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  • in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #155278


    Loving the gradient of Blue to Black on Will O’s costume. How do you do that? Is it a pattern? Also Dust-Might is cool! Great work again dude!

    It’s actually the middle gradient background shape with 1st colour and line colour reduced to zero and masked to his arms and legs.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #155274


    There are a lot of insect people in the world now. Some of them transformed into winged but still ostensibly human beings. Orlin Zehr was not so lucky. He transformed entirely into an insectoid creature.

    Some of them gained the power to shrink. While Orlin definitely shrunk to tiny size. He didn’t seem able to return to human size.

    Both of these things made Orlin absolutely furious and so he used the one thing he had up on everyone to take the revenge he thought he was owed for his misfortune. For such a tiny being, Orlin is immensely strong. Stronger than any normal sized man. The tiny bug became a megalomaniac with the biggest case of Napoleon complex anyone has ever seen. He used his strength to bully and intimidate everyone he encountered, including a number of masked heroes, on his path to his grand goal of world domination.

    When the media caught wind of this diminutive despot they dubbed him Dust-Mite. This mocking moniker only enraged Orlin even more but he wouldn’t let them get the better of him. He decreed that instead of Dust-Mite, he would be known as Dust-Might!

    The fact that these two words sounded exactly the same when spoken aloud seems entirely lost on Orlin and whenever anyone misspells his name he goes into a blinding rage.

    Orlin’s plans for global domination haven’y quite succeeded yet but it’s surely only a matter of time before the world trembles before the mighty Dust-Might!


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #155255


    Irish hero Will o’ the Wisp…Or maybe he’s a villain….I don’t know. I don’t really have any backstory worked out for this one yet.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #155244


    So I made this guy quite a while back but never really intended to post him. I was just chucking things together to make a random costume with no real idea in mind what I wanted it to look like in the end. I was never really that happy with the end results so I didn’t post it then. I recently came across the image again though and realised that while it’s not perfect, it’s also not terrible so I figured I may as well post it and let you guys decide.

    I decided just to name him Random and the working story in my head is that he gains a different super power every 24 hours. I like the concept of that character but not necessarily this costume so if I do anything with him in the future he’ll likely have a different look.

    Also, bonus points if anyone can figure out which actor his face is based on.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #155205


    Calvin McCoy gained the nickname Bones in medical school thanks entirely to his surname and his classmates lack of creativity. Calvin graduated at the top of his class but he had somewhat ulterior motives than his fellow students, albeit incredibly altruistic ones. Having been born with the incredible ability to heal others with only a touch, Calvin gained a medical degree entirely as a cover for using his ability to help people without gaining the attention of the world at large which would surely impede his good works. He also had no intention of masquerading as one of those idiot “faith healers” who claimed that God granted them miraculous powers. As a man of science, Calvin saw such people as charlatans and frauds.

    Becoming a truly great force for good in the world, Calvin helped a lot of people and slowly started aiding superheroes long before the likes of Trauma and Nightingale began acting as superhero medics. The name Dr Bones became well known within the superhero community as someone who could be relied on to cure your wounds without asking the questions that hospitals would.

    The friendly and incredibly charming Bones was a good man, some would say a great man, but even great men can break. When attempting to heal the hero Rime, Bones’ powers seemed to backfire and rather than heal, he sucked the life force from Rime, killing the hero by accident.

    Bones was so traumatized by this that something snapped in his mind. To the rest of the world, Rime just seemed to disappear but Bones knew what had really happened. He covered up the heroes death and got away with it. Worse still, he realised that he kind of liked the thrill of doing something so terrible. Before now, the mere thought of doing something so terrible would have repulsed him but he now found that he was fine with killing. He enjoyed it.

    Not brave enough to attempt to kill more supers and have a trail lead back to him, Bones began killing normal humans, leaving a trail of bodies, growing more disturbed with every kill. No one seemed to be able to find a cause of death for any of the victims that made any sense but the general consensus was that a meta-human was to blame.

    Bones may well have gotten away with his crime spree if one of his victims bodies hadn’t crossed the path of Anansi, a medical examiner in his civilian life. Conducting his own investigation, Anansi managed to track down the killer, confronting Bones and almost losing his own life in the process. Anansi was able to apprehend Bones and Calvin’s identity was revealed.

    His old life was over from that point. Not only was he locked away, his friends and family disowned him and his medical licence was revoked. He spent several years in a maximum security prison for meta-humans where he received some much needed therapy. Over time, Calvin started to re-emerge and the insidious Bones faded. Calvin was genuinely repentant for his crimes and several years after his imprisonment, he was assigned to a black ops team of meta-human criminals in an attempt to use their powers for good. Under the leadership of the hero Scarlet, Bones and a number of others (Jett, Aurach etc) actually did some good and helped stop some truly dangerous threats to the world.

    It was hoped that Calvin was truly cured of his psychological issues and even after Scarlet’s team was disbanded he showed signs of returning to his old self. Unfortunately, when Nevermore attacked Shaman within the prison, several inmates managed to escape and Calvin was among their number.

    Bones reappeared shortly after and seemed as twisted as ever. This time though, he seemed intently focused on Trauma who was himself a healer. Bones seems intent on corrupting the younger man the same way he corrupted himself.

    No one is sure what happened to Calvin to make him revert to his evil ways but he has more than a few people trying to find out why and trying to put him back behind bars, Scarlet, Trauma and Anansi are just a few of the heroes who want to put an end to Bones’ reign of terror.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #155180


    Loving the work Anarch! By the way I was wondering if you was interested in starting another Superhero RP like the old times ?

    While I’d love to, I just can’t really dedicate the time to a new game right now.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #155149


    This mysterious woman has taken it upon herself to oppose the church of the Black Cross and their message that meta-humans are evil by their very nature. Savior, the leader of the Black Cross, has branded her a heretic and a dangerous lunatic but the congregation of another church in an area she frequents have labelled her “The Saint” due to her good works around the community.

    The Black Cross zealot known as Crucible has become the Saint’s most dangerous enemy and while she may stop short of killing her opponent, he certainly wont rest until she and everyone else who oppose Savior and the Black  Cross are dead.

    The Saint

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #155087


    An experimental costume for a character I haven’t really done anything with for a looooooooong time.

    Rory McKenzie is the elder statesmen of Scottish superheroes. He was protecting his home of Scotland and the UK as a whole long before other heroes started showing up. He has long since given up the idea of having a secret identity and everyone knows who he is these days. He is widely lauded as one of the most likable heroes around but some wonder if he’s past his prime. Saltire laughs at such questions and often replies that he’s only getting started.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #154993


    Hello Anarchangel, I have been going through you archive for the past couple days or so and I have to say I am amazed at your work, it is incredible. I have been using heromachine 3 for at least 4 years now. I only made an account this past year. I have yet to post any of my work. I have recently started shading and posing my characters. I am still not sure how you do it. Are there any tips you have for me on how to pose characters, or on how to shade them well? Thanks, WolframXT

    The best advice I can give in regard to posing is to find a reference image and try to fit your own pose in the same way. You can find a bunch on either Google or Pinterest by searching something like “pose reference sketch”. I’ve used things like that for inspiration in the past and it’s worked out well.  I’m still not great at posing though so there’s maybe better people to ask about this than me. Don’t be afraid to experiment with poses though. Even a slight readjustment of a leg or an arm or even a hand can make a world of difference.

    Shading is at least somewhat easier in my opinion. I use the gradient background shape. In the background > Shapes category. On the last page. Third on the top row. Use the slider to lower prime colour and line colour to zero (or just type 0 in the box next to it) then use second colour a shade lighter than the area you’re shading. Or darker if you’re trying shadows. I like to picture a light source somewhere around my character, usually top left, and that helps me picture where the light would hit on the character making lighter areas. I’ve always found making darker areas somewhat trickier but I suppose the opposite applies. Just picture where the light doesn’t hit and fit your shading accordingly.

    Don’t overdo it on shading though. You don’t need a whole lot. Too much shading can occasionally overwhelm a character so find a balance that works well for you.

    I’m by no means saying that this is the correct way to do things but it works for me. Other people may do things differently so again, don’t be afraid to experiment.

    I hope my ramblings help in some way.


    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #154879


    I uploaded the wrong Ares file. There were some small shading mistakes in there that I had gone back and fixed before posting but somehow still managed to upload the old one.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #154870


    Flynn Shaw’s entire life has been one long fight. All throughout his childhood, he was always getting into trouble for starting fights with other kids over the smallest thing. He seemed to just be looking for excuses to fight wherever he could find them.

    After finishing high school, Flynn immediately joined the army where he served with distinction for years and earned a reputation as the best damn soldier around. Flynn served in multiple wars even before Jupiter informed him of his history as the god of war. While some may be surprised to learn that they were in fact an ancient god reborn into a mortal vessel, Flynn took the news in his stride and quickly reclaimed the ancient name of the god Ares. It seemed obvious to him that he was the god of war once someone else said it.

    While no longer an active soldier, Ares is now the head of The Mortal Gods security forces and he jumps at any opportunity to enter battle with super powered morons who don’t know any better than to tussle with him.

    Ares is the heavy artillery of the gods. The one they throw at problems that can’t be solved with words. A human tank who relishes battle. Unfortunately for the other gods, if Ares lust for battle isn’t satiated, he often picks fights with them. Eros and Mercury are his favourite targets as he considers them weak and in need of toughening up. He doesn’t dare start a fight with Athena though. Not after the last time.

    Ares is the strong backbone of the Mortal Gods but he’s also a temperamental lunatic and if anyone pushes him too far (his fellow gods included) he’s likely to snap and no one wants to see the war god truly angry.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #154858


    Vulcan, also known as Hephaestus, is the forge master of The Mortal Gods and is largely responsible for most of their advanced tech.

    Before becoming aware of his past life as a god, Edward Parks served with distinction in the military as an engineer, serving in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He was widely applauded as arguably the best engineer around and someone you would be lucky to have backing you up in battle. Unfortunately, Eddie’s time in the military was cut short when he and his team were hit by an I.E.D.

    The rest of his team died but Eddie survived…Barely.

    Losing both legs and with most of his body and face badly burned, it seemed Eddie’s time in battle was over.

    Shipped back to America, he received the best treatment possible to recover from his injuries thanks to a mysterious benefactor. After over a year of rehab, he finally met this mysterious benefactor who turned out to be none other than Juno of the Mortal Gods.

    The Olympus Group had but their wealth and power behind Eddie’s recovery and Juno explained that she thought Eddie could be one of their own. A god lost among the mortals. Eddie was initially sceptical. After all, what kind of god could he be in his current state?

    “One of the best.” was Juno’s answer.

    Eddie was given access to all of the Mortal Gods services and named as the new head of the Olympus Group’s science and research department by Jupiter who knew all too well of his inventive skills. Access to the best toys available quickly sparked Eddie’s imagination and one of the first things he built were a pair of robotic legs. The procedure to affix them to his body was painful and dangerous but ultimately successful and Eddie could finally walk again.

    Adopting the name Vulcan, Eddie soon became an integral part of the Mortal Gods operations and earned the trust and respect of the other gods, thanks in no small part to his wry sense of humour.

    Unfortunately, the years since have been hard on Vulcan. He has grown more and more angry at a world he sees as toxic. People aggravate him greatly and he does his best to seclude himself away in his workshop for long periods of time.

    Jupiter’s death during the Terminus invasion was particularly tough on an already bitter and angry Vulcan. The other gods, Mercury especially, often attempts to drag their friend out of his melancholy but they are finding it increasingly difficult.

    Vulcan is still loyal to the Mortal Gods (mostly to Athena) but some believe that if his downward spiral continues, there may be no coming back from it.


    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #154610


    Just an update to Dead Beat as some aspects of the last one were annoying me.

    Dead Beat

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #154547


    Hamilton is a massive pig man with a hammer larger than most people which is really all you need to know.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #154471


    This urban pirate was a c-list bad guy at best for years. He would continually rob banks and attempt to flee in his stolen ant-grav “ship” only to be repeatedly foiled by various heroes. Most people on the street didn’t even know who Corsair was until he rose to prominence in the public eye when a channel 6 news team captured him apparently killing Mercury in cold blood on camera. He had grown tired of the constant meddling of so-called heroes and decided to go down a far more brutal route with the latest one.

    Mercury only appeared to die and was rescued from the brink of death by Trauma (who almost died himself in the process) while a rage filled Apollo battled Corsair. Apollo would probably have killed Corsair if Mercury hadn’t shown up in time to stop him.

    Mercury’s apparent resurrection lent a lot of credence to the claims of the Mortal Gods that they were in fact the ancient gods of Greek and Roman myth. The truth about Trauma’s involvement was kept from the public. More-so at Trauma’s request than anyone else’s but Juno was quick to jump on the the Mercury story to boost the public image of the gods.

    A lot of people truly began believing in the Mortal Gods after this incident and their “worshippers” grew significantly with a large number of those worshippers very vocally  voicing their hatred of Corsair for his attempted killing of a god.

    Corsair’s reputation tanked even further and he faded into the shadows, only occasionally being heard from for a number of years.

    Meanwhile, the Mortal Gods continued on with their mission to aid the people of the world. Some, like Aphrodite and Mercury, took full advantage of their celebrity godhood while others like Apollo and Eros attempted to stay out of the spotlight. Regardless of their own opinion on the matter though, all of the gods ended up being worshipped to various degrees by the general public and they built a lot of good will.

    During the second Terminus invasion when the extra-dimensional despot Omega attempted to conquer the Earth, the Mortal Gods leader Jupiter sacrificed himself to destroy the tyrant’s flagship. It was a tragic blow to both the Mortal Gods and the world as a whole but Athena and Apollo rallied the reeling gods to continue the mission. Jupiter’s death was kept from the public and it was claimed he was simply taking a backseat in the activities of the Mortal Gods.

    Several months after the invasion was repelled though, Corsair reappeared. Transmitting on a pirate TV broadcast, he claimed that the supposed gods had been misleading everyone for years. He told the world that Jupiter was dead and the gods claims that they could return after death were lies. If they weren’t, where was Jupiter? He demanded that the elder god show himself or the Mortal Gods would be branded liars in front of everyone who trusted them. This was impossible of course as Jupiter had died.

    Corsair had put Athena, the gods operational leader and Jupiter’s daughter, in an unwinnable  situation. She couldn’t show the world Jupiter as they knew him. That Jupiter was gone. But the Mortal Gods leader had been reborn. He was just an infant, barely a couple of months old. Athena decided it was finally time to be honest with the people and informed everyone that Jupiter had been reborn but as he was still an infant rather than an adult, she refused to allow him to be exposed to a media circus and dangers like Corsair.

    Unfortunately, years of bending the truth and a refusal to show any kind of proof resulted in a loss of faith from many of the Mortal Gods followers and the general public opinion of the group plummeted.

    Corsair had struck a blow against the gods and he knew it. He had no intention of stopping there though. He intended to destroy the gods completely and knew exactly where to start. If Athena’s claims of Jupiter’s rebirth were true, he would find that boy and use him to crush the rest of those obnoxious gods.

    The Mortal Gods now must protect the infant god from the machinations of a madman.


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