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  • in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151553


    Super powered conspiracy theorist, Mister E.

    Most people think Mister E was just a paranoid lunatic but he was actually a remarkably talented investigator who uncovered many secrets that certain powerful people would rather keep hidden away.

    Sadly, Mister E was one of the many casualties who died during the Preserver invasion. He was killed by one of Gamma Ray’s lieutenants, Hypernova.

    While some people who Mister E was investigating were relieved to hear of his death, his sister, the spy known as Dusk, has taken up many of his investigations and is determined to honor her brothers memory by exposing the deeply rooted corruption that he hated so much.

    Mister E

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151475


    Anna Mauro is one of the newest students at the Claremont Academy and the younger sister of the Watchguard’s Reaper with whom she shares a life draining touch.

    Grim, as she prefers to be known, may be new at the academy but she has already developed a reputation as a bully as she likes to use the threat of her powers to intimidate others. In reality though, Grim uses the threat of her powers to keep people at a distance as the thought of hurting or even killing someone fills her with dread.

    She may not endear herself to many people but Grim has found at least one friend in the relentlessly optimistic Salamander whose healing factor seems to counteract Grim’s touch. Grim may get annoyed by how positive and cheery Salamander is but she appreciates having at least one friend who she doesn’t have to always be on edge around, for feat of hurting them.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151474


    Your characters are looking top-notch. Well done, you!

    Thanks man. 🙂

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151437


    The young electromagnetism controlling hero known as Mega is the new protege of Stormborn.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151346


    So I was just experimenting with this character and, while admittedly it’s not perfect, I kind of like how it turned out.

    Electro Lord used to be a just a man with electric powers but he has now learned that he is able to become a being of pure electric energy. A state which only amplifies his already enormously inflated ego.

    Electro Lord

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151311


    When the nuclear powered hero known as Atomic’s powers became unstable, he tried his best to reach an unpopulated area. He managed to avoid killing anyone in the explosion caused by his eventual death but the fallout poisoned the inhabitants of a small town.

    Only four people survived the exposure to the radiation but they gained bizarre powers and became twisted both physically and mentally.

    Fat Man, Little Boy and Black Betty, under the leadership of Mind Wave, formed The Children of the Atom, a radical group that initially sought to end the use of nuclear energy but eventually shifted their goals due to Mind Wave’s growing megalomania.

    Mind Wave’s body has become atrophied and is now all but useless. His mind, on the other hand, has only grown. He now has vast psychic and telekinetic powers which more than make up for his lack of physical strength.

    With a rampant ego growing alongside his brain, Mind Wave likes to think of himself as a mastermind. Despite being a hugely powerful psychic though, Mind Wave isn’t nearly as intelligent as he likes to believe. In fact Little Boy is the real brains of the operation. He is far more crafty than anyone realises. Mind Wave included. Little Boy often whispers his ideas to Mind Wave, who is so narcissistic that he often believes the ideas are his own. In fact it’s probably for the best that Mind Wave is being manipulated because without Little Boy pulling his strings, the reckless and impulsive Mind Wave may have caused another catastrophe.

    Mind Wave

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151305


    Pride is a character that I played briefly in DC Universe Online before I lost interest in that game in general. I still really liked this character and I’ve been meaning to recreate him here for a while now.

    This is basically how he looks in game with a few minor tweaks.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151287


    Remember how I mentioned that Alpha Dog originated in a roleplaying game? Well so did these two.

    Girl Scout and Grandma were the comedy villains that the GM threw at me (or, more specifically, at Alpha Dog) and while I’m pretty sure he did it just to mess with me, I still love them because they’re so ridiculous.

    They may look cute but they’re evil to the core…Well, Girl Scout is. Grandma is actually a nice, if rather demented, old lady who’s really just happy to be spending time with her darling granddaughter…Even if their time is mostly spent robbing people and punching superheroes in the face.

    Girl Scout & Grandma

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151274


    I just loaded a character I had been working on yesterday only to learn that the save file had messed up all of my layers and masking.

    Now I’m going to have to sort through hundreds of layers to fix this or start from scratch.

    I love Heromachine but sometimes I hate Heromachine.


    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151259


    This character is the result of a roleplaying game with some friends. The game was set in The Red Brain’s testing facility as he attempts to create superhumans from willing test subjects.

    We were each given a random code name and challenged to make a character based around it. I was given Alpha Dog and this is the result.

    Parker Austin is a nice guy. Some would even cal him a boy-scout. A former marine with a surprising heart of gold, he sees the world through rose tinted glasses, despite having seen things that would destroy most men. Everyone loves this good willed young man.

    But after he gained a healing factor as a result of The Red Brain’s experiments…After he put on the mask and became Alpha Dog…something changed. Parker Austin is still the sweet farm boy but Alpha Dog is a ruthless, hard-nosed fighter who doesn’t think twice about breaking bones to get a job done.

    Alpha Dog has become something of a split personality in the mind of Parker Austin. A personality he wears to fight for what he believes in and he fights for those things with a passion that is frightening.

    Alpha Dog may be knew to this whole superhero thing but he has already established himself as a tough and determined fighter who has left a trail of broken bones and bruised egos behind him.

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151255


    A frequent foe of Stormborn, Turbulence’s usual M.O is using air currents to hold airplanes hostage, threatening to shake them out of the sky unless his demands are met. Turbulence cares little for the people whose lives he puts in danger, so long as he can make some money out of them.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151244


    The first character I ever created with Heromachine was Terra. So named because she was an avatar of Gaia and controlled the forces of nature (Also because I’m terrible at names). While she could control all of the forces of nature, she was originally very storm themed. I wanted her to be more sort of earth and plant like so I changed up her design fairly recently and you can see that…somewhere around here. But the new look never really had the same impact on me as her original concept did. Plus everyone kept mistaking her for Terra from Teen Titans.

    So I’m rebranding Terra as Stormborn and giving her back her original stormy aesthetic. I’m much happier with this than the (forgive the pun) weedy plant/earth look she had.

    "Siri, play some AC/DC" - Stormborn

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151235


    Only 2 men have ever escaped the secretive facility known only as The Castle.

    One of those men is Replay but his mind is so broken that he barely remembers even being there.

    The other is Howler.

    Max Richardson managed to escape with his life and his sanity intact and is now engaged in a crusade to free the other innocent people being experimented on in The Castle. It may seem like a losing battle, considering the level of secrecy around the facility and the massively overwhelming opposition he faces but no one is more determined than Max and he wages a one man guerrilla war on anyone involved in the program, using the secret identity of Howler.

    Replay, having recently recovered some of his fragmented memories of his time in The Castle, has sought out Howler in New Mexico to offer his help. Howler doesn’t trust the mercenary, knowing that he doesn’t have complete control over his duplicates, but he does know that having an ally that can literally be an army could be the strategic boost he needs if he ever plans to storm The Castle.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151220


    A new costume for my favourite monkey boy, Throwback.


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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151204


    Phil Force started out as little more than a joke between myself and some friends in DC Universe Online. He was based loosely on someone I used to work with turned up to eleven.

    Honestly? I was quite surprised how much I came to like this character after I created him in game. He’s more fun to roleplay than someone so obnoxious should really be.

    Phil Force is a super cop who always refers to himself in the third person and is always at full energy. He does nothing quietly or subtly. Subtlety is not a word in Phil’s vocabulary. He lives his life at full speed with a cigar and a beer and a screw you attitude.


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