Forum Replies Created
Alexander of LimboParticipantMr. Reaper’s Situation Assessment
So far things are moving accordingly. It was simply a matter of time until ascension began to move, and my pieces are already in place. Even so it will be quite some time until check mate. My pawns may be more easy to move, it’s the other pieces which may prove more difficult. I have chosen my pieces wisely, each individual will strengthen my cause without even knowing it.
Terrance Anders was easy to infuse, no alarms in his apartment, a heavy sleeper. I picked a hunched and grotesque sewer rat of a man for this job. A word in his ear is all it took for him to administer the “Empty Vessel” into Mr Anders. His possition in the New Zealand Consulate may come in handy at a later date, and his ability… truly magnificent. It was however onset by guilt, he blamed himself for the death of that woman. I don’t want the man to become a “hero”. There’s a woman involved… i must remember to seize her.
Shu Ji. Now i have great plans for him. He has nothing to lose and everything do give. Family killed by Ascension, imprisoned for life and now on a war path headed straight for Ascension. He should find no qualms joining me, i may even meet him face to face, recruit him myself. He is another with an amazing ability. Enhanced senses may have a downside though. Perhaps sun glasses and earmuffs should be prepared. Wouldn’t that be a terrifying sight.
Kate Quinn was implanted, but that fool of a barista cut it too close. I must however wonder how Ascension got to him that fast. I smell a rat, maybe it’s time to replace my staff.
I am hesitant about Adrian Wight. His ability reflects my opinion of him. He ran. Coward. but of coarse i do need my own little bishops, troops who attack from the side, who sneak. I can spare him a few more chances, after all i feel that as a Major shareholder of his employers i should be forgiving to staff. But he could become a liability. I could kill him, bu telliportation is a rare one, and the others who had it didn’t quite come out of the other side whole.
Gina Lamprey… now she is a curious one. She took the suitcase so willingly, she is one of the most easily persuadable people i have ever met. I may just cut her loose to see if she can even survive without someone telling her what to do.
And lastly: my personal curiosity, my pet project, that Triad. Pyrokenisis is very enjoyable for him and he a testament to the Triads alliance. He’s bringing everyone together quite nicely.
(hope people don’t mind me tacking liberties with their stories, if they disrupt your plans for your characters we can just scrap some bits)
Alexander of LimboParticipantLove it!!!
Alexander of LimboParticipantI’m not sure if we’re using this thread for character approval before allowing them into the story, but i’m gonna whack up any ideas for this story on here first, to make sure everyone is hunky dorry with them
That being said i present:
Code-name ConduitIsac Chandler is a young man who makes a living in extreme tourism as an instructor, guide etc. When he gets a dose of “Empty Vessel” he is given the power to grant or nullify powers for a short period.
In his “phase 2” he is recruited by Ascension, as you can guess his abilities would come in handy when battling supers. They kit him out and at an even later stage give him a gauntlet which can extract Empty Vessel permanently (not sure about that bit do you think powers should be taken?). He also feels a lot of regret about what he is doing for Ascension, but fears what would happen if he isn’t on the winning team…
Alexander of LimboParticipant@Iscarioto said:
Why not both?
just won’t keep up with two characters, what with trying to juggle Uni work, outside social life, creating new characters and now this new addiction… i’ll try 2 for a while, but one might get killed off somewhere down the line…
Alexander of LimboParticipantIf you select the “move all” button then load another character on top the previous character may snap back to its previous position, i tend to move the characters in chunks, like moving body, then head then hand right and footwear Hope that helps
Alexander of LimboParticipant@Iscarioto said:
Alex, I reckon that’s awesome, can we say he’s perhaps a financial backer of the project itself? I like the whole wild card idea, and his power is fantastic.
Financial backer is good
I’ve also had another idea for another character, an i’m not quite sure which i’d like to be my player character, so one of the two may be up for adoption f anyone wants them…
Alexander of LimboParticipantSo i’ve had this idea for a character, but he seems i little pivotal, so if you don’t like the back-story i made for him just say and i’ll change it.
Mr. Reaper
All that is known about Mr. Reaper is that he was involved in the creation “Empty Vessel” and that he has a huge grudge against Ascension. He himself has taken “Empty Vessel” and his abilities have manifested into extreme manipulation (ie he can always find a way to make the cards shuffle in his favor, and by simply talking to people can convince them to do certain actions) and in some rare cases possession. He “persuaded” Ge Hong to take “Empty Vessel” and is now using it on people, whom are all cogs in his great plan. He wants to cause as much chaos for Ascension as Possible, and doesn’t care how much damage he does to others in the process…
Alexander of LimboParticipantStudy (i’m a geology student)
Alexander of LimboParticipantGo for it, it’s not like i’m hoarding my pics from the world =P
Alexander of LimboParticipantrobin
Alexander of LimboParticipantName: Rau
AKA: The Alien
Gender: Male
Alliance: Hero
Info: Rau is part of a race of aliens that are at war with humans thousands of years in the future. Believe it or not humans have become warped by greed and anger by this point, and are on a galaxy wide quest of dominance, obliterating even the smallest of societies. One scientist sent his baby son, Rau, and an ally back in time to so that his son could change the ways of the human race, and as a sort of ambassador for his species. The craft Rau was in held him and his fathers ally in stasis, putting Rau through a life simulation of the war soon to come, by the time the stasis pod had opened Rau had already lived a full life in the war time. But now he is out and on the governments payroll, as he is the only one able to use his fathers technology.I feel a lot of nostalgia for this one, and he is a remake. expect to see him again…
Alexander of LimboParticipantwide
Alexander of LimboParticipantThey are real freaky, good job
Alexander of LimboParticipantI love that idea, even though i never do those colouring contests i do like to see what people come up with. And what better way to end this community character…
Alexander of LimboParticipantThey’re too good to be redesigned