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    You would be hard pressed to find a friendlier individual than Jason Jericho.

    As The Watchguard’s youngest member, not to mention looking like a human rainbow, Photon has to deal with a lot of crap but he refuses to let any of it get to him.

    With his light manipulating powers, Photon is a very visible member of the Watchguard and a lot of the general public have taken a liking to the friendly rainbow. The local gay community has even started using him as an unofficial mascot. While Jay is more than happy to take on this honor, it’s kind of aggravating as he is actually straight and now every girl he meets assumes he’s gay.

    But when you’re a human rainbow, these things happen.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147662


    The greatest super villain who ever lived is…definitely not this guy.

    You’d have a hard time convincing him otherwise though. The Commander honestly believes he is an evil mastermind but, the truth is, even at his most “evil” the Commander is little more than a minor annoyance, even to the general public.

    Most of Freedom City’s masked heroes have actually grown to like the eccentric commander who is actually quite a nice guy, despite being so “evil”. It’s clear though that he has some psychological issues and he has been checked into a mental hospital for treatment several times. He often seems to have moments of lucidity when he realises what he’s doing and hangs up his cape but he more often than not relapses and those who know him are concerned that one day this evil genius may get in over his head.

    The Commander

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147650


    The newest member of The Mortal Gods is Nike, goddess of Victory.

    I actually had this character finished (or so I thought) but went back to change a couple of things. It wasn’t until I was done that I realised I had actually changed pretty much the entire thing.

    So she was almost completely different. I’m glad I changed it though. I like this one a lot more.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147641


    This character is actually a remake and update of the very first character I ever posted on the (old) Heromachine forums. Back then, she was known as Poison but that name sucks.

    Pathologist by day and a monster hunter by night…Yeah, she has a complicated backstory…This is Dead Beat.

    Dead Beat

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147613


    This whack-job is even crazier than she looks.

    For years, the mobster known as Babyface used Lullaby and her ability to sing others into a deep sleep to help him in his schemes. The odd couple robbed banks together with varied success. Sometimes they had great success and sometimes their plans didn’t work out. On those occasions, Lullaby was often the one to take the fall with Babyface more than willing to let her do so, often manipulating Lullaby into believing he still loved her after the fact.

    Each time, Lullaby came back to her partner in crime. That was until he pushed her trust a little too far and left her for dead. Lullaby narrowly survived but she finally snapped and vowed to take revenge on Babyface for years of mistreatment.

    She has now begun to establish her own criminal empire for the express purpose of competing with Babyface. If she happens to make some money at the same time then all the better.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147600


    The ice controlling hero, Absolute Zero.

    Second in charge of The Watchguard’s Beta squad.

    Absolute Zero temporarily took command of Beta squad after Aerial, the group’s commander, was assumed dead. He suffered from some pretty severe self doubt in this role and it almost sent him off the deep end but fortunately the rest of the team and the Watchguard as a whole rallied behind him in support.

    While he grew into a competent leader, when it was revealed that Aerial’s “death” had actually been faked to send her on a deep cover mission, Absolute Zero happily stepped aside and allowed her to retake her role as Beta squad’s leader.

    Today, Absolute Zero is a much more confident and self assured individual and Aerial is glad to have him by her side to face whatever threats come the Watchguard’s way.

    Absolute Zero

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147552


    Justin Scott is the reincarnated spirit of Heru-Ra, an ancient Egyptian hero.

    Scott had no idea about his supposed past lives until he was approached by a representative of The Rhodes Foundation, an organization created by the previous Scarab and Justin’s former self, Alexander Rhodes.

    Justin now finds himself thrust into a world of adventure where he has discovered that he not only has psychic abilities but he has also inherited a vast fortune, a position of power in a corporation and the responsibility and destiny of being the legendary Scarab.

    The Scarab

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147537


    The current Cricket is not the original. The original was the son of the Ant Queen’s top engineer, Hopper, and the the brother of Leapfrog.

    He wanted so badly to be a hero like his father and sister that he immediately decided to become a masked crime fighter when he discovered he shared the family’s ability to leap enormous heights.

    Unfortunately, he wasn’t very good at this new job.

    People called him a wannabe…a loser…a D-lister…a failure.

    Eventually, his own self-doubt and the public ridicule got the better of him and The Cricket vanished. Not even his own family knew where he had gone. He left only a goodbye note and his costume.

    Years later, another Cricket appeared. The younger brother of the original. Like his brother, this Cricket was initially not very good at the whole hero thing but instead of abandoning the identity, he trained and improved until he became an entirely capable her. Sure, he’s not quite A-list material yet but he’s getting there. He plans to honor the memory of his missing brother by continuing the name of The Cricket.

    Unfortunately, the happy-go-lucky Cricket has attracted the attention of something malevolent. The Darkling has taken an interest in the rookie hero and his family, targeting them in a psychological war that will test them all.

    What none of them currently realise is that the man beneath the Darkling’s mask is none other than the original Cricket. He has become so twisted by his own demons, so consumed by hate and jealousy that his own brother succeeded where he couldn’t, that he has become something terrible. He plots and schemes from the shadows to end everyone in the Ant Queen’s court and take revenge on everyone who ever mocked him.

    The Darkling want’s to end his brother’s career as The Cricket but the young hero won’t give up easily. He has a resolve and a dedication that her brother never had.

    He’ll need all of it.

    The Cricket

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147512


    8 Bit update.

    He’s a little more grown up, but no less immature.

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147489


    Jupiter may be the leader of the Mortal Gods but Juno is very much its public face.

    The philanthropist Eliza Finch is the CEO of The Olympus Foundation, a charitable organization whose main goal is to make the world a better place. She was given this position by Jupiter himself, who claims that the two of them have been in love for eons. As Jupiter is one of only two member of the Mortal Gods who remembers their supposed past lives, she can’t really say if this is true or not. All she can say is that in this life, she is very much a lesbian and has zero interest in Jupiter any kind of romantic sense. Much to Jupiter’s dismay.

    Eliza isn’t really interested in being a “god” but she understands the optics of the group looking united so she adopts the moniker of Juno and all the gifts and curses that come with it.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147465


    It’s easy to see why so many people don’t take Maple-thief seriously. The pun name and the excessive bravado (not to mention that ridiculous mustache) make him seem like a comedy idiot from some bad b-movie.

    The truth, however, is that it’s all an act. Maple-thief leans heavily into other peoples preconceptions of him in order to get the best of them and often ends up leaving others looking like complete fools.

    The outlandish Maple-thief is actually a front designed to distract people from the true thievery going on, quite often right under their noses.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147293


    Not a new character. Just a slight update of Spinnerette because her mask was annoying me.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147292


    Wow Anarchangel! You’re so talented! I love Snowcat’s design and Sergeant Stone looks plain awesome!

    Thank you. 🙂

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147205


    A lot of my characters already have backstories.

    Snow Cat is not one of those characters.

    So lets make one together. Do you guys think she should be a good guy or a bad guy?

    Snow Cat

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #147189


    Viper is another character from the group of heroes I created a long time ago that included Prowler, Icarus, Aurora and Loadstone. These were some of the first characters I think I ever made so they have a special place in my heart and it’s good to see them coming back around.


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