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  • in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #152421


    My entry for this weeks contest.

    Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to Happy Hour.

    Happy’s power is time manipulation. To everyone else he appears to be a speedster as he seems to dash about but he’s actually slowing everyone else down…or creating a field of increased time around himself as he moves…or I dunno. Time is weird.

    He is only able to travel up to an hour into the past or the future at most. Which is probably for the best so as to avoid screwing up the timeline.

    Happy Hour

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #152373


    This was just a quick concept costume for a friends character.

    Makeshift came from the same roleplaying game as Alpha Dog and just like Alpha Dog, he was built entirely around a random name given by the GM.

    I was given very little instructions for this costume other than “Make it look a bit ****.”

    Makeshift’s whole thing is that he can cobble together inventions with whatever crap he finds lying around so I wanted to make his costume look like he had just grabbed a bunch of mismatched stuff and put it on, like the stop sign armour.

    Makeshift can make some pretty impressive stuff but his inventions usually only last a short while before they start to fall apart. He’s the guy you can rely of for a gadget in the heat of battle but if you want something that will last, you’re probably better off looking somewhere else.

    "Did someone call for a mechanic?" - Makeshift

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #152219


    This character doesn’t belong to me. Captain Thunder was created by Green Ronin Publishing as an NPC for their Mutants and Masterminds roleplaying game.

    I just always really liked the character so I wanted to make him a costume.

    I actually made this quite a while ago but never bothered to post it here as I’m not sure how or even if the whole “No Copyrighted Material” rule applies here as this is a character from a roleplaying game.

    If any of the mods have a problem with this being here, I honestly have no problem deleting it.

    Captain Thunder

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #152218


    Magnetar is great! I really like the glow you’ve given his outfit.

    Thanks, Vamp. 🙂

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #152209


    Of all the threats that Starborn has faced in his travels through the cosmos, none have been more dangerous than the megalomaniacal Magnetar.

    This despot has conquered hundreds of star systems, crushing any resistance under his boot.

    The origin of this tyrant has been lost to history but it is widely believed that he is thousands of years old and his strength is only growing with age.

    When Starborn (at the time known as Starchild) was enlisted into an army of galactic heroes attempting to defend another planet from Magnetar, he fought the tyrant to a standstill but Magnetar is a cruel and petty being and refused to accept defeat. He unleashed a device deep into the planets core, triggering a a countdown to the planets fiery death.

    Starchild’s allies managed to evacuate much of the populace but Starchild himself became trapped as he held off Magnetar, preventing him from destroying the fleeing spacecraft.

    As his allies fled the dying planet into space, they could only look back in horror as the world exploded.

    Starchild died instantly.

    …Or so everyone thought.

    The universe itself had other plans.

    The explosion shattered the ancient gems which gave Starchild his abilities and as the power of the cosmos was set free it enveloped the matter that had once been Akihiro Shigenoi  and reformed it, infusing itself into the very atoms of the young human.

    Thar day Aki became Starborn. The chosen warrior of the universe itself. An envoy of eternity, built from the very matter of the cosmos itself but with the human heart and mind that made him a hero in the first place.

    As for Magnetar? The conqueror barely managed to escape with his life and limped away to lick his wounds. He retreated to the heart of his empire and left his generals to battle the encroaching enemies.

    Starborn isn’t aware that Magnetar survived the dying planet but something at the back of his mind tells him he should be afraid.

    "This universe belongs to me!" - Magnetar

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #152070


    That’s amazing!!!

    Thank you. 🙂

    in reply to: The House of Overkill #152031


    High Five!

    I’m not sure if this joke is great or terrible.

    But yeah, he deserves a high five as there’s some really amazing stuff in this thread. 🙂

    in reply to: Lady Amaranth's Creations #152030


    Such fashion! I like your dress concepts a lot. I can totally imagine someone walking into a part in one of those and all eyes turning to them. 🙂

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #152028


    Xiang Jia was born into a powerful family within the Triads of Emerald City. A family known for their ruthless and vicious tactics. A family of devils. Her father and elder brothers were all power players in the local world of organized crime but, as a girl, Jia was mostly left out of the family business and treated like a child even when she began to mature. She wasn’t like the rest of her family at all. While they were brutal and often heartless, Jia cared a great deal about the people around her and even the people her family stepped on to gain their power.

    Some of the gang members who hung around the family businesses gave her the almost mocking nickname of “Gentle Devil” but Jia accepted it as a compliment. She was happy to have a big heart and a gentle nature.

    What everyone failed to realise though was that this gentle devil was still a devil and Jia had secretly been plotting her own family’s downfall for years. The masked Gentle Devil sprung a coup and seized power from her family, revealing her identity to them they had been ousted just to rub dirt in the wound. She hated her family for their cruel treatment of the locals and planned to protect her community with the Triad’s power rather than destroy it in a desperate grasp for power.

    Jia now has a death grip on her family’s assets, both legal and illegal. While she has had to prove herself to the other families in the triad, she has earned the loyalty of those working for her many times over. They will protect their boss to the best of their ability and know that she will do everything in her power to keep them and their families safe too.

    Many have made the mistake of underestimating this young woman, While Jia may be gentle, Jia is still a devil and she is more than capable and more than willing to stop being so gentle and resort to more violent methods if she needs to, as many rival factions have learned after trying to encroach on her territory.

    Jadetown in Emerald City may still have a high crime rate but it’s under the protection of a Gentle Devil as she fends off the advancing threat of much more violent monsters who would like to see everyone burn.

    "Anyone else care to test me?" - Gentle Devil

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    in reply to: Firecracker's Gallery #151946


    Whoopie Cushion is an awesome concept for a character. lol.

    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151944


    When the Watchguard decided to form a black ops team, they tasked Reaper with leading it and allowed him to choose his own teammates. The first name on Reaper’s list was Mighty Mamba.

    Mamba is tall and strong but he is also scarily fast and able to strike with lethal precision. Echo squad’s first and foremost tool is subterfuge and surprise and nothing is more surprising than seeing someone the size of Mighty Mamba springing towards you like a bolt of lightning and punching you in the throat.

    Surprise! You're dead!

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151776


    Less of an actual update than it is just a tidy up. The Keeper is easily one of my favourite characters but her last image was slightly messy so I just had to fix a couple of things.

    The Keeper

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151713


    Way back in January 2016 I poster a character named Physique and said that a friend had been responsible for the concept of that character in a roleplaying game where we were all given a random name and challenged to make a character from it. Physique wasn’t my character but his heromachine depiction was. I also mentioned that my character in that game was named Twin. I hadn’t gotten around to giving Twin a face yet but two and a half years later and I finally have.

    Twin can become an exact physical duplicate of anyone she touches and can copy physical super powers such as claws or wings but any kind of mental powers seem out of her reach. For now at least.Twin

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151669


    Jessie Black was an up and coming young singer tipped for chart success until she was killed by a jealous rival. But death couldn’t hold onto this soul and she rose from the dead, determined to seek revenge. Jessie has learned that in order to stop her body from decaying and dying again, she has to kill others.

    Jessie has now become the deadly Duchess Dark as she cuts a swathe through society until she tracks down the one who killed her.

    Duchess Dark

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    in reply to: Anarchangel’s Archive #151616


    The shadowy facility known only as “The Castle” has been responsible for turning a number of meta-humans into weapons. Most notably Replay and Howler. There are others though, such as Brain Matter. An experimental procedure designed to boost latent psychic potential was marginally successful but it turned the once friendly and likeable Brian Harris into a twitchy and paranoid individual. His handlers are understandably wary of someone who could fry their minds in a second if he thinks they’re working against him but they understand that it’s better to have a rabid dog on a leash and snapping at your enemies than to set him loose to do as he pleases.

    The Castle has learned that Brain Matter is far less unpredictable when he has a clear mission to focus on so they have decided to task him with finding Howler and Replay and returning them to the Castle.

    What the Castle is unaware of, however, is that while Brain Matter is completely loyal to them, Brian Harris is a different matter. The man he used to be before the scientists started tinkering with his mind has occasional moments of lucidity and has actually been feeding information to Howler about the Castle’s operations. He want’s to be free of the monster that the Castle has turned him into but with every day that passes, Brian Harris is fading away and Brain Matter is growing stronger.

    In the battle against the Castle, Howler and Replay’s greatest ally may also be their greatest enemy.

    Brain Matter

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