Blue Blazer

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  • in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #128213

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Ground Zero
    Real Name: Byron Hodges
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: explosives expert
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: vast array of explosives; re-inforced armor
    Affiliations: The Bomb Squad
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    Ground Zero is a villain with expert knowledge of explosives. He possesses no known hyper-powers but remains a constant threat to the lives of thousands. He has never been identified by the police thanks to the full face mask he wears. His area of expertise is proximity mines and laser trip bombs but he has an extensive knowledge of other explosives for any job requiring a big bang. He has proclaimed himself Ironhawk’s arch-enemy, though the hero refuses to acknowledge this, and he leads the dynamite group known as the Bomb Squad.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #128144

    Blue Blazer

    Code Name: Ground Pounder
    Real Name: Brock Brogan
    Genre: Anti-terrorist
    Powers/Special Skills: Uncanny strength; expert marksman
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: “Penelope”
    Affiliations: US Marine Corps; The Dogs of War
    Other Aliases: The Big Gun
    Status: active
    Brock became famous in his Marine Corps division for being the biggest, baddest, toughest they had to offer. He was always the first to run into a firefight and the last to retreat, always scouring the battlefield for injured fellow Marines to haul to safety. His overall badassery, bravery, and honor made him the Corps’ ideal representative to serve on the Dogs of War, a hyper-elite group of anti-terrorist soldiers from each branch of the military. Brock’s weapon of choice is an enormous rifle that he has affectionately named “Penelope,” and which he treats like the only thing he truly loves in the world. Although Brock’s official code name is Ground Pounder, he has been dubbed “Big Gun” by his fellow Dogs, for his massive firearm, his intimidating stature, and possibly for another, well, unmentionable reason…


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #128128

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Grimlok
    Genre: Fantasy
    Powers/Special Skills: great strength and durability
    Affiliations: none
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: n/a
    Grimlok the ogre exists in the Enchanted Wood within the fictitious realm of fairy tales in the Book of Fables. This tiny dimension is under the cruel reign of the Faerie Queen, and Grimlok has agreed to perform various dirty deeds for the evil enchantress. He lives in the hollowed out trunk of a gigantic Umble Tree, where he keeps the many items he pilfers off of the bodies of his victims before he cooks and eats them.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #128086

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Grim
    Real Name: Gavin Pearl
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: drawing out a person’s “lifeforce,” causing them to become weak or, in extreme cases, dead
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: large scythe for channeling power
    Affiliations: The UNified Defense Emergency Regulation Division Of Global Security (UNDERDOGS)
    Past Aliases: none
    Status: active
    Gavin was once a police officer, roaming the streets of Dublin and secretly using his power to subdue the criminals he pursued. He was discharged from the force for his drinking habit, and turned to freelance heroing. He took on the garb of the Grim Reaper and became proficient using a short scythe, used mostly for intimidation. He found that he needed to seriously limit his power to avoid killing the criminals he fought. He was recruited to the U.N.D.E.R.D.O.G.S. for this awesome power but, although he has become best friends with the Shadow Scorpion, most of the team distrusts him for his binge drinking and untapped extent of his draining abilities.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #128080

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Gridlock (V1)
    Genre: Robot Assassin
    Powers/Special Skills: none
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: various built-in weapons; armor provides resistance to heat, cold, radioactivity; bulletproof; laser sight
    Affiliations: The M.A.C.H.I.N.E.
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: targeting Rage
    The Gridlock V1 is the M.A.C.H.I.N.E.’s first prototype assassin robot. It was, in fact, the organization’s only robotic assassin, since the vigilante Rage brought down the entire facility. But little does Rage know, the Gridlock survived the onslaught, and is now on the last mission it was programmed to perform – assassinate Rage.

    The Gridlock V1 is equipped with various onboard weapons, as well as bulletproof plating and a laser eye that reduces miss probability.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #128065

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Gridiron
    Real Name: Will Frye
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: adequate fighter
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: armor grants super strength
    Affiliations: The Knights of Camelot
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    Though not chronicled in the legends of King Arthur and his knights of the round table, there was actually a little more to the champions of Camelot than meets the eye. The magician Merlin actually bestowed upon the five greatest knights various magical pieces of armor that aided them in combat. Now, in a time even more dire than the age of Arthur, Merlin has resurfaced and given the armor to five friends. Together, they form a powerful crimefighting team.

    Will was given the Hand of Gawain; with his magical gauntlets, Will gains immense physical strength.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #128039

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Greyhound
    Real Name: Stephen Stoker
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: super speed
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Mega Men
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    Born with the power to run faster than mach speed, Stephen has always been a bit of a show-off. He is arrogant and self-absorbed, and can be taxing to the patience of the other Mega Men, but his quickness is a true asset on the front lines in battle.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #128031

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Grey Witch
    Real Name: Miranda Beach
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: spellcasting
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: magic wand
    Affiliations: none
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    When Miranda Beach came across a twisted stick in her recently deceased grandmother’s attic, she at first thought nothing of it. But she soon learned that this wand held enormous power. After searching through scores of antique book stores, she finally found a tome with which she could learn spells. She has now mastered the use of white magic, and exercises it to help the common good as the Grey Witch.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #128017

    Blue Blazer

    Thank ya!

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #127986

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Grenada
    Real Name: Isabela Vargas
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: creates small spheres of explosive energy
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: U.N.D.E.R.D.O.G.S.
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    Once a semi-famous model, Isabela enjoyed a life of luxury and adoration. She was able to successfully hide her mutant ability, and saw no reason to put it to use. But one day her father, who had secretly been working for a Brazilian drug lord, was killed in a drive-by shooting, and Isabela put her celebrity status on hold to avenge his death. Now, she is the most easily-angered of the U.N.D.E.R.D.O.G.S. and still shows signs of considering herself above her peers.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #127958

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Gremlin
    Real Name: Jake Taylor
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: superstrength; superhuman agility and reflexes; razor-sharp claws; super hearing; prehensile tail; infrared vision
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: The Sinister Society
    Other Aliases: The Green Gremlin, The Green Demon
    Status: de-powered
    Later in his career, Jake was captured by the diabolical organization known as the Sinister Society. While in its clutches, he was subjected to strange and agonizing experiments before his eventual release. Now, every three months, he becomes The Gremlin for the span of a week. This creature is covered in thick green scales, has a powerful reptilian tail, has webbed hands and webs beneath his arms, and has all of the Green Gremlin’s powers multiplied by 3. It is a mindless, brutish animal who makes its home in the sewers and surfaces to the streets of the city at night to feed on the unsuspecting public. After changing back to his normal form, the Jake has no recollection of his actions as the Gremlin. The Gremlin was destroyed when the Battery completely drained Jake of his mutant powers.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #127952

    Blue Blazer

    Thanks, Nug

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #127925

    Blue Blazer

    The Green-Eyed Monster

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #127881

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Green Thumb
    Genre: Superhero (humorous)
    Powers/Special Skills: thumb augmentation
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: none
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    A good friend and poker buddy of Escape Goat and Queso Diablo. The Green Thumb can make his thumbs grow to enormous proportions. These he usually uses in close combat defending Blue Fork City or to reach items too far away for a mere mortal to obtain.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #125573

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Green Gremlin

    Real Name: Jake Taylor

    Genre: Superhero

    Powers/Special Skills: superhuman reflexes and acrobatics; super hearing; prehensile tail

    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: bo staff

    Affiliations: Hero Corps

    Other Aliases: The Green Demon, The Gremlin

    Status: de-powered


    Jake Taylor grew up a normal kid, if not a little on the quiet side. His parents always seemed too preoccupied to pay him much attention, so he learned to enjoy being alone, looking to his imagination for companionship. But when he hit puberty, his life changed drastically. His suddenly raging hormones triggered a mutation that had laid dormant in his DNA until then. The mutation gave him superhuman reflexes and made his body incredibly flexible and acrobatic. His hearing became incredibly sensitive and soon was able to hear ultrasonic noises like a bat. But the strangest change was the tail that began to grow from his lower back and finally stopped growing when had reached about 5 feet. He found that he had developed the muscles necessary to control the tail, and with a little practice was able to pick up objects, use it like a whip, and even hang and swing from tree branches, poles, etc. Finally seizing his chance to gain the attention he had so far lacked, Jake made himself a green costume and began fighting crime. He fueled his creative side by becoming a freelance artist, and has honed his painting skill to near perfection. His parents still speak to him little, and most times he is still as shy as ever, but when he disguises himself as the Green Gremlin, he feels confident enough to become a fast-talking, wise-cracking hero.


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