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  • in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #140969


    That wheelchair design is so creative, it’s awesome! Do you mind if I submit that for a hall of fame nomination?

    That wheelchair is entirely the work of MadJack.

    All I did was stick the character on top of it.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #140880


    And the now retired Supermodel, Jennifer Colt.

    Jenn still supports her niece, Knockout in her hero career whenever she can, offering advice and moral support. Knockout has often said that her aunt Jenn is her biggest inspiration.

    Big thanks to MadJack for building the wheelchair by the way. That’s all him.

    Jennifer Colt

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #140878


    As mentioned in Knockout’s backstory, which I’ll include here too, the former superhero known as Supermodel. This is Supermodel in her heyday, before everything went to hell.


    The original American Dream was Rita Rose, an actress in the 1930’s who found herself imbued with great powers after she put on what she thought to be a tacky piece of costume jewellery on the set of one of her movies. The necklace was actually an ancient talisman and plunged into her chest where it affixed itself to her heart. As American Dream, Rita used her new strength to fight crime and even battled axis forces in Europe (where she was a big hit with the troops). After many years of serving her country, Rita found a way to remove the talisman from her heart and retired as American Dream and started a family. She locked away the necklace and lived the rest of her life in Hollywood where she continued to make many wonderful movies.

    The second and modern American Dream, contrary to what many people think, actually has no ties to the original whatsoever and simply took the name as an homage to one of her heroes. Nevertheless, she has distinguished herself well and become one of the worlds most beloved superheroes.

    When Rita’s granddaughter Jennifer, an up and coming model, decided to rummage through her grandmothers old jewellery box for something to wear to a vintage photoshoot, she unwittingly stumbled upon the talisman that gave Rita her powers all those years ago. Jennifer found herself imbued with the same powers. After the initial shock wore off, Jennifer decided to try and honour her grandmothers legacy and use her new found strength for good. Despite Rita’s protests that she should live a normal life instead, Jennifer chose to follow in her grandmother’s footsteps and became the crime fighting Supermodel. (The American Dream name was obviously being used)
    Jennifer proved to be as good as Rita was at using her powers for good and quickly earned a lot of respect from the hero community and the world at large. Unfortunately she also earned her fair share of enemies too. Chief among them, the sisters Knockout and Bombshell. The sinister sisters repeatedly battled Supermodel and repeatedly came up short. But a tragic event would soon change everything.
    When the extra-dimensional tyrant known as Omega led an invasion of Earth, the entire planet was caught by surprise. Humanity fought back, it’s masked heroes (and villains) leading the charge. In the end, the invaders were pushed back. But there were many casualties. Among them was Rita Rose, who died protecting her family from the invaders.
    After her death, something snapped in Supermodel. The death of her grandmother changed her. She grew angry and resentful of the superhero community who she blamed for not saving her grandmother. It was then that Knockout and Bombshell implemented their most devious scheme. They captured and brainwashed their hated enemy and convinced her to join them. The world was in shock when Supermodel began to actually work with these devious villains. They watched in horror as their once beloved hero fell from glory.
    For years, Supermodel, Knockout and Bombshell worked together as a villainous trio, often coming into conflict with American Dream and Sentinel. Eventually the sisters began to lose their hatred for their one time foe. They even began to like her.
    When the world had finally recovered from the Omega invasion, a series of events (which I’ll cover when I get to the next chapter of the Entropy saga) led to the dreaded Omega and his army returning to earth once again. The sight of Omega enraged Supermodel so completely that she seemingly lost her mind and attacked the invader with a ferocity no one had ever expected. Unfortunately, the talisman which gave Jennifer her powers and was attached to her once pure heart had other plans. Her heart had now become so poisoned with hate that the talisman chose to abandon her rather than be further contaminated. Now powerless, Jennifer found herself at the mercy of the most cruel and evil entity the world had ever known. Attempting to escape the tyrant with the aid of Bombshell and Knockout, Jennifer was paralysed by debris from a collapsing building after Bombshell misfired an explosion that levelled the building. Jennifer was the lucky one though. Knockout was seemingly killed in the explosion as she fought to hold off Omega. In complete shock at the thought of killing her own sister, Bombshell fled, leaving the crippled Supermodel alone. It was Jennifer’s niece, Jamie, who found her and carried her to safety. In the chaos that followed, no one is really sure, Jamie herself, how she came to be in possession of her aunt’s necklace.

    In the aftermath of the invasion, the invaders once again pushed back, Jamie found herself the new bearer of the heart talisman. Ask Jennifer and she would tell you that the necklace found its own way to her, seemingly self aware and looking for a new host. Jamie isn’t really a believer in the whole “living jewellery” thing but she has a gemstone attached to her heart now and the powers that come with it. At her aunt Jennifer’s request, Jamie has taken up the family legacy as a super powered hero. Jennifer, now returned to her senses and pardoned of her crimes for her efforts in fending off the invasion, hopes that her niece can use the power of the talisman for good instead of the evil she herself caused. The ever cheery and optimistic Jamie seems to already be making an impression on the boys in masks. Not that she has any interest in a single one of them of course.
    Jamie is now under the tutelage of a number of other heroes in the use of her powers and frequently turns to aunt Jenn for guidance. Jennifer is more than willing to help, provided Jamie does one thing for her.

    At her aunt’s request that she honour her fallen sister, Jamie now goes by the crime-fighting alias of Knockout.



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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #140868


    Also, maybe I made a version of Deathstalker with a different colour. This one is supposed to be closer to the actual colour of a deathstalker scorpion.



    Shut up, Anarch?

    Deathstalker (Sandy varient)

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #140867


    I will immediately begin to design a Deathstalker myself. It seems to be the latest craze. And we can begin a Tournament of Death(stalkers). Haha…..

    Do it!


    The Deathstalker war begins!!!

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #140864


    Deathstalker looks killer. Considently I just started a character called Deathstalker too.  

    I propose a battle to the death(stalker) to determine who is the best.

    But seriously, let me know when you finish him so I can come check him out.


    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #140863


    Here’s the item you were asking about. The original was done by MadJack, so probably best to credit him rather than me.

    Thanks mate. And will do. 🙂

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #140845


    A redesign of a character I originally made a loooooong time ago who was originally known as just Scorpion, because I’m bad at names.

    Like Throwback and The Web, Jamie Rodriguez was a victim of experiments by Evolution Inc to create human animal hybrids. (More on Evolution Inc when I get around to doing another character)

    Unlike Throwback and The Web, Rodriguez decided to use his new powers for personal gain, rather than helping others.

    Sick and tired of being pushed around by others and desperate to make money to support his family, Jamie adopted the identity of Scorpion and, falling back on his army training, formed the mercenary group known as the Deathstalkers.

    Scorpion and the Deathstalkers were never picky about the contracts they accepted and often found themselves on the wrong side of the law and battling the world’s masked heroes. Prowler and Dragonfly in particular seemed to come into contact with the mercenaries a lot and Scorpion developed a particular hatred for both.

    The mercenaries had some success for a time until Jamie lost his tail in battle and decided to retire. It was time to focus on repairing the damage his life as Scorpion did to his family.

    The former criminal and mercenary seemed to have legitimately gone straight for a number of years and was slowly putting his family back together. All signs pointed to the Scorpion being gone for good.

    But Daniel Saint, a.k.a Static Buzz, a.k.a the practically all seeing eye of the superhero community these days, recently learned that Rodriguez’s former Deathstalker squad had all been found brutally murdered. Worse still, Rodriguez was now missing.

    Static contacted his former partner Dragonfly, knowing that he had history with Rodriguez, and asked him to investigate. Dragonfly’s investigation led him to an old base the mercenaries used long ago. The base seemed to have been abandoned for years, save for it’s sole inhabitant, the re-scorpionized Rodriguez, who attacked Dragonfly on sight.

    Now adopting the name of his fallen squad, the newly christened Deathstalker informed Dragonfly that he was going to hunt down whoever killed his friends and if the hero got in his way, he would die too.

    Dragonfly now found himself in a race against time to find the killer before Deathstalker did, because if Rodriguez found them first, he may well do something that there was no coming back from.


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    in reply to: Hawk's Nest #140836


    Love it.

    Love it.

    Love everything about it.

    in reply to: Wolf Master’s Character gallery #140830


    I love a good speedster and Velocity looks great.

    I like the whole perceiving time in slow motion thing. I’ve done that in the past with my own speedster (Adrenaline) and it always breaks my heart.


    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #140826


    This is just a tidied up version of Vandal, the extra-dimensional barbarian who used to be accompanied by another character named Warlock. Well, that guy’s gone.

    The creepy and nefarious Vox managed to use his powers to get inside Vandal’s head and coerce him into killing the warlock.

    Vox took control of the chain that controlled Vandal for a short time until interference from Phoenix broke the bonds that held him.

    Now Vandal is on his own for the first time and without someone to control him, there’s simply no telling now much chaos the barbarian may cause.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #140824


    Thanks to both of you. I’m glad you like my guys and gals. 🙂

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #140797


    New costume for the teenage crime fighter, adrenaline junkie and Nowhere Kid, Talon.

    I’ve been playing this guy, on and off, in DC Universe Online for quite a while and this is my depiction of his in game look where he wears some Nightwing style gear so he looks somewhat similar to Grayson.

    For more on Talon’s backstory, see Subject Zero.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #140784


    Neat droid. Yah, Nyx is interesting, being her own shadow. I once stymied a GM by shooting a unicorn. The party was horrified until I began explaining that it cast a shadow, so it must have been a fake. “Because unicorns are made of the light.” On further review, he had to give me that. It ‘must’ve been’ a tactical decoy meant to lead us away from the real one.

    That is amazing. Well done, sir. 🙂

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #140671


    Every now and then I like to make something completely different from what I normally do.

    Case in point, this little fella who doesn’t currently have a name.

    I designed this thing to be a medical assistant droid for a medic I’m currently playing in a sci-fi themed play-by-post roleplay elsewhere on the interwebs.

    Medical Droid

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