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  • in reply to: Vampyrist’s Corner #117432


    Oh Vamp, I love Valiant! Where’s the favourite button?

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #117426


    So I checked out this weeks character design contest, went to the site, generated a random character and this is what I got.

    I instantly had an idea for a character and spent a bit of time working on it in the lab…..But while I do like the finished character, I don’t think it really conveys the idea of “The Red Brain” so I don’t think I’ll bother entering him in the contest. I did think about going for an actual expanded brain but that feels kind of overused.

    The Red Brain


    Anyway, I’m gonna take another crack at the contest at some point through the week.

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #117407


    Very nice design, especially like the logo and the cute little robot!


    Thanks man. That little bot was just something I tacked on to the image at the last minute but I actually like it more than I like Aeon.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #117390


    First draft of a new character, Literally all I know about this character so far is that he’s Canadian. I haven’t come up with anything else yet so no backstory.


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    in reply to: dblade's Whiz Bang Item Dispenser #117379


    I think I finally decided what I want to claim as my prize for the national heroes contest. A lover body part in a leaping pose like this. It obviously doesn’t need to have the detail/costume that this one has. Just the pose is fine….Although I’m undecided about whether or not feet should be included.

    I hate to be a party pooper but this falls under my “No Alternate body part” rule (see first post in this thread). I will take it under consideration but if you can offer an alternate (no pun intended) option I sure would appreciate it.


    Hey dblade, I just saw this reply. First of all, sorry about that. I somehow managed to forget about that rule. I know it’s been a while now but can I still claim an alternate prize?

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #117375


    Thanks JR. Appreciated. 🙂

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #117373


    Ugh! Hey JR, could you possibly delete the first attachment in that last post (and this post)? I made a slight change to Rose after I posted and now I can’t get rid of that. I hate not being able to delete my own posts.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #117368


    Tokyo Rose, Japan’s superhero DJ gains various powers from exposure to different types of music.

    Tokyo Rose

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #117362


    Thanks djuby. I wasn;t entirely sure if the colours worked but I’m glad you like her. 🙂

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #117361



    I actually just checked out page 11 to remind myself what’s there and cringed at how awful some of them look. I’m my own  worst critic though. I’ve been meaning to redo Athena for a while now so you’ll probably see a new version of her soon.

    But I’m glad you#re enjoying them. 🙂

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #117354


    One day, ladies and gentlemen, I will tell you all the tale of Null. Just not this day as I have a bunch of other tales to tell before the tale of Null makes sense and I’m too busy* to do that right now.

    I can tell you, however, that Null has the ability to shut off other peoples powers.





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    in reply to: Areylind Heroes #117352


    You have some really nice work here. 🙂

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #117339


    I’ve just been tinkering with Dragonfly, I haven’t changed much but I wanted to give him a more mature, somewhat intimidating look this time around.



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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #117324


    Wow, it’s been almost 3 months since I posted here. Sorry about that folks. Life got in the way.


    Anyway, I finally have something to share with you guys. An updated version of Prowler.

    Prowler - Everyone in the criminal underworld knows that when the black cat crosses your path, you're in for some serious bad luck,

    Those of you who have been around for longer will no doubt have seen this character before and know that every attempt at a decent costume has been an abject failure. But I think I actually like this one. I went for a more utilitarian design, rather than the last costumes entirely spandex affair. That one just didn’t make much sense for the character but this one serves his purpose a lot better.

    I didn’t really attempt a lot of shading on this one as I think we all know how much I suck at shading. Especially black.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #112651


    Kitsune thanks you….Those clones were evil. 🙂

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