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  • in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #112644


    Oh lord.

    I just tried to edit my previous post to add a properly named  file extension for the contest and somehow managed to add 4 extra ones. Ugh! I hate not being able to edit attachments. As Willy Pete would say…Le sigh.

    Hey, JR or whoever, can one of you use your super moderator powers to remove the unnecessary ones? Is that even possible?

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #112626



    I think I went a bit mental when I was making this guy. Don’t ask me to tell you what he is as I have no clue. He’s either a Japanese spirit or a man who transforms into some kind of magical fox…or maybe even a magical fox who can transform into a man, But whatever he is, he’s one of the good guys and he’s from Japan. That’s all I’ve got for now.

    This isn’t my best work, I’ll admit, but I’ve been really under the weather these past few days so this is just something quick and fun to try and improve my mood and get me back into the swing of things. I’m going to be making some more Japanese characters as I really like the idea of populating Japan with supers like I’ve already done with the US. It’s something I’ve been meaning to do for a while now and JR has given me the perfect excuse to do it with this weeks contest.

    I know I said I’d do Germany and Denmark but how can I resist doing Japan with this weeks contest?

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    in reply to: Cliff’s Eclectic Mayhem #112455


    Good to see you’ve finally decided to make a gallery on here man.

    Agreed. 🙂

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #112415


    I’m reposting Magenta for this weeks contest. I made a couple of minor cosmetic changes to fix some things that were bugging me but it’s mostly the same.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #112414


    Germany and Denmark

    I’ll do my best. I think I may have a German character already hiding somewhere in my files but I cannot for the life of me remember who it is at the moment. I’ll dig it up or just make a new one if I can’t find them.

    in reply to: Linea24’s Astra Universe #112412


    I am absolutely in love with your shading.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #112380


    Starchild has got me thinking about heroes (and villains) from other countries. I’d really like to populate my universe with characters from all over the world as the majority of my current ones are from the USA or UK. I’m not talking about national heroes here though. While superheroes draped in their country’s flag can be fun, I always found it odd that the majority of characters in both Marvel and DC’s universes from countries other than the USA had to have some kind of flag or something incorporated into their appearance to signify where they’re from. I mean not every American hero wears the star spangled banner do they? I’m more interested in creating characters who just happen to be from a certain country so I can incorporate it into their story, rather than their appearance.

    And so I come to you guys for suggestions. Is their a certain country you’d like to see a character hail from? Let me know.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #112379


    Thanks, Stulte.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #112269


    I’m reposting Subject Zero (because I haven’t figured out how to actually edit attachments yet) because I recently uploaded him to my deviantART page and as I was looking him over I kind of felt like his head was too small. It just looked weird. I resized it and made a couple of slight cosmetic changes and here we are. Nothing too different.

    Subject Zero

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #112213


    Starchild: Incredible posing, an excellent costume and fantastic proportions!

    Thank you 🙂

    in reply to: Jeimuzu’s World #112211


    1. Post the image as normal.
    2. Click the attachment to see the full image.
    3. Copy the url from the address bar.
    4. Click Edit on your post.
    5. Press the “insert/edit image” button above the text box & paste the url in the pop-up window.
    6. Save post.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #112180


    I really like the way Starchild is posed, he looks awesome using his light force.


    in reply to: Areylind Heroes #112176


    There’s some really nice work in here. Space Wolf looks great.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #112160


    Hey guys, does anyone know how to edit an attachment in this new format?

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #112137


    A concept costume for a new character. Well, I say new but he ‘s existed in my files for years  but he’s never had an image made until now.


    Young hero Akihiro Shigenoi is the latest in a long line of heroes to wield the mysterious “light force”. Traditionally, the hero Starlight operates with a young sidekick known as Starchild. Aki’s great grandfather operated as Starlight during world war 2, fighting for Japan and was a recurring enemy of the original American Dream. His grandfather was not so inclined to side with just his own country and tried to use the light force to help everyone, regardless of nationality.  Unfortunately, Aki’s father appeared to lose his powers during his tenure as Starchild and never graduated to the adult Starlight. This meant that when Aki ‘s powers emerged, he had no Starlight to act as a mentor. His father had long since given up the heroic lifestyle and wanted his son to enjoy a normal life too, without the pressure of wielding the light force. But Aki’s sense of justice drove him to adopt the identity of Starchild anyway. He sought out his aging grandfather for as much help as he could provide but the elderly hero was only able to provide so much help. Aki was left to find his own way as a hero but proved to be a natural at it, earning the respect not only of the people of Japan but of the entire world with his drive and determination. He even matched his skills against some of the worlds most infamous villains.

    Despite his successes, Aki chose not to declare himself the new Starlight and instead remain Starchild until he felt he had truly proven himself worthy if the title.


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Viewing 15 posts - 661 through 675 (of 1,437 total)