Blue Blazer

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  • in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #33377

    Blue Blazer

    The representative from Louisiana is Will O’ The Wisp, a former Confederate soldier who died in a swamp but was changed into a semi-tangible spirit by the ghost lights over the bayou.


    in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #33294

    Blue Blazer

    Kentucky’s seat on the Fifty belongs to Louisville Slugger, a super-strong ex-boxer with a surprisingly friendly demeanor.


    in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #33291

    Blue Blazer

    The representative from Kansas is Wind Machine, who can throw powerful miniature cyclones from his suit.


    in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #33290

    Blue Blazer

    Iowa’s place in the Fifty is filled by the diminutive but super-tough man/canine hybrid Bulldog!


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #33061

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Challenger
    Real Name: Rob Stuart
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: none
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: techno-suit
    Affiliations: CPD
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    Another contender for the position of Caligo’s greatest champion in the wake of Mr. Ultimate’s passing. He is actually Rob Stuart, a police officer who was given a chance at greatness when he was offered the Challenger armor, a highly advanced, weaponized suit that offers him flight, near-invulnerability, and an array of high-powered weapons. In keeping with his new name, Rob is fiercely competitive and views everything in life as a fight to be the best.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #33059

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Chain
    Real Name: George Grogan
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: above-average strength
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: magic chain
    Affiliations: Slythe Blackman
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    The story of the supervillain Chain actually began hundreds of years ago in another world. In this place, a dimension of magic, there lived two wizards. One, a lonely, humble hermit named Brom, lived deep in a vast desert. The other, a scheming warlock named Slythe, had manipulated his way to the position of High Advisor to the King. From the first time they met, these two men knew they were destined to battle. And battle they did, until the epic conclusion. Neither wizard seemed able to kill the other, but Brom managed to bind Slythe’s essence within a long iron chain. He then hid the warlock’s inert body in a secret cave.

    Brom passed the centuries perfecting and honing the arts of white magic, always keeping the chain that held the vengeful spirit of his enemy. When he knew that he had learned everything he possibly could in his world, Brom discovered a way to transport himself into ours. His entry point was in Caligo City, present day. He procured a small, humble house in the suburbs and continued his search for knowledge.

    George Grogan was a common thug whose favorite method of theft was breaking and entering. He watched the wizard’s routine and until he knew the old man would be gone, never suspecting that he was an ancient magician. George broke in and was both shocked and disappointed at how simply the old man lived. Back in a closet, George found what looked like an old treasure chest, but when he broke it open, he found only a long, coiled chain. But something about the chain made him yearn to touch it, and as soon as he did, his life changed forever. The chain spoke to him, in his mind, and promised fame and fortune if he would take it out of the house with him. The selfishness within George was enough to partially break Brom’s spell, giving Slythe the power to use George Gorgan as his conduit for magic. Man and iron work together to wreak havoc on the streets of Caligo.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #33057

    Blue Blazer

    Thanks, dudes.

    in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #12698

    Blue Blazer

    All good ones, although Hawkeye is out for obvious reasons and my Texas rep is Yellow Rose, so I may be able to do something with Cyclone…

    in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #21606

    Blue Blazer

    Still planning on finishing the Fifty. Anybody know anything about Iowa that might translate into a good superhero?

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #12700

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Centennial Man
    Real Name: James Lorrin
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: gains new power annually
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: none
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    When he saved the life of an old mountain mage, Jim Lorrin was given, in return, the Hundred Year Blessing. From that point on, every year a new section of Jim’s brain would be unlocked, until the hundredth year when he would be granted complete nirvana. It has now been 5 years since, and already Jim has acquired abilities beyond his wildest imagination. He believes that at the hundredth year, he will become a being of pure energy and rise to a higher plane of existence.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #15962

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Cayman
    Real Name: Neil Worthy
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: humanoid crocodile
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Sinister Society
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    Neil was a genetics expert developing an experimental life-prolonging drug for living organisms. The only one he could isolate as a potential success was a crocodile serum. But while injecting the test subject, Dr. Worthy was accidentally scratched by the creatures sharp claw. The serum caused Dr. Worthy to change into a large humanoid crocodile, with amazing crushing power in his jaws and a powerful, destructive tail. He also has the thick, scaly skin of a crocodile. Unable to do anything else with his life and infuriated that his funding had been pulled after the accident, Dr. Worthy let his heart harden and he joined the Sinister Society, where he is able to illegally continue his research when he’s not wreaking havoc.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #18273

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Cavalier
    Real Name: Clayton Cobb
    Genre: Masked Hero
    Powers/Special Skills: expert swordsman and acrobat
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: custom-made rapier
    Affiliations: None
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: deceased
    The year was 1908 when news of a mysterious masked man wielding a sword first surfaced on the streets of Caligo. With the proximity of the newly built intercoastal railroad, the once small hamlet of Caligo had grown almost overnight into an expansive, bustling city. With this growth inevitably came more and more crime. The police could only do so much, and the civilians had no way to fight back against the ever looming darkness.

    Clayton Cobb had been in love with stories of adventure by the swashbucklers of Robin Hood and pirate books when he was a child. As he grew, his adventurous side matured into a deep admiration for the works of Shakespeare, and he became a stage actor in Caligo’s theater district.

    One day the theater was burned to the ground by mobsters who had tried to force the owner to pay them for “protection”. When he had refused, they destroyed the theater and everything in it. Clayton had finally had it with the crime wave in Caligo. One night he dressed up in some costume pieces he kept at home and a prop sword from one of his plays, and patrolled the streets. He stopped three crimes that first night, but the fake sword was broken in half. He commissioned a friend to make him a real one, balanced perfectly for his hands, and from then on used the rapier and the physical training he’d undergone to prepare for fight scenes in plays to become Caligo’s very first costumed hero.

    Cavalier’s reign of salvation lasted three decades, until Clayton was killed in a knife fight he was trying to stop in a pub in Caligo. His statue stands next to that of Mr. Ultimate, Caligo’s most famous superhero, in the city square.


    in reply to: CantDraw Gallery of Bad Art #32655

    Blue Blazer

    I’d like to take a class on the physics of American Phantom/American Spirit’s breasts.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #32387

    Blue Blazer

    Thanks, peeps.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #32322

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Cat O’ Nine
    Real Name: Karen West
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: proficient with whipping weapons; martial artist
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: cat o’ nine tails whips
    Affiliations: none
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    Karen West was abducted at the age of 13 by the psychotic villain Lasher. He kept her in his basement for 5 years, whipping her savagely several times a day for his own enjoyment. But Lasher’s sick fetish one day became his ruin. Karen escaped after those five long years. Though she had been horribly traumatized by the experience, she was able to enter back into society relatively quickly; in fact she had found a new sense of ambition. Enduring submission for so long had made Karen yearn for strength. She made up the last 5 years of school within a few months, and actually graduated the same year she would have had she not been kidnapped. She graduated from college 4 years later, and then began her training – the training she would need to rid the world of Lasher. She quickly became a proficient martial artist, and following the footsteps of her childhood idols, superheroes, she fashioned a menacing black cat costume, got her hands on a pair of nasty whips, and set out to become a hero herself. When she was satisfied with her skill, Karen sought out Lasher and in a blind rage killed him. Her hunger for vengeance finally fulfilled, Karen set her sights on other villains who targeted young women and children. Though Karen is usually a force of good, at time she has flashbacks of her time in captivity and goes way overboard with the violence.



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