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  • in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #146205


    I really like all of the character designs on this page. The simple backgrounds also work surprisingly well.

    Thank. I wish I could say I chose to do that for reasons other than sucking at actual backgrounds but…

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #146138


    This one’s just some stupid derpy humour.

    The bizarre Atlantean mutant named Sal Monn (who the humans refer to as Salmon after a miscommunication) thinks of himself as a great villain. A would be world conqueror who is on the cusp of domination.

    He is, in actuality, little more than a nuisance whose plans never amount to anything at all. He once attempted to invade the land but all he accomplished was knocking over a few sand castles before he had to dive back into the sea to avoid suffocating.

    Salmon considers himself to be Riptide’s nemesis but his plans to best his hated foe fall very short of ever working and Salmon has actually helped Riptide on a number of occasions. Mostly accidentally of course. Rip just feels bad for the guy and plays along.

    Maybe one day the great and powerful Salmon will achieve world domination but…probably not.

    The Great and Powerful Salmon!

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #146126


    Very few people can openly walk in the world of both heroes and villains and not face any kind of backlash from one side or the other. Nightingale achieves this by offering medical services to those who need it but don’t want to risk going to a hospital.

    Cyber offers an entirely different service. Knowledge.

    There’s very little this information broker and hacker can’t find out for a price. She has rules, of course. Giving away someone’s secret identity or the location of a secret base is just bad for business and would only lose her customers but almost everything else is fair play as long as you can afford to pay her.

    While many people would like to see Cyber come over to their side exclusively or just take her off the board entirely, most play by her rules. If they don’t, they not only risk Cyber’s wrath but face being ostracised by other members of the hero and villain community who realise that having a resource like Cyber on your side is far better than having her as an enemy.


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    in reply to: Vampyrist’s Corner #146125


    The white mage has a very interesting look.

    Nice work. 🙂

    in reply to: Lady Amaranth's Creations #146124


    I can’t believe I’ve never checked out this thread before. You have some really nice stuff here.

    in reply to: GOOSEYY's Grotto #146123


    Is your first piece titled “Gorilla Warfare”?….Sorry. Bad puns are what I do around here.

    But seriously, nice work and welcome to the forums! 🙂

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #146122



    I’m a sucker for any kind of alien species. Especially those with tails. 🙂

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #145912


    Stalker is the twin sister of Ariadne and a former assassin trying to make up for her past actions in a less lethal manner.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #145911


    Bombshell, well i’m sure she’s a blast to hang out with.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #145820


    This explosion slinging beauty was originally part of a criminal duo with her sister, the original Knockout. Knockout and Bombshell were recurring foes of Jennifer Holt in her days as Supermodel.  The sisters would ultimately win the war with their enemy when they kidnapped Supermodel and brainwashed her into joining their side.

    The deadly duo then became a trio.

    The sisters loved seeing the high and mighty Supermodel fall from grace but they weren’t prepared for how likable she actually was once they got to know her. They actually grew to consider her a friend. So when Supermodel found herself on the losing end of a fight with the extra dimensional terror known as Omega, Knockout and Bombshell came to her rescue.

    Sadly however, during their attempted escape, Bombshell misfired an explosion and Knockout was killed.

    Devastated and horrified by this, Bombshell fled, leaving a depowered Supermodel to her fate. If it wasn’t for the arrival of Jennifer’s niece, Jamie, she probably wouldn’t have made it out alive.

    Bombshell had seemingly vanished, Supermodel had lost her powers and was crippled and Knockout was dead. The deadly trio of women was officially over.

    The trauma of that night seemingly brought Jennifer back to her senses and she was given an official pardon for her efforts in holding back Omega, who planned to destroy everything but she was still haunted by the crimes she had committed. So when Jamie decided to carry on the family legacy of superhero women, Jennifer was proud and asked that she take on the name of the fallen Knockout.

    Bombshell, however, was anything but proud.

    She saw this young upstart using her dead sisters name as an insult. She wanted to put an end to it but she would take a much subtler approach than she usually did. From the shadows, Bombshell plotted against both Knockout and Jennifer for months, subjecting them to a torrent of mental and emotional pain through agents and proxies. Only after months of this did she reveal herself as the mastermind behind all of it.

    Bombshell now hid her beauty under a hideous mask and declared herself the antithesis of everything Knockout stood for. Her plan didn’t stop there though. She drugged and abducted Knockout and planned to subject her to the same intense brainwashing that had been used against Supermodel. This was bombshell’s ultimate revenge against Jennifer, who she believed was responsible for her sisters death. Her plan may well have worked if it wasn’t for an emotional plea from Jennifer that gave Knockout enough time to escape and subdue Bombshell.

    Her plan foiled, Bombshell now resides in a maximum security penitentiary where she patiently plots her next move. She has set aside her hatred for her former friend for the time being but her hatred of Knockout has only grown.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #145818


    Thank you.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #145680


    I was reading an article about Overwatch recently (Yes, I’m still obsessed) and it mentioned a rumour that says the game may be getting a monkey/gorilla hero. While Winston is obviously already in the game, I really liked the idea of a little monkey character running around shooting everyone in the face and it reminded me of a character I created a while back.

    Spider Monkey, the mercenary/assassin/all around psychopath has been lurking in my mind for a while now and saw a brief incarnation in DC Universe Online where he creeped out everyone else in Gotham and Metropolis.

    The Overwatch article. whether it’s true or not, inspired me to give one of my favourite bad guys the look I always wanted him to have.

    So here he is, ladies and gentlemen. The thoroughly creepy yet somehow still adorable…Spider Monkey.

    Spider Monkey

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #145667


    While most people have never heard of the sand dust controlling bandit known as Dust Devil, he’s notorious in Nevada where he and his gang once terrorised a small town for months. They effectively took over, with Dust Devil using his powers to threaten the locals into submission. Dust Devil set himself up as a small time dictator until Hellion breezed through town and showed him what a real devil looked like.

    Since then, Dust Devil has popped up every now and then to rob people travelling through Nevada and has fought several masked heroes but he has made a point to steer well clear of Hellion, who he is now utterly terrified of.

    Dust Devil

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #145638


    A remake of Icarus, who badly needed a new look.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #145637


    For Astral, my suggestion would be he’s available to heroes to bring them intel for a price. He makes his agreements while the heroes are dreaming only, so no one can catch him. (Doesn’t even need a costume that way!) His price would be, say, for one hideout location: three donations of eighty meals each to any soup kitchen within a certain radius. Two down, one after. Steep, but no one complains–they think of it as philanthropic. No one realizes that people who are drugged are extra vulnerable to him. He actually has a few alcoholic homeless people eat at one donation and collect meals for him at another. They have no memory of delivering the meals later. The man who projects the identity of Astral greatly reduces his grocery bill–always has a few meals in his freezer from these donations.

    That’s an interesting story.

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