Blue Blazer

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  • in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #42787

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Executioner
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: super strength
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: huge axe
    Affiliations: The Negamen
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    The soulless villain Negaman, a being composed completely of anti-matter, found a way to extract a piece of himself, thereby creating an extremely dangerous weapon. When the Negabomb went off in downtown Caligo City, it did not destroy any buildings or people. Instead, it created negative copies of all of Caligo’s many superheroes, giving rise to the largest army of evil the world had ever seen. The following is a list of the newly designed supervillains, each as powerful as their originals.

    The Executioner is the negative of Defender. The Executioner has taken Defender’s court-themed heroing one step further and carries around a long axe, which he uses to decapitate “defendants,” which are actually innocent victims of his psychotic nature.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #42776

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: The Evil Eye
    Real Name: Stephen Moreland
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: telepathy, telekinesis, precognition
    Affiliations: none
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    He was born with a blind third eye in the center of his forehead, unable to be removed because its nerves were tangled so tightly with his brain. He soon discovered that the eye was a gateway to the usually untapped areas of his brain, giving him the abilities of telekinesis, telepathy, and precognition. Driven insane by the constant jaunts and ridicule at his hideous eye, he now lives a life of crime as the Evil Eye.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #42772

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Everyman
    Real Name: Geoff Rockwell
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: physical mimicry
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: N-Force
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    Geoff’s body automatically records all of the physical attributes of any human with whom he comes into contact. He can then change his own appearance to mimic any of them.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #42759

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Euwadell
    Genre: Fantasy
    Powers/Special Skills: unable to die of natural causes, expert swordsman and bowman
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: sword and shield
    Affiliations: Elves of the Eldrin Sea
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: n/a
    Euwadell is a young elf warrior, living with his clan on the shores of the Eldrin Sea, which lies in the southwest corner of Fontegan.


    in reply to: Comic Book Character Name Game #42756

    Blue Blazer


    in reply to: Word Association Game #42755

    Blue Blazer

    Legion of Doom

    in reply to: Movie character name game #42754

    Blue Blazer

    Owen Lars (Star Wars)

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #42752

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Estrella
    Real Name: Maria Delgado
    Genre: Superhero
    Power/Special Skills: astral energy projection
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Citizens’ Hero League
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: de-powered
    In 2032, the technology-based company PresCorp discovered an amazing thing. By stimulating and manipulating the right genes, they could give a normal person amazing super powers temporarily. The effects lasted for about a week.
    To collect as much on this breakthrough as they could, PresCorp created a daughter company called Venture, Inc. Venture offered the process to those who would pay for it (a hefty sum), and then kept them on a compound on an otherwise deserted island. They would create adventures in which these people could use their powers. It was exclusively for the sake of entertainment and profit, letting the rich and influential people of the country live out the fantasy of being a superhero for a short time. Lengthy background checks were performed to ensure that none of the customers would use their powers for evil, as well as a cancellor gate, which would void all powers when passed through. There was a public outcry scolding Venture for making the experience so expensive and thus only for the wealthy, but no legal action could be carried out.

    But then the demons arrived.

    To call them demons is actually a misnomer. They were really just beings from another dimension. They had found a way to cross to our world, and when they saw that we were physically inferior, the invasion began. It soon became clear that the world’s existing heroes were not enough. Therefore, the US military declared martial law over Venture, Inc.

    The “hero surgery,” as it was known, suddenly became available to anyone for free, as long as they were willing to volunteer to help battle the armies of beasts. And thus, the Citizens’ League of Heroes was formed. Many different powers were offered, and all were given to these everyday working people. Thousands applied and most were accepted. They were each given a crash course on how to control and use their newfound powers, and then they were sent to the fray. They were divided into teams of ten, each being led by a pre-existing superhero. makeshift hospitals were set up near the battle lines so that the week long powers could be continued as long as was necessary. They fought until the menace was destroyed. Many died in the battles. The rest returned to their normal, mundane lives, but with the memory of having been and done something extraordinary.

    Maria’s incredible defenive energy blasts keep her from being hurt, a fear she has had since she was a little girl. Also as a child, she would look up at the stars above her and wonder what made them shine so brightly. Now she knows.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #42736

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Essence
    Real Name: Amelia Burns
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: able to manifest her soul in various forms
    Affiliations: none
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    The soul is a complex creature. It is filled with all of the experiences, emotions, memories, and desires of its host. It is the passionate belligerence of war and the quiet quest for peace. It is forgiveness and vengeance. It is lust and purity, wrath and happiness. It is greed and selflessness, gluttony and abstinence, envy and acceptance. The soul is both good and evil.

    None know this better than Amelia Burns. She is able to release her very soul, her very life force, through her skin and use it as she may. It can be a dangerous ball of vindictive flame or a calming wave of peace. It can be a weapon or a defense. There seems to be no limit to what Amelia, known in the hero world as Essence, can do with her soul. She uses it sparingly, knowing that at any moment it can get out of her grasp and function on its own, a confused power none could harness.



    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #42748

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Esmerelda MacArthur
    Genre: Superhero (Golden Age)
    Powers/Special Skills: possesses the Emerald Flame
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: Ethereal Belt
    Affiliations: Max MacArthur, Jade MacArthur
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: retired
    When Esmerelda Van Horst was a child, she was visited by a cosmic being who, in fear of losing it, bestowed her with a golden belt. This belt gave its wearer the power of the Emerald Flame. Esmerelda was suddenly endowed with the ability to create green flames with her hands and throw them with fierce accuracy. Her skin and hair were changed to the color of jade, as well. As she grew up, Esmerelda became familiar enough with her ability that she decided to use it to fight crime in Caligo. While there, she met and married Max MacArthur, also known as Metal Max. Her husband became her guardian from the dark forces seeking the golden belt, and the two battled evil side-by-side for many years until they retired to Florida where they reside today.

    Esmerelda passed the belt down to her daughter Jade, who has filled her mother’s shoes quite effectively.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #42731

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Escape Goat
    Genre: Superhero (Humorous)
    Powers/Special Skills: able to eat any substance; excellent climber
    Affiliations: Queso Diablo
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    When Escape Goat’s parents realized his ability (he ate a spoon) they rushed him to the hospital, where the doctor told them their baby was simply a special case. So, as any loving, understanding parents would do, they sold him to the circus where he challenged anyone to bring in an item they thought he couldn’t eat. For years he went un-stumped, until one day, someone brought something in that he couldn’t eat. Ashamed, he left the circus and became a crime fighter. His adventures brought him to the bustling metropolis of Blue Fork City, where he has encountered many strange characters, most notably his now-sidekick, Queso Diablo.



    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #42716

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Eron
    Genre: Alien
    Powers/Special Skills: none
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: Valkini royal armor
    Affiliations: Kingdom of Valkin, planet Xyn
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: ruler of Valkin
    Eron is the current king of the realm of Valkin on the planet Xyn. He is a cruel, selfish tyrant, and loves to send his armies out to harrass his people, as well as the people of other areas of the planet.


    in reply to: Blazer’s New Stuff #42714

    Blue Blazer

    Character Contest entry


    in reply to: Word Association Game #42248

    Blue Blazer


    in reply to: Movie character name game #42247

    Blue Blazer

    Dana Barrett (Ghostbusters)

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