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barbarioParticipanti used to be really into making costumes when i worked for Alamo Drafthouse in Austin. when ever theyd have a new supeer-hero or sci-fi movie or whatever i’d host the premiere in costume. theyd pay for the supplies to make the costume, pay me to be there, and comp my food and booze! the best was borat. i ushered all day in character. id already seen the movie, so i was doing “shtick” they hadnt seen yet. they still use images of it in their promotional material. heres some of the costumes ive made plus some halloween stuff:
Frankenstein’s monster“sexbot” costume for my gf at the time. it played music note my beer)
barbarioParticipant@Vampyrist said:
That is also my favorite scene, although the smile on Hulk’s face as Cap told him to smash was priceless, and did you hear
Coulson survives. Whedon said he would and he is being cast in IM3whered you hear this? it make sense. we only have fury’s word that he died and he already faked the bloody cards
there i spoiler tagged it so noones ones wittle feeling get hurt
barbarioParticipant@Myro said:
Okay, putting this up the proper way this time with spoiler tags
Favorite moment: Face to face with an angry Hulk, Loki calls him a mindless beast and proceeds into an arrogant rant about how he (Loki) is better than everyone else, and how it is his birthright to rule. Hulk responds to being talked down to by grabbing Loki and smashing the “puny god” around Tony’s office, manhandling him as if Loki was literally as helpless as a rag doll.
pretty sure i put spoiler warning in the title of this topic…
barbarioParticipantfavorite line in the whole thing:
Cap: “It appears to be powered by some kind of electricity…” with exasperated look on his face
a close second:
Banner: riding through carnage on his moped “Well, this looks… horrible.”
barbarioParticipanthmmm still cut it off
barbarioParticipant@Kaylin88100 said:
You could try uploading the picture to another image hosting site, like Photobucket or Imageshack, then posting a link here. It’s what I do for some of mine.
good idea
barbarioParticipanthrmmm sez its too big to upload
barbarioParticipantthanks again! i made a top down map for the pcs when they are shipboard
barbarioParticipantthanks kaldath. that is actually very helpful.
barbarioParticipantso theve acquired their airship. now i dont know what to do next? i dont want them to just zoom fly to where theyre going. i like decompressing stuff with encounters. but what to do in the sky? i dont just wan random flying monsters all the time. also noone in theyre part of world has airships/ man i think i screwd myself lol. any ideas?
barbarioParticipantwell i introduced it to the players. i made it seem like this gremlin knew what he was doing but he is seemingly daft. i managed to work in a princess bride reference. they just got it as the session ended. also theres an attack force of drow (this is in an underground hangar) and driders coming… the first cliffhanger ending to a session. so theyve yet to get how it works. what im going with is that the fremlin has hooked a a magical artifact to an extremely modified steam-engine type furnace. the Dwarven Bellows were once used to make endless heat for ancient dwarven weapon-smiths. its gonna be crazy and hard to steer and is gonna break down at the worst moments.
barbarioParticipanti like that alot. id go for longer head tentacles/hair
barbarioParticipantthose are rad. i little more dynamic and flashy for the setting though. its kind of gritty, influenced by asoiaf. i think what im gonna do is a have it be a hot air balloon. but basically a “hollywood” hot air ballon. you know how stuff in movies is never how it is in real life just for sake of cool. cars dont blow up when you shoot them, if you ran through a window you would be so lacerated etc. so im just gonna have the gremlin tell them that in times of yore they were more common. hell mention far-away kingdoms that still might use some. but the problem with them is range. you have to burn something to fuel the furnace but there no natural gas. coal is heavy and expensive. some have used magic means but these are rare cases. such is the case for this ship. the gremlin has fashioned a magical dwarven bellows that he discovered in the ruins of an ancient dwarven citadel (which is beneath a human stronghold that has recently been over-run by giants and orcs.) so the gremlin works the bellows below like the typical engineer ala scotty. one of the pcs has to steer and comm thru a pipe like in steam days. shes a Saevolken (Sea Folk) berserker. badass viking warrior chick. thanks for the info on tinkr gnomes. im gonna use that and have the ship malfunction at the worst times. and regular people are not gonna by pleased to see a crazy flying ship over their heads. and also theres a white dragon roaming around.
barbarioParticipantyikes! i got the green lantern quiz right. cant believe i only got 50% right on the second quiz. is there a way to see what we got wrong? or what the right answers are?