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  • in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147161


    If you’ve been paying attention, some of you may know that I play DC Universe Online…Or I used to anyway. I haven’t really played that game in about a year but I recently booted it up out of nostalgia and when I did I saw Sergeant Stone’s ugly mug staring back at me.

    Sarge is easily one of my favourite DCUO characters. To this day, 95% of his costume is entirely created from base level items. I don’t recall ever liking a character that much as soon as I made them in game. It probably doesn’t hurt that his earth powers are fun as all hell either.

    I’ve been trying to recreate Sarge for quite a while outside of DCUO with little success but I’ve been feeling pretty creative recently so I think this worked pretty well.

    Sergeant Stone

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147150


    Sebastian Baker was originally created for a roleplaying game a long time ago. Since then, this super genius has had quite the life. He was recruited to join a government sanctioned program to train young meta-humans to use their powers responsibly. Upon being drafted into this project, he lived in the walls of a military base for weeks because he was so paranoid about the other kids around him. Eventually he got to know them and calmed down but was no less weird.

    He invented prototype anti-gravity nanobots but accidentally injected them into his own bloodstream. Anyone else would be delighted to learn that they could now fly but Sebastian was terrified of heights so he hated it.

    During Daybreak’s first rampage, Sebastian cobbled together a gun that launched the monster almost into orbit. Daybreak soon returned and Baz’s gun all but fell apart but he impressed many people with his invention.

    Sebastian s probably best known, however, as the person who invented an experimental nanobot cluster that nullified the powers of any meta-human it infected. While his intentions for this tech were good and he was assured that it would only be used on criminals, he learned that it was actually being used on every meta-human who opposed the shady branch of the government who commissioned it. After learning this, Baz sent a kill code to all of the  nanobots in circulation and destroyed all of his research on the project. Rather than being forced to recreate the nanobots, Sebastian fled, hiding from his former employers.

    During his time on the run, he met The Nowhere Kids. He helped the kids out and in return, they eventually helped him prove that his tech was being used for nefarious purposes and he was able to reclaim his life.

    When Sebastian tried an experimental procedure to remove his own nanobots, something went wrong and he ended up in a coma for several months. It was during his coma that Baz learned his nanobots could now digitise his consciousness and send it wirelessly to nearby  devices. Sebastian effectively became much like an artificial intelligence inhabiting the digital world while his real body remained in a coma.  It took him a while to master but eventually Sebastian learned to use this new power to communicate with people.

    It was Trance of the Watchguard who eventually managed to pull Sebastian’s mind back into his body and wake him up. Unfortunately, he learned that he had lost much of the functionality of his legs as a combination of the malfunctioning nanobots and being in a coma for so long.

    Sebastian then struck upon the idea of creating a robotic body. Several actually. With these new bodies, Sebastian became much more confident than that paranoid young boy who hid in the walls.  Sebastian now tries his best to repay the Watchguard for their help by aiding them both in the field (with his favourite droid body, effectively a cyber ninja) and by providing their agents with advanced tech.

    Of course these days he’s far more careful about how his tech is being used and has built in fail safes for all of his devices just in case someone ever thinks to misuse it. He has kept this a secret from the Watchguard however. He’s not entirely cured of his paranoia.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147149


    Yes! [looks for convenient way to fake injury] Hmm . . .

    [Pushes Herr D down the stairs]

    You’re welcome. 🙂

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147137


    This mysterious Indian woman has been known to appear and aid those most in need, healing whoever she lays her hand on.

    Trauma has recently been searching for Aspara in the hopes that she may be able to help him better understand his own powers but no one seems to know anything about who she really is and she only seems to show up when she’s most needed. Trauma is nothing if not determined though.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147136


    Trauma’a costume is amazing, I love the piping!

    Thanks dude. 🙂

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147127


    Sophia Newman didn’t become a vigilante because she wanted justice that the courts couldn’t provide. She wasn’t seeking revenge for dead parents or a murdered lover. No, she became Violent Delight simply because she loves to fight.

    This lunatic has been known to challenge meta humans to fights just for the thrill of it.

    Violent Delight

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147107


    This miniature man isn’t a superhero. He isn’t even a super villain. He’s a journalist…Or at least he likes to think so. He’s little more than a paparazzo for super-humans.

    Whenever there’s a big brawl between two supers, Shutterbug is there to document it for Channel 7, who help fund his equipment. He tries to stay clear of documenting anything too personal like secret identities. Not out of any kind of moral code or anything. He’s just paranoid about any kind of reprisal from someone who thinks he’s sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. For the same reason, he has kept his own identity a secret. Even his employers aren’t sure who he really is and he is paid in cash.

    Whoever Shutterbug is, he is undeniably talented at getting that shot that no one else can achieve.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147074


    I’ve been trying to make this guy a costume for literally years. Every time I thought I had something I went “…Nah, this is garbage.” and scrapped it.

    But this time I decided to go way simpler than I had been doing in the past and…I guess it works?

    So here’s a guy who has popped up in several other peoples stories but has never made an actual appearance until now. The man with the healing touch, Trauma.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147049


    The ambitious Jones Twins carved out quite a reputation for themselves in the criminal underworld until they crossed the path of Hellion. The demonic vigilante burned everything. Most of Jacob’s right arm and body were badly burned and Joshua only barely managed to drag him to safety.

    After this encounter, the brothers realised that they needed to up their game. The needed some way to combat the masked vigilantes with super powers that stuck their noses where they didn’t belong.

    So they spent the last of their stolen wealth on cybernetics for Jacob and other tech. What they couldn’t afford to buy, they stole. Jacob has become more than human. A cybernetic agent who has terrorised everyone who gets in the way of their rise to power.

    Now the Jones twins are attempting to resurrect their young empire from the ashes that a demon left it in.

    The Jones Twins


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147025


    When Freebird joined Talon and Goldhawk to to battle a corrupt politician, it was far more personal for her than the boys because that corrupt politician happened to be her father. For her entire life she had a front row seat to the dirty tactics and outright corruption that permeated the system. She never liked the way her father worked, often stepping on other people just to get a little more power. So when she learned that he was supporting masked villains just to help his own shady agenda, she knew she had to do something.

    She freely admits that they bit off way more than they could chew at the time but with her father now in prison, she believes it was worth it.

    Freebird’s approach to protesting the world’s wrongs is far more subtle than Goldhawk’s.  As a talented musician, she uses music to encourage others to join her…Sure, she may throw in a psychic suggestion to do so here and there but hey, it works.

    Talon has tried to dissuade her from this style of psychic manipulation, fearing that she’s going down a dangerous path, but she is so determined to fix everything wrong with her country that she believes she’s just helping others see the truth.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147004


    Before he joined up with the Nowhere Kids, Talon ran with two other young heroes named Goldhawk and Freebird. This trio used stolen alien technology (from the same ship Subject Zero crashed) to battle a corrupt politician who funded several masked villains. They were marginally successful in this endeavor but were blamed for the collapse of a building that resulted in several people being injured and almost killed. As the three were all minors, they were taken into protective custody while things were sorted out. Both Goldhawk and Freebird decided they had had enough of playing at being superheroes anyway and gave up their costumed identities to try and regain their normal lives by sorting out the legal mess they were in.

    Talon, however, had no plans to stop fighting crime and escaped, later meeting up with fellow runaways, the Nowhere Kids. He stayed with the kids for quite some time, becoming a staple member as others came and went. Several months later, he learned that Goldhawk and Freebird had both managed to secure their freedom after proving that the collapse of the building was not their fault and that they were actually the heroes of the situation. While this technically meant that he too was innocent, he chose to stay with the Nowhere Kids and help them in their battle against the Labyrinth, while wishing his friends a happy and normal life.

    Recently however, Talon learned that Goldhawk and Freebird have reappeared in their reacquired alien tech, protesting the current state of the country and styling themselves like some kind of revolutionaries. Their tactics have been far more violent and disruptive than Talon remembers them ever being and he has become concerned for the future of his friends.

    Talon tracked down Goldhawk and Freebird to try and convince them not to go down a dangerous path. They countered by inviting him to join them on their quest for justice. Talon had no real taste for their new style of “freedom fighting” but couldn’t dissuade them from their current course.

    Despite the emotional protests of his friend in the Nowhere Kids, Talon rejoined Goldhawk and Freebird in the hopes of keeping them in check.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #146998


    Hecate very nice at first glance looks very simple , but the use of tattoos in the design moves it up several notches

    I really like these last two.

    Thanks guys. 🙂

    Hi Anarch!!!! It’s your old friend Nighthawk here from the old Crusaders days!!! Been looking at some of your creations and they are brilliant!!! How are you mate?

    Hey, long time no see. I’m good, thanks. You?

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #146962


    The real Hecate is Alice Pendleton and she mostly just wants to be left alone. She doesn’t really want anything to do with The Mortal Gods, believing them all to be a bunch of morons, and is perfectly happy to spend her days in her secluded home in the Nevada desert with her friend, Atlas.

    But with Lily Whitmore out there now looking for revenge for the part Hecate played in outing her, she knows she may need their help. Although she would never admit that.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #146959


    This one is a little complicated so bear with me.

    When the Watchguard’s Delta Squad battled the time manipulating criminal known as The Traveller, they found themselves accidentally thrust into the time stream, The Traveller’s time tech malfunctioned and each member was thrown to a different era with a piece of the Traveller’s armor.

    Steel Spectre found himself in the old west with the Traveller, who explained that if they wanted to return to their own time, they would need to locate all of the missing parts of his time armor. The two eventually decided that they would have to work together if they had any hope of returning home.

    The pair spent several weeks in the old west before they finally happened upon a way to find the Traveller’s armor. Their opportunity came in the form of a young witch named Lily Whitmore who offered to cast a spell one the piece of armor the Traveller still had. This spell sent the three unlikely companions back into the time stream as the armor honed in on its other parts.

    First, they travelled even further back in time to Salem, Massachusetts, smack dab in the middle of the witch trials where they found Nightshade being tried for witchcraft. Lily showed her true power here, saving the young hero from an angry mob.

    They then travelled to 1940’s Europe where they found Surge fighting alongside the allies to battle Nazis.

    The next stop was London in the 1980’s where they found Shadowfang way over his head in the world of spies and espionage. It was here that Lily’s part in their adventure came to an end. Captured by enemy forces, Lily faked her own death, using a spell that cast the illusion of death as she fell unconscious.

    Unfortunately, Steel Spectre found Lily before the spell ended and he too believed her to be dead. He grieved her passing but knew that he still had to find Trance. The Traveller had enough of his armor now to initiate a time jump without Lily’s magic and he took the team into the future to find their last member.

    Lily awoke alone and felt abandoned. She was now trapped in a time not her own. For thirty years, she stewed in her anger at both Steel Spectre and The Traveller for leaving her behind, seemingly refusing to acknowledge her own part in why they did so.

    With the coming of the modern age and the formation of The Mortal Gods, Lily posed as Hecate, the witch goddess. She engineered a plot to pit the Mortal Gods against the Watchguard in a true clash of Titans. Her political plotting almost succeeded in leveling the Watchguard’s tower but her plot was ultimately foiled and she was exposed as a fraud among the Mortal Gods when the real Hecate was found.

    After the conflict, Steel Spectre attempted to apologise for leaving her behind but she was to twisted by years of resentment that she wanted nothing to do with him. She lashed out and vanished into the night.

    Steel Spectre knows that Lilt Whitmore is still out there somewhere and she knows that she isn’t done with him yet.

    Lily Whitmore

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    in reply to: Vampyrist’s Corner #146757


    I really like Phase/Spectra a lot. You do good work.

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