Blue Blazer

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  • in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #125004

    Blue Blazer

    Argh, every third or fourth post I make, when I hit “submit” I’m bounced to the first page of this thread and the post I just finished gets erased. What up widdat?

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124963

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Golden Eagle

    Real Name: John Cramer

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: levitation, supersonic flight, limited gravity control

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliations: UNified Defense Emergency Regulation Division Of Global Security (UNDERDOGS)

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: active


    John was a carpenter before he became the first member and leader of the U.N.D.E.R.D.O.G.S. He used his ability to fly and cause inanimate objects to levitate to build houses at amazing speeds, all on his own. Though his mutant abilities only include his ability to fly and affect gravity, he is in peak physical condition and a skilled martial artist.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124960

    Blue Blazer

    Coincidentally enough, this is Gold Rush, the Fifty representative from California. He is a super speedster.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124958

    Blue Blazer

    Gold and Silver are an inseparable couple who take their names from the metals that compose their bodies. They represent the state of Montana in the national team the Fifty.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124952

    Blue Blazer

    The Glutton is a terrifying serial killer whose ravenous hunger is satisfied only by human flesh. In a psychotic fervor, he performed crude surgery on himself, removing all of his teeth and replacing them with jagged sheets of metal. The Glutton is a member of the Seven Deadly Sins, led by Avarice.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124951

    Blue Blazer

    Cliff. Holy hell, man. I really appreciate that you took that much time to browse and comment.


    ams, I haven’t posted any of the other First Ladies yet. The next will be Liberty Belle, when I get round to that. And I’m currently kicking myself for not catching Glory’s backwards hands.


    Thanks for the comments, guys!

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124941

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Glow Worm (never legally named)

    Genre: Superhero

    PowersSpecial Skills: worm-like body, able to glow, genius intellect

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliations: The Honor Guard

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: active


    Glow Worm was born in his hideous form, with his legs replaced by the lower half of a giant worm. His parents were disgusted, to such an extent that they dropped him off on the side of a rural road a few days after his birth. His preternatural instincts and ability to green with a soft green light kept him alive and safe from predators. He was found by members of the Power House school, where child superhumans can go to harness their powers and get an education away from the judgment of others. Glow Worm was brought to the school and raised as if he were like any other child. He became a sweet, patient, gentle man, and when he graduated from the school, he had learned enough to qualify him as a genius. He was recruited to the Honor Guard less for his power and more for his intelligence. He now helps the team plan and strategize, and is the inventor of many of their specialized equipment.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124938

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Glory

    Real Name: Anne Benson

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: sure shot with handguns

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: 9mm pistols

    Affiliations: The First Ladies

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: active


    Due to the success of the Freedom Four, an all-female group was soon formed, made up of decorated war heroines in the U.S. Army. The quartet was trained physically, mentally, and psychologically for a year, and when they emerged they were a fearsome foursome, ready to combat anyone or anything that threatened America or its way of life.


    Anne is an expert with her 9mm pistols. She has a short temper, and when she rages, she often blocks out everything else. Though she can be hard to live with at the First ladies’ headquarters in Arlington, she fights with a ferocity and loyalty unrivaled by many.


    in reply to: PLANET AMS #124915

    Blue Blazer


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124909

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Glob

    Real Name: Earl Fillmore

    Genre: Supervillain

    Powers/Special Skills: able to transform into semi-solid gelatinous goop

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliations: The Nasty Nine

    Other Aliases: Jell-o

    Status: at large

    Earl Fillmore was never a good man. Racist, sexist, and xenophobic, he always enjoyed taking out his frustrations on those around him, particularly his timid wife Rhonda. He drank too much, swore too much, and smoked too many cigars. His hygiene was terrible and he was rapidly becoming more and more overweight.

    And that was BEFORE he became a super villain.

    He worked a job as a janitor at TriChem laboratories, who had just discarded a rejected compound meant to be a self-repairing second skin for burn victims. But the substance had turned into an oozing, green translucent sludge not fit to be used. It was being stored in a large vat in the labs the night that Earl, on the graveyard janitorial shift, went on a bender at work and broke into the chamber. Curious and drunk out of his mind, Earl approached the odd goop and touched it. Immediately it slithered onto his arm and sank into his skin, where it bonded with his body and spread. It reached even so far as into Earl’s mind, where through sheer force of anger and will, he made himself its master. Now, he can turn his own body into the disgusting stuff, and uses it to commit crimes so that he doesn’t ever have to work again. When he realized that he could accomplish more with help from allies, he joined up with the abominable Nasty Nine.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124900

    Blue Blazer

    And I actually got married almost exactly a year ago (June 7th), so my first anniversary is coming up this weekend. But thanks for all of the congratulations! It still feels fresh.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124898

    Blue Blazer

    Dude, congrats on the marriage. Must say though, you missed a trick by not having y’wife there as Wonder Woman.

    She is Wonder Woman every day, but it’s hard to hide a WW t-shirt under a strapless white wedding dress.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124807

    Blue Blazer

    Glider’s boots discharge an intense, short blast of air that blast him into the sky, and then the wings on his suit allow him to drift through the air at the speed of his choosing.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124806

    Blue Blazer

    The groomsmen at my wedding agreed to get geeky for our photos.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #124802

    Blue Blazer

    Thanks, Nug! Gideon’s face is the proudest I’ve been of an HM creation in a while.

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