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  • in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #156174


    Air Force pilot turned Astronaut Aiden Adams stumbled into a long abandoned Preserver base during a survey mission on the moon. The last thing he remembers was accidentally activating some mysterious device before everything went black. When he woke up he was back with the rest of his team who had found him unconscious bu with no sign of any base. Aiden was returned to Earth for assessment where he learned that his body was now in peak condition to the point where he could be classified as a super human.

    Despite multiple later searches for the Preserver base, no one seemed able to find it again and the source of Aiden’s transformation remained a mystery.

    Aiden, now given the nickname Adonis by his coworkers, continued to work for NASA for a number of years before being recruited as head of security for the space command center on Star Island. A job which kept him busy with all the space hero shenanigans and alien invasions he had to deal with over the next few years.

    One of Adonis’ biggest tests came when thousands of alien refugees from a galactic war arrived on Earth seeking asylum. A temporary camp was set up on Star Island and Adonis effectively became responsible for all of the refugees therein, dealing with all manner of conflict between the various alien races, attacks from anti-alien extremists and the political nightmare that came with holding thousands of alien refugees on American soil.

    Eventually though, the refugees were relocated off world to a larger and better suited camp on one of Jupiter’s moons (nothing to do with the Mortal God Jupiter) and Adonis was free to return to his normal(ish) life.

    Recently though, Adonis has received an invitation from Comet to help him investigate a Preserver base he found on the moon. Neither man is sure if this is the same base where Adonis originally gained his powers but if there’s a possibility of learning more about what happened to him then Adonis is on board.




    *Screams in bug speak*

    I’ve made a few (dozen) bug themed characters so I know a good one when I see one and that is definitely a good one. Well done, sir.

    Also, he has the same colour scheme as my favourite character, Dragonfly, so bonus points. 🙂

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #155632


    Since Star Wars Celebration is currently happening in Chicago, I decided to take a break from my usual world of superheroes to dip into the world of Star Wars and make a new Jedi…and a droid because why not.

    Katara Kaidyn is a relatively recently graduated Jedi knight but this Echani is already widely respected for her skill both in combat and diplomacy.

    Katara Kaidyn

    in reply to: My Collection of Creative Imagination #155576


    David Harbour

    in reply to: My Collection of Creative Imagination #155547


    I need a Cluck movie right now!

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #155516


    This time displaced barbarian has adapted surprisingly well to modern day life and uses all of his strength to smash criminals in the face.

    He has christened himself “The Legendary Master” for some reason. Whether or not he was ever actually some kind of master combatant in his own time has so far not been determined but he is certainly an effective fighter.




    OK so this guy is actually the result of a random name generator that gave me the name The Legendary Master and the whole time displaced barbarian thing. I used the generator over a year ago but I liked the idea of someone with such a huge ego that they named themselves the Legendary Master so much that I stored it away. I’m glad I finally got around to doing it though. This guy is fun. 🙂

    The Legendary Master

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #155504


    Monster hunting NYPD detective Skylar Storm battles the forces of evil in secret. Trying to protect the general public from the horrors that lurk in the dark. Often aiding Dead Beat in her shadow war, Skylar has become incredibly efficient in battling vampires, werewolves, demons and all manner of supernatural nightmares.

    Skylar Storm

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #155456


    Shen Xia is the chosen vessel for the spirit of the ancient dragon Zufulong.

    Zufulong rides shotgun in  Shen’s body offering wisdom and grants him great power in exchange for helping the dragon rid the world of evil.

    As Draco, Shen was recruited into the Seekers, a team of superheroes led by Ricochet. Draco was initially hesitant to associate with this team of dysfunctional heroes (Zufulong even more so) but after some time with them he begrudgingly grew to like them. Hell, after a number of years together he even considered them family.

    Unfortunately, that only made the heartbreak so much worse when two of his teammates died in the line of duty. This tragedy eventually led to the rest of the team disbanding. Some, like Ricochet, continued to fight the good fight as solo heroes but others decided it was time to put the masks aside and try to live a normal life.

    Draco was one of the latter.

    Zufulong was furious about Shen’s abandonment of their mission and threatened to take full control of his body. Shen eventually managed to calm the dragon and Zufulong accepted his old friends decision. Zufulong left Shen to his life and it seemed the world would never see the hero Draco again.

    Years passed and Shen did manage to build himself a life free of the shenanigans of superheroes and dragons. He married and had a child. Everything seemed perfectly, blissfully normal.

    Right up until the day he had a horrific vision of his wife and child dying.

    Terrified by this vision, Shen sought out Zufulong in the hope that the dragons powers could stop the nightmare he foresaw from coming true.

    The old dragon wouldn’t easily accept Shen’s return however and made him swear on his family that he wouldn’t abandon the mission again. That they would only be separated again when Zufulong decided it was time.

    Shen accepted the deal and Draco was reborn.

    Shen has so far managed to keep his family safe from every danger but a lingering sense of dread still lurks in his mind and he simply can’t shake the feeling that something terrible is coming.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #155440


    Demetrius Roth used to be a highly respected journalist until his greed got the better of him. A  skilled investigator like Roth always managed to dig up dirt on people who would rather keep it hidden. He initially used his investigative skills to further his career as a journalist but realised that he could do so much more.

    Deciding that he could make a small fortune from blackmailing people into paying him huge sums of money to not reveal their dirty little secrets, Roth took inspiration from the multitude of masked heroes and villains around these days and crafted himself a new identity.

    The dapper clown Scandal began terrorising wealthy individuals and businesses. Celebrities and big shots. Money bags and tycoons. If they had a secret that they didn’t want anyone to find out, they would pay up or face the consequences.

    Scandal hired a number of goons to be his muscle should anyone think that taking him out would be a quicker solution to their problems but this sociopath ensured that he even had enough dirt on his own people to keep them loyal.

    Eventually he even started to blackmail a number of masked heroes by threatening to reveal their secret identities to the world. It was around this time though that Scandal finally got a taste of his own medicine. In the middle of trying to intimidate Olympian into working for him, Roth’s own identity was released to the public by another hero with a similar way of doing things,


    The vigilante Secret also liked to reveal the dirty little secrets of others but Secret had a much better moral code and only targeted those who hurt other people. Secret happily released Scandal’s identity to the world, knowing full well that the other man didn’t care who he hurt in his grab for money and power. Demetrius Roth’s entire life was over before he even knew what hit him. Fired from his prestigious job and a warrant issued for his immediate arrest, Roth finally understood what he had been putting everyone else through for years.

    He still didn’t care but he understood it.

    Scandal was finally locked away but not before Secret managed to get his hands on the clowns files, adding them to his own.

    Scandal has spent almost two years in prison now, stewing in his hatred for Secret and he has vowed to destroy the pretentious little upstart as soon as he can make his escape. So far he has failed in both those things but he assures his terrified cellmate that it’s only a matter of time.


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    So I know you asked me for some constructive criticism but honestly I don’t have much to say. You’ve been doing really great work with these characters. The only thing I can see that I would do differently would be the shading. It looks a little heavy on some of your characters. But I tend to go quite light on shading these days so that may just be my personal preference.

    If you’re looking for some tips on shading, I’ve been giving some advice on the subject in my thread to someone else recently if you want to give it a look. Or I’m sure there are a number of different people around here you could ask as everyone tends to do shading differently.

    But other than that, you’re honestly doing great.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #155438


    Hi Anarch how are you dude? Would you mind heading over to my gallery and giving me some constructive criticism please? I want to take my creations to that next level if you wouldn’t mind helping an old friend out. By the way, does Jesterthegreat ever come on here? His work used to be incredible and his imagination was superb!

    Sorry for not replying. I actually completely missed this post until just now. I’ve been checking in on your thread every now and then. You have some great characters there.

    I actually haven’t seen Jes in years. No idea where he is these days.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #155418


    Sorry for asking so many questions but I was just wondering how do you start a thread to put all of your heroes in? Thanks

    Scroll up to the top of the page and click the link that says “Heromachine Art Gallery” right underneath where it say Anarchangel’s Archive. Then scroll down until you see the text box. The smaller box above that is for the title of your thread. Just put your first post in the text box, add a title and post. 🙂

    Also, don’t worry about asking questions.  I’m happy to help.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #155315


    New character! Plus bonus sexy short shorts costume because why not!

    Tsunami is a specialist water rescue hero based primarily around the gulf of Mexico but he can occasionally be found lending a hand in other parts of the world when his services are needed.

    Having never really bothered with wearing a mask, his civilian identity has never really been a secret so his identity as Theodore Chung is fairly well known to the public and he has managed to build up quite a sizable fan base despite a fairly short career.

    There is a secret that Tsunami is keeping from everyone though. The fact that he is actually half alien. Teddy’s birth father was from a race of aliens who are able to control water. This is how Tsunami gained his powers. Though Earth has had a number of encounters with aliens over the years, many of which have been friendly, anti-alien sentiment is strong these days after the Preserver invasion. It’s hard enough being half Asian in Texas, never mind half alien.

    Regardless of his heritage, alien or human, Tsunami will always do his best to help as many people as he can.


    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #155302


    Thanks for the tips before Anarchangel. Your “Ramblings” as you put it, did help quite a bit, I have a better grasp on shading than before. One last question. How do you blend the shading well on the character, as I have had a few that the shading doesn’t really seem to blend well on. Thanks.

    It kind of depends on the character and what they’re wearing as shadows can fall in different places on different items. The gradient background can help a lot if you colour it darker and place it in the right spots.

    A couple of tricks I’ve learned though. The gradient background can be a pain in the butt when it crosses over lines in a character as it can look quite messy but if you’re shading a shirt for instance and you put the gradient on then layer another shirt over the top but reduce the colour alphas to zero to make it transparent while keeping the line colour as it is, it looks a lot better. This can work on most items but does occasionally make the lines look thicker so it’s not perfect.

    Also, if you look at the shadows under the chins of my characters, that’s just another head with the alphas reduced and changed to a nice shadow colour then masked to the body or clothes or whatever. It’s a different way of making shadows and can be used in different places but it can be tricky.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #155291


    When Starborn (at the time known as Starchild) was enlisted into an army of galactic heroes attempting to defend another planet from Magnetar, he fought the tyrant to a standstill but Magnetar is a cruel and petty being and refused to accept defeat. He unleashed a device deep into the planets core, triggering a a countdown to the planets fiery death.

    Starchild’s allies managed to evacuate much of the populace but Starchild himself became trapped as he held off Magnetar, preventing him from destroying the fleeing spacecraft.

    As his allies fled the dying planet into space, they could only look back in horror as the world exploded.

    Starchild died instantly.

    …Or so everyone thought.

    The universe itself had other plans.

    The explosion shattered the ancient gems which gave Starchild his abilities and as the power of the cosmos was set free it enveloped the matter that had once been Akihiro Shigenoi and reformed it, infusing itself into the very atoms of the young human.

    That day Aki became Starborn. The chosen warrior of the universe itself. An envoy of eternity, built from the very matter of the cosmos itself but with the human heart and mind that made him a hero in the first place.

    Since then, Starborn has continued to aid the entire galaxy against all manner of cosmic threats and has become an interstellar legend of whom stories are told on many worlds.

    Aki remains the friendly and likeable young man he has always been but he now has almost unfathomable power at his control and he often has to rain himself in for fear of accidentally destroying entire planets.

    He has put his powers to good use though and has been instrumental in protecting several worlds from forces that would utterly destroy them. Most recently he has made a powerful enemy in Gamma Ray. When the insane rogue preserver returned to Earth with plans to destroy Comet and his adopted home, Comet recruited Starborn in a desperate attempt to rid the world of Gamma Ray. Starborn managed to teleport Gamma Ray to a far off corner of the galaxy and trapped him (at least temporarily) on a planet full of raging monsters. As Starborn and Comet escaped, Gamma Ray bellowed that he would find his way back to Earth and make them both pay.

    Both Comet and Starborn know that if anyone can escape that world it will be Gamma Ray so they both prepare in their own way. Comet protects Earth should he ever return while Starborn travels the galaxy, keeping a close eye out for any sign of Gamma Ray while also remembering that he isn’t the only threat looking to destroy him.

    Magnetar is still lurking somewhere, waiting for an opportunity for revenge.

    Starborn (Envoy of Eternity)

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