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  • in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151195


    This character was just an experiment so I don’t have any story for him yet but I kind of like him. πŸ™‚


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    in reply to: LW's Fantasy Realms #151164


    Awesome character.

    Awesome story.

    Awesome creator.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #151163


    Ooooooooh! Pretty art! πŸ™‚

    *Stares longingly at art*

    …….I’ll leave eventually.

    in reply to: Lady Amaranth's Creations #151162


    Man, I really wish I was half as good at making scenes for my characters as you are. I don’t even bother with backgrounds but you do them so well. The characters themselves are even better though. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Suleman's creations #151161


    As cool as the cards are, I can’t help but think these characters would be great in a video game. Something Final Fantasy-esque maybe?

    in reply to: G. W.'s New Superverse #151160


    I like the idea of Mitosis man being his own army with ranks and everything. I have a character (Replay) with the same power and he was a spec-ops team for the government.

    Also, maybe the fourth guy is taking the photo?

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151158


    Here’s a character I actually made quite a while ago but never bothered to post here because I didn’t really think it was good enough. Looking at it now, I suppose it’s not my worst work so I’ll let you guys decide.

    Georgia Dillon has the remarkable ability to turn anything she touches to gold. She provides a service to those who can afford it by converting items into gold and charging only a fraction of what the newly golden item would be worth. What she fails to tell any of her clients, however, is that the things to turns to gold don’t stay gold. Of course she’s usually long gone by the time this happens, taking her clients money with her.

    Georgia is a master con-artist but she has made more than a few enemies due to her deceit and has even earned the nickname “Gold Digger”. It’s a name that she hates but she would never allow anyone to see her annoyance. Gold Digger or not, Georgia always keeps her cool and she will need that attitude when the growing list of the people she has scammed come looking for their money.

    Gold Digger

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151157


    Loving Celeste’s design. Costume is awesome with all the detailing. Seraph is very cool too.

    Thank you. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151035


    Celeste is one o my oldest characters. She was part of the same batch off characters as the likes of Prowler, Aurora etc. that I originally made a lifetime ago…It sure feels like that anyway.

    Celeste is a Dhampir (half-vampire) who has become something of a law keeper for the supernatural community, ensuring that any other vampire or werewolf or spirit or any number of other creatures who harm or kill are brought to justice…usually at the sharp end of a knife or stake.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #150935


    So I’ve said in the past how much I like Overwatch (so long as I don’t think about the loot boxes). It’s my go to game when I have a spare 10-15 minutes to kill.

    I was playing it recently and was randomly struck by an idea for a character, because that’s just what I do.

    I do prefer to play healers/support (even though I have more time in D.VA than everyone else because I’m usually forced to play tank because no one ever picks tank on my teams for some reason) so I decided to make my guy a healer.

    Also, as I work with dogs, I figured it would be appropriate to give my guy a doggo companion. I picture him sending the little guy out to deliver health packs to teammates he can’t reach and/or attack enemies.

    I’m not sure what the dogs name is yet and I’m also not 100% sold on “Rescue” as a name either so suggestions are welcome.


    Rescue & co

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #150828


    This is more of a half update than anything else. A lot of Seraph’s look is still the same but I updated some bits here and there.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #150779


    I’ve been meaning to update Olympian for a while now and IΒ finally got around to it. I’m glad, as I like this look a lot more.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #150758


    The final member of The Watchgard’s Delta Squad is Enochian.

    Enochian is a friendly and likable young man, in sharp contrast to the gruff team leader, Steel Spectre. He is often the glue that holds the rest of the volatile team together and wouldn’t want to work anywhere else, despite often conflicting with the brash Surge who constantly refers to him as Pinocchio.

    Enochian is also openly gay and often faces criticism from some of the people higher up in power at the Watchguard which is at its core still a military organisation but he has the complete support of the Watchguard’s commander and is working hard to change the outdated thinking processes of the critical elements both within the Watchguard itself and without.


    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #150711


    For years now, rumours have been circulating of a mysterious organisation which provided funds, support and training for aspiring young super criminals in return for a percentage f any money they made.

    The leader of this group has remained a secret to almost everyone with only the occasional mention of “The Red Lady” to give any kind of clue. What no one really expected though was that the Red Lady is actually Crimson Wraith, who retired her villainous persona over two decades ago. Never having been successfully apprehended by the authorities, Crimson Wraith had managed to keep her real name a secret and when she retired from a life of crime, she managed to build a successful career as an actress.

    Not even her nephew, Nightstalker, who was aware of her history as Crimson Wraith, knew that she was still active as the Red Lady. Like everyone else, he believed she had retired decades ago. She had very briefly returned to help find Nightstalker when he became possessed by Entropy but this seemed like a temporary situation.

    Only very recently has Nightstalker learned of his aunts status as a secret benefactor for a number of villains when she asked for his help with a matter.Β  Since then, Crimson Wraith has convinced her nephew to stick around. Nightstalker has no real taste for the criminal lifestyle anymore but he loves his aunt more than anyone else in the world. She is the only family he has left. He will do anything for her…and she knows it.

    Crimson Wraith

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #150646


    When The Keeper pulled Entropy free from Gamma Ray, she shattered the spirit of destruction into shards that spread far and wide. Entropy was finally gone but his ability to cause destruction hadn’t ended with his apparent death.

    While AEGIS operatives were tasked with finding the shards of Entropy and securely storing them, some shards were found by others. The shards granted power to those who possessed them. Smaller shards granted only a small amount of power but the larger shards granted truly great strength.

    Those who sought this strength clamoured to acquire the shards and a number appeared on the black market, making a fortune for those selling them and invariably causing trouble for everyone else.

    A number of heroes found themselves in battles with adversaries empowered by shards of Entropy and villains even fought amongst themselves to acquire them in order to boost their own power.

    Entropy’s former host, Nightstalker, reemerged too, seemingly determined to track down all the shards of Entropy. Many thought Nightstalker was simply seeking to reacquire the power he once had while Entropy was possessing him but some knew better. Some knew the horrors that Entropy had forced Nightstalker to witness and participate in. Now that he was free of the demon, Nightstalker wanted to ensure that no one ever had to go through the same nightmare. He knew that Entropy destroyed everything he touched and he now wanted nothing more that to eradicate Entropy entirely and now anyone who acquires a shard of Entropy can expect a visit from the man in the shadows.

    While most people who know of Nightstalker know him as a villain he walks a middle ground these days. He still associates with known villains because they’re the only community he has ever really been a part of but he mostly has no stomach for their schemes…not unless it helps him in some way.

    Nightstalker has recently found himself coming into frequent conflict with Comet. Comet too is searching for the shards of Entropy, feeling an understandable responsibility for the destruction Entropy has caused, and knows Nightstalker is doing the same. He has offered to work with Nightstalker but Nightstalker doesn’t trust the alien in any shape or form and would much rather take the shards that Comet finds from him. This attitude often leads to a conflict with the impulsive Comet but Nightstalker is smart enough to know that he can’t take Comet in a fight so he inevitably flees into the shadows rather than stand his ground.

    While he may flee from Comet, he is highly unlikely to run from anyone else who possesses a shard of Entropy and those who use the shards are often found later scared out of their minds and muttering about a nightmare from the shadows.


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