Blue Blazer

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  • in reply to: enter into the scary door #124539

    Blue Blazer

    Very cool. I like his power, very unique.

    in reply to: Yin's Universe #124538

    Blue Blazer

    You have a good eye for effective color combinations. Good work.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124537

    Blue Blazer

    Thanks, Yin!

    in reply to: Vampyrist’s Corner #124536

    Blue Blazer

    Connor Smith looks bad to the bone, dude.

    in reply to: MaDPac’s Land #124534

    Blue Blazer

    Bulldozer looks sick!


    And the large revolving gun on Hunchback is…interestingly placed.

    in reply to: The House of Overkill #124533

    Blue Blazer

    Awesome Man is very handsome…

    in reply to: My Collection of Creative Imagination #124532

    Blue Blazer

    You have an awesome knack for creating dynamic poses. Bang up job, fella.

    in reply to: Wolf Master’s Character gallery #124531

    Blue Blazer

    I really like Immodus’s suit design. You managed to utilize the “less is more” approach while still managing to deliver a flashy product. My hat = off.

    in reply to: Candruth’s Characters :3 #124530

    Blue Blazer

    Just wanted to pop by and say how impressive your work is. Keep it up!

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124526

    Blue Blazer

    Name: The Genie

    Genre: Fantasy

    Powers/Special Skills: virtually limitless magical ability

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliations: The Faerie Queen

    Other Aliases: Jinn

    Status: exists in the Book of Fables


    The Genie of the Lamp lives, along with all other characters from all fairy tales, in the Book of Fables, a pocket dimension contained inside an actual book. He has existed since time out of mind as a creature who must grant three wishes to each subsequent master who possesses his lamp. For the first few centuries of his existence, the Genie was happy to serve his human masters, often even making suggestions of wishes that he knew would improve their lives. But little by little, the roots of envy began to grow in his heart, watching men and women gain their hearts’ greatest desires while he was no more than a magical slave. He began to take his revenge on humankind by granting wishes with terrible, ironic consequences. He spent many years then as a malevolent jinn, until he finally fell into the hands of Aladdin. In this humble, kind-hearted boy, the evil genie finally saw his chance to rid himself of he shackles of the lamp. He pretended to be his old self, jovial and good, granting Aladdin’s first two wishes with a smile, but all the while he was manipulating the boy into using the third wish to set him free. The scheme worked, and as soon as the Genie was out of his prison, he went on a terrible rampage, decimating villages and lsaughtering hundreds of people until he was finally contained by the dark magic of the Faerie Queen. She used her new found prisoner to gain control of the Book of Fables and rule the world of fairy tales, and then she struck a shady deal with the Genie – if he would break his rule and grant her as many wishes as she pleased, she would one day free him permanently from the lamp. Seeing no other option, and unable to manipulate the Faerie Queen as he had the naive and gullible Aladdin, the Genie agreed to her terms and has been her henchman ever since, dreaming of the day that he can once again roam the world spreading havoc and chaos.



    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124468

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Gemini

    Real Name: Alice Ma

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: able to split into two copies of herself

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliations: The Celestials

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: active


    Alice was born in America, but her parents had moved there from China shortly after Alice’s mother discovered she was pregnant. Alice was supposed to be one in a pair of twin girls, but tragically Alice’s fetus absorbed her twin’s. But that was not the last of Alice’s sister. She manifested herself in a superpower of Alice’s, allowing her to split into two replicas of herself. The twin is named Amelia and has her own personality and antics, but both girls have a deep calling to fight injustice. Amelia is only able to stay out of Alice’s body for about an hour at a time, with a necessary 24 hours to recover once back inside. Alice is currently the youngest member of the Celestials, a group of superheroes based on the Zodiac.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124353

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Geist

    Name: Klaus Fenderstein

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: able to become both invisible and intangible, as well as anything he touches

    Affiliations: UNified Defense Emergency Regulation Division Of Global Security (UNDERDOGS)

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: active


    For years, Klaus worked as a thief, easily penetrating the toughest security systems in Hamburg. But one day he saved the life of a young girl and decided to heed a higher calling. He quickly became the city’s greatest hero, and quickly caught the eye of the U.N.D.E.R.D.O.G.S. leaders. “Geist” is German for “ghost.”


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124352

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Gecko

    Real Name: Xander Locke

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: Olympic level acrobat

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: vertical adherence suit, 360 degree visor

    Affiliations: The Underground

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: active in the near future


    In the late 2060’s, it will become evident to a few that the dealings of a shadowy company known as the Sphinx Foundation are in reality preparations for the capture and control of the United States. Because of this intelligence, a group of five superhumans formed a clandestine group called the Underground, dedicated to undermining and sabotaging the efforts of Sphinx.

    Xander is the team’s often reluctant leader. He hates the responsibility of ordering his friends into harm’s way, but they have accepted them as the head of the group. His suit allows him to adhere to any surface, utilizing gravitational and magnetic manipulation. He also wears a special visor that allows him to see in all 360 degrees around him at once.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124338

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Gazelle

    Real Name: Andrea Gray

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: superspeed

    Affiliations: Division-X, Impala

    Other Aliases: Impala

    Status: active


    Andrea knew from an early age that she was different from other people, but something told her even as a child to keep it secret. So she only ran at superhuman speed when she was all alone playing in the woods. That is, until her late twenties, when she took on the alias Impala and fought crime with her gift. What she didn’t know was that her little sister Britt had the same power, and that Britt knew Andrea’s secret. Britt finally told Andrea the truth, and threatened to tell the world the true identity of Impala if she didn’t let Britt accompany her on her patrols of the city.

    Britt’s blackmail went further when she forced Andrea to give up the Impala mantle and give it to Britt. Andrea then assumed the name Gazelle and the two sisters fought crime together as a high-speed duo. Eventually Andrea’s resentment towards her little sis faded and they formed a tight bond.

    But at some point both sisters knew it was time to part ways as crimefighters and go solo. Britt stayed on her own while Andrea joined the city-funded team called Division-X.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124337

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Gavin Swift

    Real Name: Gavin Windrider

    Genre: Medeival/Fantasy

    Powers/Special Skills: able to run at super speeds

    Affiliations: Windrider Clan, Court of Orrin

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: none


    Gavin is descended from the Windrider Clan, a bloodline with the power to run at amazing speeds. For this gift, Gavin was made the Royal Courier of the king of Orrin. It is his job to convey messages from Orrin to other kingdoms in Fontegan.



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