Blue Blazer

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  • in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #34958

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Cooper Teague
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: super strength, stamina, and durability
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: The Protectorate
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    Cooper doesn’t see the point in flashy spandex costumes, masks, capes, and the other drama commonly associated with superheroes of the day. He thinks far more logically than most people, which is why he is perfect for the role of leader of the Protectorate. He tolerates the other members’ quirks, squabbles, and eccentricities, but when the team is not out fighting evil or training, he keeps mostly to himself. But don’t misunderstand – he will fight to defend his adopted family with the might and passion of a titan.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #34955

    Blue Blazer

    @Herr D said:

    Nah, man; I already can’t even hear my OWN voice in my head, let alone ‘extra’ ones. Too much hearing loss from raising young. Such is the life of a modern human daddy. Excessive sleep dep, worry-related symptoms, hearing loss, and shoulder reflux. At least the shoulder reflux is on the way out with them getting a little older.

    –Wait a minute. If someone is DEAF AND SCHIZOPHRENIC, do they NOT hear voices in their heads? I mean, that would kind of be a dead giveaway that they weren’t real, right? I wonder who knows the answer to that one?

    Oh, well; nice work on the Constrictor. Can he give gentle hugs too, or does he not have the control?

    I hear you on the parenthood, Herr. I have a little Mini-Me and two future stepkids. I get it.

    Constrictor can definitely give gentle hugs. He just has very little opportunity.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #34863

    Blue Blazer

    Maybe instead of an anti-depressant you should try an anti-psychotic? Just a thought. ;)

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #34856

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Constrictor
    Real Name: James Joyner
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: superstrength
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: powerful artificial tail
    Affiliations: none
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    James spent 4 months constructing his serpent suit, complete with a huge, heavy tail that he can maneuver to destroy things in its path. He also has superhuman strength, which he likes to use by giving his victims crushing bear hugs, squeezing them unconscious and sometimes killing them. He uses his suit and strength to commit various crimes.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #34850

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: The Confectioner
    Real Name: Jean-Paul Baptiste
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: expert fudge maker; mental control of his chocolate minions
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: magic wooden spoon
    Affiliations: none
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: incarcerated at Thorne Hill asylum
    Jean-Paul was a world-renowned chocolate baker, in the running for the World Series of Bakers trophy. When he received only second place, Jean-Paul let his ego get the better of him and he vowed revenge. Searching through ancient books on black magic, he came upon a spell that could enchant objects made of wood, and to his surprise, it worked on his favorite mixing spoon. The spoon now gives life to all of the chocolate it mixes, giving Jean-Paul the ability to create small living minions made of chocolate that do his every bidding. When he’s not locked up at Thorne Hill, he is committing gooey, semi-sweet crimes in Caligo. He is one of the C-list villains in the Raven’s huge rogue’s gallery.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #34849

    Blue Blazer

    True enough! Sometimes when you have supreme intelligence, you sacrifice common sense and the ability to keep track of your stuff. I envision this as a mostly humorous comic book, with Conduit and the Nordons bickering constantly while Cam figures out how to use the suit.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #34840

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Conduit
    Real Name: Cam Collins
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: ever-expanding collection of abilities; so far super strength and speed, x-ray vision, energy emission, levitation
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: super-tech suit
    Affiliations: Nordon scientists
    Other Aliases: Millenial
    Status: active
    The Nordons are a race of hyper-intelligent beings who live in a dimension different than our own. Every thousand years, a path of doorways opens to them through every dimension, and they go on a search for a hero to seek out an ancient artifact stolen from them millions of years ago. That one person is given an insanely technologically advanced suit through which the Nordons can communicate with him/her, see through the lenses of the mask, and channel their own energy and power. When the champion is selected, he or she is given the suit and it bonds with their body and mind and will not work for any other creature until its wearer dies…

    The Nordons made their quest for a hero just a few short months ago. When they came to our dimension, they were quick to move through it, sensing no entities with enough intelligence to wield the suit. But, through one mishap or another, they accidentally lost the suit on Earth before passing through the dimensional gate and onto the next world. The suit was found by twenty-something slacker Cam Collins. He found a small round case, and when he opened it, he found a green and white amorphous blob that suddenly leapt from the case and molded around his body. The Nordon scientists had returned to their own world in disgrace over losing the suit, but they were alerted to its activation and their despair deepened when they discovered that it had bonded with a human. Off of his body, it is useless. Reluctantly, the Nordons, speaking through the suit, began to instruct Cam on how to use it, and he became the hero Conduit. Though he spends most of his suit time fighting criminals in Caligo, he also actively searches for the Nordons’ lost artifact, which they say will save their race from annihilation.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #34822

    Blue Blazer


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #34797

    Blue Blazer

    Name: The Condimental
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: telekinetic control over all condiments
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: none
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    The Condimental is a wise old man who can move condiments with his mind. From ketchup to relish, from barbeque sauce to chopped onions, if he can see it, he can move it. He also likes to impart cryptic, often indecipherable wisdom. The Condimental exists in the Escape Goat humorous universe.



    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #34796

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Comrade Kremlin
    Real Name: Anton Umanov
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: super strength, stamina, durability; flight
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Dankevitch Karensky
    Other Aliases: Super Soviet; Kladenets
    Status: active
    Anton was a famous actor, usually portraying a giant or ultra strong hero in Russian films in the 60’s. When the USSR and America were at the height of the Cold War, demented Soviet government scientist Dankevitch Karensky began experiments to create superhuman soldiers. Anton, thanks to an already impressive build, was asked to volunteer for the experiments, and when it was done he emerged as Comrade Kremlin, super friend to all Russians. But it soon became clear that Karensky’s main motivation was the unification of all Soviet people under one belief, a morale booster to help bolster Communist power. The Comrade appeared on countless propaganda television shows and war films, and in America he became known as the Super Soviet. Though Comrade Kremlin did as he was told, Anton really had no knowledge of or interest in politics or war. Eventually he came to realize that the common people of his country were suffering under the weight of the government, and he denounced his home nation, defecting to the U.S. After a rocky start amid rising anti-communist paranoia, Anton was finally accepted into American society, and even changed his superhero name to Kladenets, after a magical sword from old Russian folklore.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #34785

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Commander Victory
    Real Name: Stephen Burke
    Genre: Superhero (Golden Age)
    Powers/Special Skills: super strength
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Centurion; Ladybird
    Past Aliases: none
    Status: retired
    In his time, Stephen was the strongest man alive, able to lift a locomotive above his head with ease. But he is now old and the father of another superhero, Hyperion. Stephen was very strict on his son, pushing him to embrace his superpowers with fervor and to put them above all else. He could normally be seen standing in dramatic poses. Stephen is retired and living with his wife Daisy in Crescent, Florida. He is married to former heroine Ladybird.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #34784

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Commander Canada
    Real Name: John Lafayette
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: excellent hand-to-hand combatant
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: bulletproof armor
    Affiliations: Canadian Special Intelligence; Canadian National Heroes
    Past Aliases: none
    Status: active
    Commander Canada acts not only as a spy for the Canadian government, but he also serves as a beacon of justice across the nation. John Lafayette was a member of the Canadian Special Forces and was handpicked out of a select few outstanding soldiers to compete for the prized role as Commander Canada. He displays no hyper-natural powers, but has been outfitted with an array of weapons and gadgetry for both combat and stealth. After his solo work as a champion for his country, Commander Canada was placed as the leader of the Canadian National Heroes.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #34783

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Colt
    Real Name: Jacob Shaw
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: super speed
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: wind-resistant suit and helmet
    Affiliations: none
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    Jacob Shaw is the millionaire CEO of Shaw International Banking. He’s got everything he could possibly wants, and one thing he doesn’t. He’s a closet alcoholic, drinking himself into oblivion almost every night. However, Jacob has something else – super speed. He often uses his power to fight crime and therefore keep his mind off of liquor for as long as he can. But he has so far been unable to kick the habit. Jacob lives in the penthouse suite of Caligo’s most elite building, Dupree Towers.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #34779

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Colonel Corn
    Genre: Anti-hero (humorous)
    Powers/Special Skills: enhanced strength and size; expert marksman
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: various corn-based firearms
    Affiliations: none
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    A trigger-happy anti-hero with a penchant for all things maize. He carries two guns; one takes ears of corn as magazines and fires individual kernels like bullets; the other shoots hot butter fed through a tube from a large metal vat he carries on his back.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #34776

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Collie
    Real Name: Rosanna Larkin
    Genre: Guard
    Powers/Special Skills: expert with katana, martial arts master
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: two custom katana swords; two standard issue 9mm pistols
    Affiliations: The M.A.C.H.I.N.E.
    Other Aliases: Rosie Red
    Status: deceased
    Collie was a guard at the main building of the Maximum Allied Covert Headquarters for International Espionage (M.A.C.H.I.N.E.). Like her, all of the other guards were named after various breeds of dog. Collie, though, was unique in that she was the first line of defense against any intruders. She was a master swordswoman and fiercely loyal to the organization. She was one of the few members of the MACHINE to be spared by Rage’s wrathful destruction of the facility. She re-invented herself as Rosie Red, a bodyguard/assassin for hire.



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