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  • in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #141969


    Aurora. Proud witch and proud member of the LGBTQ community.

    My last attempt at making this character was a failure in every way and I’ve been meaning to try again for almost four years now. I finally got around to it and I kind of like this one. It’s very simple but I think it works.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #141952


    Cindy Lee was a highly skilled intelligence operative for the United States government until she stumbled across a secret her superiors didn’t want anyone to know. She was betrayed and left for dead by the people she trusted with her life. A burned asset, left to die.

    But Cindy managed to survive, barely. Now driven almost entirely by thoughts of revenge, she sought out anything that could help her and found it in a most unexpected place. The world of magic. A deal with the ancient sorceress, Rose Red, granted Cindy control over fire in exchange for occasionally serving Rose’s own plans.

    Cindy didn’t even hesitate to accept and set out to destroy everyone who had betrayed her.

    Since that day, the newly christened Miss Fyre has seemingly descended into madness, becoming a rampaging maniac whose goals are now difficult to discern. She seems as likely to help a random stranger as she is to burn them alive. Those who know the sorceress Rose Red often attribute this to her as they know she has a tendency to grant others great power but with a steep cost. In this case, it may have been Cindy’s sanity. Those who knew Cindy before her time as Miss Fyre, however, will tell you that she was always somewhat unhinged.

    Miss Fyre has become one of the most dangerous people anyone could encounter and has even turned her back on Rose Red after she tried to transform Cindy into a monster in order to save her own skin in a battle with the Keeper. The sorceress tried to take back her gift but found that the fire had bonded to Cindy on a level she hadn’t expected.

    Now there is no one controlling Miss Fyre and the world may burn because of it.


    Okay so you guys have no doubt seen me mention the various characters that I play in DC Universe Online like Bad Dog and Talon. Well Miss Fyre here is the original. The first character I made in that game.

    I’ve put off making her here for so long because her look was just to complicated for me to recreate but I recently simplified her costume. This isn’t an exact recreation but it’s close enough.

    Miss Fyre

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #141922


    An attempt at a new costume for Jett.

    For Jett, morality seems to be like a revolving door and she has made several attempts to play the good guy role before eventually returning to her criminal ways.

    Recently, the speedster has begun working with Lord Aurachnid, a former teammate from one of her attempts at rehabilitation, in his battle against the hero Anansi.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #141841


    Scottish hero and best friend of Invictus, Pulse.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #141672


    When Colby Ramos, owner of the Midnight Red theater, refused to sell his business to Pinnacle Industries, who planned to flatten the entire neighborhood, the building was set on fire, with Colby and his wife,Riley, still inside. Colby saved Riley’s life but lost his own in the process.

    The corrupt local police refused to investigate, branding Colby’s death a “tragic accident”, former army ranger Riley decided to take matters into her own hands . Adopting the name Midnight Red in honor of Colby, Riley take revenge on everyone involved in her husbands death, unveiling a web of corruption in the process.

    Midnight Red

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #141596


    No, I’m not just being weirdly descriptive or lazy with these names. They’re named after atomic bombs.

    When the nuclear powered her known as Atomic’s powers became unstable, he tried his best to reach an unpopulated area. He managed to avoid killing anyone in the explosion caused by his eventual death but the fallout poisoned the inhabitants of a small town.

    Only four people survived the exposure to the radiation but they gained bizarre powers and became twisted both physically and mentally.

    Fat Man, Little Boy and Black Betty, under the leadership of Mind Wave, formed The Children of the Atom, a radical group that initially sought to end the use of nuclear energy but eventually  shifted their goals due to Mind Wave’s growing megalomania.

    Fat Man, the human warhead, is easily the groups muscle. Little boy is a far more sinister threat though. Actually the oldest member of the group, his enormous eyes can hypnotise people to do his bidding.

    Fat Man and Little Boy

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #141559


    Christian Hart joined the air force right out of high school. Never wanting to do anything other than fly, he quickly earned his wings and spent few decades in the air. Under the call sign Arclight, Hart earned the respect of many with his flying skills and his dedication to the men and women he fought alongside.

    Hart, under the call sign Arclight, now commands Phantom Squadron, based on Star Island military base just off the coast of Freedom City. The Phantoms are often called into help deal with the many threats faced by mad supervillain weapons,  massive robots and alien invasions that inexplicably seem drawn to the area.

    Arclight and the Phantoms have earned the respect of not only the superhero community for providing much needed backup but of the general population for keeping them safe.

    Lt Christian Hart (Arclight)

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    in reply to: Mechs over here! #141554


    Man, your work is amazing.

    in reply to: Mr. Vaudeville's Gallery #141553


    Hey, your works really coming along. You’ve got some interesting characters.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #141551



    The glowing hoop is his choice of weapon. Ever see Xena? He teleports in, throws the disk, cracks some heads with it, all while teleporting from place to place.

    Throw, telport, catch, teleport, throw…You see where this is going.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #141538


    A remake of the Nowhere Kids wisecracking teleporter, Sidestep.

    I’ve been working on this guy for the better part of two weeks now and I’m sick of the sight of him so I’m posting him now and moving on to something else before I spend the rest of my life tweaking his costume.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #141331


    A side project in the same vein as the medical droid I posted last month.

    I wanted rp medic character to have some kind of companion but, as cute/weird as the droid was, he didn’t really fit. So I started working on something else instead.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Code Blue Medical Assistant Dog….Or just Cody.

    Cody (Code Blue)

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #141329


    I like your Dragonfly concept with Goliath Beetle as the villain.

    Here is a suggestion to help your thought process and how I create characters in my head…..VILLAINS! Without a great villain to stir the pot and make things bleak for everyone, a story is just blah. Start with your antagonist causing the mayhem to you setting where your hero will evolve from. The more badass your villain, the better your hero’s story will impact. Just my 2 cents….


    The main antagonist in Dragonfly’s story is Vox, who is just the most sinister presence and my favourite villain by a wide margin. But that story is so wide reaching and interconnects with several other stories like Comet and Phoenix.

    As a standalone story, the Goliath Beetle does work better. There’s also a new villain I’ve been tinkering with who I think could be perfect for Dragonfly…

    I like these ideas. Thanks guys. 🙂

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #141180


    In the new year, I would really like to get back into writing stories for the characters you see here.

    The problem is I’m so scatter-brained that I can never settle on one character to actually write about.

    Earlier in 2016, I started writing the origin story of Knockout and I was really happy with where it was going. Knockout has quickly become one of my favourite characters and I think Xian Lai Do is the only female character I like more. Unfortunately, the computer I was writing it on died on me and I was too stupid to have saved it elsewhere. Now the thought of having to rewrite everything fills me with dread as I have a feeling I wouldn’t be able to remember it all and it just wouldn’t be the same.

    Other options include Dragonfly, Adrenaline or Invictus, my three favourite characters. Although both Dragonfly and Adrenaline make appearances in Knockout’s story.

    I’ve also thought about continuing or even rewriting Poison, a story I originally began on the old Heromachine forums. I’m not sure how many of you would even remember that but it was a supernatural mystery about a woman who wakes up in a morgue with no memory of how she got there. The first few chapters of that were good but some of the later stuff I’m determined to rewrite. Take it in a different direction entirely.

    Serenity Miller’s story has always been one of my favourites but it’s quite an intimidating one to turn into a full story.

    There are also several non-superhero stories running around in my head that I’d like to do at some point. Branching out every now and then is always a good thing.

    Anyway, the reason I bring this all up is to ask if their are any characters here that you guys would like to see more of. Any favourites you’d like me to write some stuff for? Or are any of the above ideas even remotely interesting to any of you?

    Let me know and I’ll try to get my brain to function long enough to form some coherent sentences that I can string together.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #141158


    ………………..So…yeah…This guy happened.


    I originally came up with this character a while back but didn’t give him the heromachine treatment because I could never settle on a look that I liked.

    He’s supposed to be kind of like a trucker who, instead of driving a truck, uses a suit of armour that effectively makes him like a human truck….You don’t want to get hit by either.


    Clancy O’Brian was always teased for his size, even as a child, he was abnormally tall and overweight. But he was also immensely strong and he knew it. By the time he hit high school, Clancy had become a bully and a thug, terrorising anyone he even thought was making fun of him.

    When he dropped out of school (or rather, when he was kicked out for bullying) he only seemed to get angrier as he continued to get larger, eventually becoming hired muscle for the many criminals in his city.

    Clancy’s younger and far more intelligent brother, however, couldn’t be any different. Ryan was not only accepted into several prestigious colleges due to his impressive intelligence, he actually invented a powered suit to help Clancy with his decreasing mobility, whose sheer size was having a serous impact on his spine. Eventually, he would end up paralysed if not for his brothers suit.

    But rather than showing some deserved gratitude, Clancy forced Ryan to upgrade the suit even further to enhance his already considerable strength. Fearful of his brother, and rightfully so, Ryan complied.

    Sick and tired of just being a lackey, Clancy adopted the name Wide Load and decided to use his size and strength to take all of the things he thought he rightfully deserved.

    Clancy isn’t just an angry psychopath though, as evidenced by his infatuation with Knockout.

    When Wide Load met the young heroine, he fell madly and passionately in love with her. He even tried to show her that he could be a good guy for a time. But when she continually rebuked him, he eventually snapped, thinking that it was because of his size.

    In her defence, Knockout was gay and wasn’t interested in any man. At this point in time, Knockout hadn’t come out to anyone but her closest friends and wasn’t comfortable telling a crazy criminal like Clancy.

    Since then, Wide Load has become one of Knockout’s most recurring foes. He’s still obsessed with her but he’s not above showing his anger. He never has been.

    Wide Load

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