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  • in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #129424


    So I was messing around and this happened.

    Silverback. A gorilla with a jetpack….What more explanation does it need.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #129404


    I should start by saying that this character does not belong to me but is rather my interpretation of a character created by former Heromachiner SongBird who I have unfortunately lost contact with but I’m 95.47% sure Song would be OK with me posting this. Why, you may ask, am I posting this character if she’s not my own? Well Bullet Witch was one of Invictus team-mates back in the role playing game I mentioned when I posted him. She was also arguably his best friend…Although she did shoot him when he told her he was gay…Long story. She wasn’t herself.

    I actually had no intention of creating this character when I started out on this image. I was trying to create my own character named Roulette, who had an entirely different backstory (she was going to be involved with The Keeper) but about half way through the creation process I realized that Roulette bore a striking resemblance to Bullet Witch and just ran with it. Maybe I was subconsciously thinking of her since I had just finished Invictus. Who knows. Either way, I like it. And Song, if by some miracle you see this, I hope you like it too. 🙂

    Roulette – Bullet Witch

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #129369


    Like Adrenaline & Xian before him. Invictus (Latin for “invincible”) is another character from my old roleplaying days reborn. Back in the day, this guy came very close to knocking Adrenaline off the top spot on my list of favourite characters but his rp ended up relatively short compared to Adrenaline’s so he kind of faded away while Adrenaline was running around in my head for years.

    Invictus possesses a number of magical swords including the legendary Excalibur and, if you believe the rumours, he’s a descendant of King Arthur.

    Starting out as the protege of a legendary hero, Invictus was named in a prophecy as “The great hero” who was supposedly destined to save the world from “The great destroyer”. The great destroyer was later revealed to be Invictus’ own half-brother, who not only murdered their father and mentor but also Invictus’ boyfriend, the hero known as American Eagle. A final confrontation between the two brothers (and Invictus’ teammates) ended when Invictus plunged a sword through his brothers chest.

    In the immediate fallout from these events, Invictus was thought to have died. He reappeared almost a year later as the vigilante known as the Hunter (no relation to the current Hunter). This was a particularly dark period in his life and his downward spiral threatened to destroy him. But ultimately, with the help of his friends and an adventure through time where he ended up fighting alongside his seemingly timeless father during world war 2, Invictus emerged from the darkness and grew to become one of the worlds greatest heroes.

    Earning the title of “the lightbringer” for his quest to rid the world of evil and injustice in whatever form it takes, Invictus has become a shining beacon of hope in an increasingly dark world.

    “Light up the darkness” – Invictus.

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #129348


    I realize I’m following Red Star with Red Fang but that’s entirely coincidental. The character’s aren’t related in any way.

    Red Fang was once The Hunter’s greatest student and she learned much from the master martial artist. When she literally and figuratively stabbed her mentor in the back, the Hunter was taken completely by surprise. Red Fang finally showed her true colours as a master manipulator, motivated almost entirely by money. She now puts her skills to use as a highly paid mercenary and assassin.

    The Hunter considers Red Fang his greatest failure and it is a great sense of shame to him that she uses the skills he taught her to kill others and he now takes it upon himself to stop her activities wherever possible. The master martial artists greatest student has become his greatest enemy.

    ….Cliche heavy story over.

    Red Fang

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #129308


    My original design for Red Star, created years ago, was all kinds of awful. Seriously, all the kinds. So I chucked her to the back of my gallery and tried to forget all about her. But she was always there, right between Red Devil and Rhapsody, taunting me like “You’re bad at this, Gabe.”

    So I just had to make her a new costume, if only to stop the voices in my head mocking me…..Anywho, here’s Red Star. 🙂

    Red Star

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #129275


    This guy originated in a really weird dream I had where he fought Starborn….Starborn hit him with a stuffed animal.

    Anyway, I liked him so much I did this.

    How do I describe this character?…Oh I know. If Hulk and Wolverine somehow had a Japanese love child…


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #129243


    One more Mortal God for now. The Sun god, Apollo.

    Apollo holds a special place in my heart as he was the second character created for my universe, right after Dragonfly.


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    My redesign of The Mortal Gods continues with Artemis.

    Now bear with me a minute while I explain some things about this character and my thought process in general.

    I often create a character based on how they would look/work in either a movie/tv show or a video game. Artemis for example, has the cape esque tail things hanging behind her legs. Now I’ve always thought capes would kind of get in the way during combat but while creating Artemis I was kind of struck by a mental image of her spinning around and kicking all manner of crap out of her opponents. I figure these almost coat tail type things would create a nice visual effect as she moved but wouldn’t get in the way like a cape would because they hang from her belt and therefore move with the lower half of the body.

    The grapple gun I thought would be a nice way of getting around but I could also see it being used as a weapon to draw her enemies in closer, much like Scorpion from Mortal Kombat.

    And so ends my ramble about nothing important. If you’re still reading this, well done. Have a cookie. 🙂

    “Get over here!” – Artemis.

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #129199


    Just some new duds for Mercury, of the Mortal Gods.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #129175


    Armorclad is partly responsible for Sentinel’s life as a superhero. The mercenary and his team ambushed Sentinel and his marine unit in Afghanistan, leaving the future hero with a broken back. Only the intervention of new heroine American Dream saved his life. After a slow and painful physical rehabilitation, Sentinel learned to walk again and sought out his rescuer. Sentinel and American Dream fell in love and have been together ever since.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #129149


    Lately I’ve been trying to use more or less sensible costumes for my female characters. But let’s face it, there’s nothing sensible about this much cleavage. But then this character’s supposed to be rather sexual so…here she is.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #129131


    Blessed with the strength speed stamina etc. of three men, this is Olympian.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #129114


    Phoenix is a character I’ve been meaning to create for a long time. He plays an integral part in the overarching story of my universe and he has touched the lives of a lot of characters. I’m not going to say how exactly he’s involved because there’s a lot of stories I still have to tell before that so Phoenix’s story makes sense. I’ll get around to it eventually but there’s a lot to tell and it kind of puts me off when I think about it all. I’m too lazy.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #129087


    Xian is another of my favourites. Probably my favourite female character.

    Xian was originally created years ago for a role playing game and I had a ton of fun playing her. She’s the cheeriest goth chick you’ll ever meet. Xian’s powers make her invisible to all five senses. The problem is, she pretty much stuck in this state and it takes intense concentration for her to interact with the world in any real way.

    Now I know what you’re saying. “Didn’t you use that same psycho teddy bear with Psymon?”. Yes I did. But I stole the idea from this character. While Psymon’s bear was only supposed to be a normal teddy that he manipulates through telekinesis, Xian’s bear, Hotaru, is an actual possessed teddy bear.

    Hotaru is Xian’s closest friend and enemy. The two are linked mentally, physically and spiritually. While Xian is a bubbly, friendly type of person, Hotaru is miserable and just downright sadistic. The spirit spends most of his time lurking around inside Xian’s head after finding that her unique position between this world and the spirit world keeps him off the radar of the wraiths that want to drag him off to hell. Xian, initially hating having a spirit lodger rattling around in her head, found that Hotaru’s presence allowed her to better interact with the world thanks to his telekinesis. And so she allows him to stay. Of course Hotaru comes and goes, often possessing others for short periods of time but also inhabiting Xian’s favourite teddy bear…Just because a possessed teddy bear wearing a hockey mask creeps people out.

    Xian and Hotaru bicker constantly and Hotaru delights in screwing with his human host. Xian gives as good as she gets though and seems to be able to force Hotaru into the teddy bear. She often uses it as a form of punishment.

    Despite their fights, Xian and Hotaru have grown close over the time they have spent together. The often lonely Xian knows that Hotaru is the one person that will always be there to keep her company when she finds it difficult to interact with the world and Hotaru knows that without Xian, he would probably be burning in a fiery hell pit right now.

    Neither of them would ever admit it but Xian and Hotaru have become friends and each loves the other in their own peculiar and twisted way.


    Xian: “What are you doing with that knife?”Hotaru: “Don’t worry about it”

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #129059



    I just cleared my browser cache because the new items from dblade weren’t loading into heromachine and completely forgot that that erased all of my character files….

    …On the plus side, I did get the new items.

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