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  • in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #154379


    Whisper redesign because the last one was terrible.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #154329


    The wannabe gangster Billy Fisher is obsessed with all things retro and old fashioned, to the point where he actually paints his entire body grey in an attempt to make it look like he belongs in an old black and white movie.

    This obsession is perhaps brought on by his ability to revert things (and people) to an earlier version of themselves with only a touch. This power can revert adults to teenagers or even further and an encounter with a group of heroes including the likes of American Dream and Adrenaline among others left the heroes as babies with Dragonfly trying desperately to care for a bunch of super-powered toddlers while also tracking down Billy, who was now referring to himself as Vintage and attempting to set himself up as some kind of crime lord.

    Dragonfly received some unexpected help in the form of a local politician and Billy’s brother, Roger . Billy was becoming increasingly unhinged as he tried to “help” his brother’s career. Unfortunately Billy  had always been violent and racist and Roger wanted nothing to do with him so tipped Dragonfly off to his location.

    Fortunately for the other heroes, Vintage’s powers wore off after a while and the returned to their adult forms. Though a lot of them joke that Adrenaline never really grew up and still hasn’t.

    Vintage spent several months locked in a maximum security penitentiary after his arrest but when Nevermore broke into the prison in an angry attempt at revenge on the then incarcerated Shaman, he inadvertently allowed a number of prisoners to escape. Vintage among them.

    Vintage’s current whereabouts are unknown and he hasn’t been heard from for quite some time but it’s surely only a matter of time before he shows up again.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #154306


    Yeah, Anarchangel, you have a great eye for costume design – deceptively simple but super effective. It’s really easy to get lost in the details and add stuff just to add it. You almost never do.


    I wish I was talented enough to create the full scenes that some people around here can create but alas I do not. That’s ok though as I like making a good costume.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #154305


    Every time I come back here, I remember why you’re my favourite. The change to riptide works. The Last One looks amazing, and Cherry Bomb is great. May you never run out of character ideas.


    I’m not sure I should be your favourite. There are much better creators around here than me but I appreciate it nonetheless.  🙂

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #154138


    Heavy Step is another character from the same group as Alpha Dog and Makeshift who gained powers through The Red Brain’s experimentation into making super humans. As a result of these genetic manipulation experiments he gained the ability to grow to enormous size.

    Unfortunately, even his base size is now massive and at least four times the size of a normal man. He now requires an advanced suit created by he Brain in order to support his own weight and without it his body is usually wracked with pain.

    The Red Brain has promised to find a way to ease Heavy’s suffering but in the meantime, Heavy Step uses his powers to help protect those in need.

    Heavy Step

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #154124


    This is just an experiment costume that ended up becoming a character that’s been floating around in my head for a while now. I may make her a new costume at some point as I’m not entirely convinced this one fits the theme of the character.


    Standing only 4ft 9 tall, Kaori Ashida is not an intimidating presence by any stretch of the imagination. Appearances can be deceiving though and Kaori may be one of the most powerful meta-humans on the planet.

    Kaori’s power is “video game physics” and it allows her to do many things that defy standard physics. For instance, she can teleport by glitching, pass through walls by no-clipping, can store things in an extra dimensional “inventory” and can heal most wounds with simple bandage.

    She is actually achieving all of these things by manipulating reality itself and if she ever learns to fully control her powers, she could very well become nigh-omnipotent.

    For now, she’s happy to just protect her hometown of Boston as the hero Cherry Bomb. Confusing and infuriating every bad guy that crosses her path.

    Cherry Bomb

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #154045


    Captain Frederick Skylar, or Sky Captain as many people jokingly refer to him (much to his confusion and annoyance) is a true old-timey gentleman who seems like he was plucked right out of the 1940’s despite only being in his sixties.

    This retired RAF veteran was chosen to be the test pilot for a new type of wing-frame developed by the Ministry of Defence. At least they said they developed it. It was really an almost complete rip-off of the wing-frame developed by the original Freedom Eagle, the current Freedom Eagle’s grandfather. Michael O’Connor’s lawyers were on the MOD’s case as soon as the first prototype wings were built and given to the Captain to test. The whole project was tied up in red tape while the legal fiasco was sorted out. O’Connor, while he didn’t want his invention to be used by the military for use in their wars, did have quite a soft spot for Fred and knew that he would only use the prototype wing-frame for good so he allowed him to keep using it as long as he promised to only use it to protect others. Which he did for several years.

    The legal case between O’Connor and the MOD became so much of a headache and ultimately a waste of time that they decided to scrap the project rather than waste more money on fighting a legal battle.

    After defending his home country for several years with the wing-frame, Captain Skylar decided it was time to retire. He attempted to return the wing-frame to Michael O’Connor (It was the honourable thing to do after all) but O’Connor had sadly passed away by that point so Fred attempted instead to give the wings to his son, Michael Jr. Unfortunately, the younger O’Connor wanted nothing to do with his fathers superhero life, wings included, and told Fred to keep them.

    Fred was both honoured and slightly annoyed by this.

    He put the wings in private storage, only occasionally pulling them out when he had need of them to protect the UK or its people.

    Over the years, Fred met and became good friends with the original Paladin, Invictus’ father, and the two shared many an adventure both before and after retirement. That blasted retirement never sat well with the Captain so when Paladin offered him a part time job at the Horizon Academy to help train the new generation of British Superheroes, Fred practically jumped at the opportunity.

    Unfortunately, only two years later, Paladin was killed.

    The whole world grieved the loss of a legend, the captain included. He had to maintain a stiff upper lip though as Horizon fell into chaos with the loss of their founder and headmaster. Fred was largely responsible for keeping things together for the next year. When things finally began to return to normal, many of the students and faculty suggested that Fred take over as official headmaster. Fred was initially hesitant to take on the role of his old friend but Invictus convinced him that it’s what Paladin would have wanted. So the Captain accepted.

    Captain Skylar is still headmaster of Horizon Academy today. While he occasionally has a tendency to run the school like an army and its students his soldiers, he more often than not catches himself doing this and stops.

    The captain is largely responsible for training many of Britain’s best and brightest young heroes and he looks at them all as the children that he and  his wife never had. The feeling is often mutual and Invictus, Whisper, Pulse and many more would be at his side in an instant if he ever needed their help.

    Fred enjoys his life as headmaster of Horizon Academy and feels this is where he belongs but he has to admit that every now and then he feels the urge to put those wings back on and go punch some bad guys himself…..He’s not ruling it out entirely yet.

    Captain Skylar

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #154001


    Another member of The Mortal Gods. This time i’s Eros, the god of love.

    Eros can actually manipulate all emotions but love  is the most fun. He can control emotions with his mind alone but doing so is a somewhat slower process than using his psychic bow to change someone’s emotions in a quick fire manner if he doesn’t have time to concentrate on his power.

    Within the ranks of the Mortal Gods, Eros tends to end up playing the role of peacekeeper to the other, more temperamental gods who all seem to respect Eros’ council. Except Ares, who sees Eros’ mostly pacifist tendencies as a weakness and is usually quite hostile towards the younger god.


    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #153975


    Investigating the murder of a number of magic users, the team of Wind Dancer, Hellion, Sandstorm and Riptide discovered that the parallel dimension refugee Delta was to blame and tracked her to Nebraska. Or to be more specific, a series of tunnels deep below a farm in Nebraska belonging to none other than Rock Star, where Delta and a small army of hired guns were seemingly searching for something. The key word being “were” as a number of them had already been brutally killed by the time the heroes arrived with Delta and the last of her henchmen in hiding somewhere in the tunnels.

    Something was stalking the tunnels. Something of immense magical power.

    The heroes only needed to follow the screams to find that being. A woman dressed in black, wearing a horrifying mask was stalking everyone who entered the tunnels and striking fear into the hearts of everyone she encountered. Including Hellion, who was normally the one doing the scaring.

    She seemed determined to kill Delta and her people but seemed less interested in the heroes who she viewed with a passing indifference. Wind Dancer even managed to ask her who she was. To which the mysterious woman whispered in a broken and inhuman voice only three words.

    “The Last One”

    She then vanished in the blink of an eye, apparently continuing her search for Delta and leaving the heroes even more confused. The last what? They didn’t have time to figure that one out as they still had to find Delta and her people before The Last One did. Delta may have been a murderer but they couldn’t leave her here to die. Despite Hellion’s objections to the contrary.

    They searched for what felt like forever to Wind Dancer who was growing increasingly claustrophobic so far underground but eventually they found Delta and the few men that hadn’t been killed. They were fully prepared for Delta to put up a fight but instead she simply surrendered. She would go willingly so long as they could get her out of there alive.

    They didn’t have much time to prepare for what came next though as The Last One was hot on their heels. Another henchman was dead before they even knew she was there. The following few seconds where a blur that no one fully remembers. The Last One seemingly flew into a rage at the sight of Delta’s sword, the sword of Kane, and slashed at the magic killer, almost killing her and snatching the sword from her in the process. Riptide stepped in in an attempt to stop Delta from being killed. A decision he regretted when his right arm hit the ground. He barely even realised that he had just lost a limb before the sword was headed his way again. This time aimed at his chest. Only the quick thinking of Sandstorm and a well timed blast of rocks to The Last One’s face saved Riptide’s life.

    The Last One dropped the sword and was quickly attacked by both Sandstorm and Wind Dancer while Hellion attempted to stop Riptide from bleeding to death. Delta snatched up the sword and attempted to flee but was quickly unconscious thanks to a well placed punch from Rock Star.

    Wind Dancer and Sandstorm put up a good fight but were no real match for The Last One. Sandstorm was badly wounded in the fight and they would both probably have been killed if Rock Star hadn’t caused a cave in, separating them from the crazed magic user. Unfortunately she also trapped a number of Delta’s henchmen with The Last One. To save everyone else though, she snatched them all up in a cocoon of rock and propelled it upwards through the earth to the surface, using her powers to seal the way behind them.

    Rock Star, Wind Dancer, Sandstorm, Hellion and Riptide and Delta managed to escape with their lives but just barely. Riptide and Sandstorm were both rushed to a local hospital where doctors managed to stabilize them.

    Wind Dancer took Delta into custody but had to talk down a furious Hellion who wanted to kill her then and there. Delta was handed over to A.E.G.I.S who confined her to a maximum security prison and the sword of Kane locked away in another facility.

    Riptide was later retrieved by his people and taken back to Atlantis to receive special treatment but Sandstorm remained in the hospital to recover, during which time he struck up a friendship with Rock Star.

    Rock Star used her powers to seal every entrance to the tunnel system that she could find but stopped short of actually collapsing the tunnels entirely as Hellion had suggested. Despite the entrances being closed, A.E.G.I.S stationed operatives nearby around the local town to ensure that they stayed that way.

    As for The Last One, she presumably still stalks the tunnels deep below Rock Star’s farm acting as guardian to whatever it was Delta was searching for. Delta still refuses to say what that is. Secretly though, she is plotting to escape her prison cell and return to the tunnels, intent on claiming her prize. The Last One terrifies her but she won’t let that stop her. She just has to be better prepared next time.

    Delta had better prepare the best she can though as The Last One is waiting for her.

    The Last One

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #153966


    Just another quick change to Riptide.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #153962


    Nebraska’s own Rock Star.

    Rock Star

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #153940


    More of a rework than a remake.

    An old favourite of mine. The Atlantean warrior, RiptiRiptidede.

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #153929


    From Kampala, Uganda. The fighting Lioness, Simba.

    I was really struggling to come up with a name for this character. I knew exactly what I wanted her to look like and I knew where I wanted her to be from but other than that I had no backstory to work a name from other than she was a fighter of some kind.

    In my search for a name I was looking up words for various big cats in other languages and learned that the Swahili word for lion is “Simba”.

    She just had to be Simba from then on because not only is Simba a great character in a great movie (Arguably the best. Fight me etc.) but Simba was also the name of my sadly departed cat who was insane and would fight anyone and anything in her way.

    And that’s my story. I’ll shut up now. 🙂

    "Who wants to fight?" - Simba

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #153883


    So i haven’t been feeling particularly creative recently. As you can probably tell from the fact that my last post was over a month ago.

    I’m trying to shake myself out of this creative slump by going back to one of my favourite and oldest characters who I’ve redesigned a bunch of times and will probably redesign a bunch more.

    American Dream.

    This costume is more or less the same as the last one but with a few changes.

    Also, when I was nearly finished with this I realised that it was very similar to Captain Marvel’s costume. I was going to try to change it but that would take a lot of work and I’m too lazy so I’m posting it anyway. Like I said, I’ve redesigned Dream a bunch so this likely won’t be her costume for long.

    American Dream

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #153514


    So I was messing around with the random superhero name generator again and it spit out “Shark Bite”, a Venice Beach surfer who gained a super powerful bite after being bitten by a shark mutated by toxic waste…..I couldn’t not make that character.

    I had “finished” this yesterday but was going to go back and make some changes/improvements. Unfortunately the save file seems to have broken and now it’s all messed up. I like this character but not enough to spend the time I’d need to fix it so this is it for now sadly.

    Shark Bite



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