, had inherited Bonebender’s ability to manipulate bone growth, but only in his own body. This gives him the ability to grow bone spikes from himself to create dangerous barbs. Gareth helped his father wreak havoc on the populace, until his greed overtook him and he desired more power. He murdered his villainous father and took his place as the dark counterpart to his brother.


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