Blue Blazer

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  • in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #125572

    Blue Blazer

    The Green Goliath!!!!!!

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #125571

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Green Demon

    Real Name: Jake Taylor

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: excellent hand-to-hand combatant

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: bo staff

    Affiliations: HeroCorps

    Other Aliases: The Green Gremlin, The Gremlin

    Status: active


    Jake, as the Green Gremlin, was once one of Caligo’s most selfless and light-hearted heroes. He spent time solo as well as a few years in HeroCorps, using his mutant athleticism and balance along with his prehensile tail to fight injustice across Caligo. But when he was kidnapped and given a horriffic surgery by a shady criminal organization, he also became the Gremlin, a huge ravenous beast whose only thought was killing. In order to save the world from his darker half, Jake allowed the hero known as the Battery to completely drain him of all mutation in his DNA, ridding him of the were-gremlin inside, but also taking away those abilities he used when fighting crime. For months he tried living a normal life free of crime-fighting, but eventually the thrill of the fight overtook him and he re-dubbed himself the Green Demon, an un-powered fighter for the people. Eventually Jake was given a technologically advanced suit that allowed him to perform all of the amazing stunts he had done as the Green Gremlin.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #125448

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Green Bowler

    Real Name: Connor Blakely

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: probability manipulation

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliations: Her Majesty’s League of Heroes

    Other Aliases: Scamrock

    Status: active


    When Connor discovered his ability as a young man in Dublin, he used it purely for his own personal gain. He bet on everything from dice to horse races, raking in all the money he could get his greedy hands on. But word of his uncanny luck got around to the wrong people, and his power was outed to everyone. People began calling him Scamrock for his misdeeds, and Connor soon found himself friendless in his run-down flat in downtown Dublin. However, his ability became even more well known, until its existence came to the attention of the Queen, who quickly recruited him into her personal group of English, Scottish, Irish, and Welsh superheroes, called Her Majesty’s League of Heroes. Now, as the Green Bowler, Connor uses his ability to manipulate probability to his advantage – not at the races but on the battlefield – fighting alongside his teammates against all who threaten his homeland.



    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #125438

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: The Green Bee

    Real Name: Scott Marsh

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: proficient fighter

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: technologically-advanced battlesuit grants flight and poison-tipped blades

    Affiliations: SWARM (formerly)

    OtherPast Aliases: none

    Status: active


    Scott was at one time a supervillain, a member of the villainous group known as SWARM. He used his suit, equipped with large insect wings and retractable blades tipped with paralysis-inducing poison, to aid his brothers and sisters in crime against the heroes of Caligo. But one day, his point-of-view was changed drastically.


    Yellow Jacket, who ironically was a superhero-turned-supervillain, had just retuned to Swarm HQ after a battle with his former sidekick Boy Hornet. He was blubbering and pacing, shaken up by the ordeal of critically maiming his protege and friend. He told the group of the fight, which had ended with Yellow Jacket throwing caustic acid in the boy’s face, burning it severely and ending the battle.


    Scott was inexplicably horrified. Suddenly nothing he did seemed worth the pain they were causing others, especially a young man with honor in his heart. So that night, he stole away with his suit, found and rescued Boy Hornet, and immediately converted to heroism. It took a long time to convince the superheroes of Caligo that he had in fact turned over a new leaf, but after a while he proved himself to be a valuable asset to the side of justice.



    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #125375

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Great White

    Real Name: Rex van Landingham

    Genre: Corporate CEO

    Powers/Special Skills: shrewd businessman

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliations: The M.A.C.H.I.N.E.

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: deceased


    Rex was the CEO of the Maximum Allied Covert Headquarters for InterNational Espionage. He was a harsh, overbearing leader, and many of the M.A.C.H.I.N.E.’s employees and operatives resented him. He was killed like most of the other members of the organization by the anti-hero Rage.



    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #125371

    Blue Blazer

    Man that’s cool! I was just thinking of a character with the same powers as Gravito. Awesome pose, and color combos!

    Thanks, bruvva!

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #125329

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Gravito

    Real Name: Isaac Downey

    Genre: Supervillain

    Powers/Special Skills: gravitokinesis

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliations: The Axis Youth

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: at large


    Isaac is a troubled young man with the ability to manipulate the force of gravity on a particular object or person. As a result, he can cause things to levitate, as well as crush them against the Earth. Because Gravito can use his own power on himself, he is able to fly. He is a member of the Axis Youth, a team of teenagers training to be members of the Sinister Society. They often clash with the Brigade Of Organized Young American Heroes (BOOYAH).


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #125273

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Grasshopper

    Real Name: Cedric Madren

    Genre: Supervillain

    Powers/Special Skills: none

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: bionic suit enables him to leap up to 100 ft in the air

    Affiliations: Swarm

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: at large


    Cedric was an Olympic gold medalist who excelled at the high and long jump events. But tragedy struck when he was paralyzed from the waist down in a cataclysmic car crash. Cedric was ruined, and considered taking own life until he was approached by the Black Beetle himself, leader of the villainous insectoid group known as SWARM. Black Beetle offered Cedric a chance to walk and jump again in return for absolute loyalty to him and the team. Cedric accepted, and was given the suit he now wears. It allows him to walk, but more notably to leap at extraordinary heights and distances. He is a reluctant member of the group, but follows orders unquestioningly.



    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #125098

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Grace Lightning

    Real Name: Gracie Green

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: can become living electricity

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliations: Tomorrow Teens

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: active


    Gracie is about as girly as a girl can get. She cheerleads at Caligo Central High School, shops at the uptown mall every chance she gets, and is soon to be presented to the other Caligo high socialites at the debutante ball. But she also leads another life, one of a fierce warrior for justice. She is able to become living electricity, which she uses to fight crime as superheroine Grace Lightning. She is unable to shoot electricity, so she uses a steel whip to conduct it into her enemies. She is also able to enter and ride high power lines to move from place to place almost instantly. Gracie is a member of the Tomorrow Teens.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #125077

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Goshawk

    Real Name: Kevin Gunderson

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: has a pair of large bird wings

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliations: Harrier

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: active


    Kevin is the son of James Gunderson, AKA Harrier, who has the same pair of large feathery wings. Both Gundersons use their ability to fly to fight crime. And although James would like his son at his side, Kevin would much rather be the sidekick of his hero the Raven. James has begun to resent his son for this, causing a rift between them.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #125029

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Gorgon

    Real Name: Adam Fisher

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: able to briefly paralyze enemies with his eyes

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliation: The Honor Guard

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: active


    Most of the time, Adam is a teacher at a special school called Powerhouse, where super-powered children can go to learn to cope with their abilities while getting a formal education. He was himself a member of the school’s first graduating class. As a child, he was unsure of how to deal with his mutant power to turn others to stone. He was found by Mr. E, a powerful sorcerer and founder of Powerhouse, and his parents gratefully allowed him to move into the academy.


    Now Adam is an instructor, a stern, strict, no-nonsense teacher of math and power temperance. But he also serves as the leader of the Honor Guards, a super team comprised of the faculty at Powerhouse. He leads the Honor Guard with the same seriousness and by-the-book regiment that he uses to teach.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #125017

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Golgotha

    Genre: Demon

    Powers/Special Skills: invisibility, possession, shadow manipulation

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliations: Army of Hell

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: residing in Hell


    Born from the Lake of Fire with a drop of the blood of sinners, the Golgotha emerged endowed with the instinct to corrupt and thus condemn mankind. He leaves Hell each night at dusk to inhabit the minds of mortals, committing outrageous acts of villainy in their bodies. When not possessing the living, Golgotha is able to escape the attacks of warriors like the Shadow Hunters with invisibility and the power to control shadows.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #125011

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Goldilocks

    Genre: Fairy Tale

    Powers/Special Skills: expert markswoman

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: custom-made bow and arrows

    Affiliations: The Daughters of Grimm

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: exists in the Book of Fables


    The Daughters of Grimm are a group of young women who at one time were all young girls plagued by the monsters and villains popularized in fairy tales. They have grown weary of being accosted by wolves, witches, ogres, bears, evil stepmothers, and the like, and have formed a sisterhood of warriors to fight back against the forces of evil. Each has trained vigorously with a different weapon, and all have made the vow to never fall victim to these menaces again, especially the Faerie Queen and her minions.

    Goldilocks has become a crackshot with the bow and arrow. She has a particular grudge against a family of bears.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #125006

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Golden Guardian

    Real Name: Jerry Pritchett

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: super strength and durability; proficient swordsman

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: sword, shield, armor

    Affiliations: HeroCorps

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: active





    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #125005

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Golden Girl

    Real Name: Jane Weaver

    Genre: Superheroine

    Powers/Special Skills: excellent hand-to-hand combatant and acrobat

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none

    Affiliations: Mr. Ultimate; Caligo Department of Justice

    Other Aliases: none

    Status: retired


    Jane was the star pupil of professor Jonathan Lee, Jr. at Caligo State University. He taught Criminal Justice, and she soaked in the material like a sponge. Professor Lee noticed Jane’s passion and offered to let her be his student aide. She leaped at the chance, and that was how she stumbled upon Professor Lee’s secret. He was, in truth, the greatest hero of all time, Mr. Ultimate. Jane, feeling an even stronger pull to bring justice to the world, begged Jonathan to let her fight crime with him as his sidekick. He put her through a trial of physically grueling tests in an effort to show her it was too difficult, but she passed all of his tests with flying colors. Reluctantly, he agreed to take her on as his sidekick.


    They fought together for many years. When Mr. Ultimate died, Jane was so distraught, she turned her back to her crime fighting life, and focused on her job as an Assistant District Attorney of Caligo City.



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