where do my files go?

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    so, you know how, when you save a character in HM3, it auto-saves to a minifile somewhere on your computer, which it references whenever you load a character? well, my computer is dying, and i dont want to lose all that stuff. how do i find the file on my computer, and can i attach it to dropbox, or something?Surprised



    @FRM said:

    so, you know how, when you save a character in HM3, it auto-saves to a minifile somewhere on your computer, which it references whenever you load a character? well, my computer is dying, and i dont want to lose all that stuff. how do i find the file on my computer, and can i attach it to dropbox, or something?http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-smileys/sf-surprised.gif

    I am not sure where those files are stored exactly I will ask Jeff about it, what system are you running? …. You can also go into each character, and get the text strings, paste it to word processor program, and save the characters that way anywhere you like. Then just copy the text string paste it back into the program at the load from text screen and there you have it.



    i am using windows xp. i would save the text, but i have so many saved things, that it would take a ridiculous amount of time and file space. so, whenever Jeff has a moment…
    Thanks, both.



    @FRM said:

    i am using windows xp. i would save the text, but i have so many saved things, that it would take a ridiculous amount of time and file space. so, whenever Jeff has a moment…
    Thanks, both.

    This is what Jeff had to say

    Everything I know about the sol file is here http://www.heromachine.com/2011/06/22/meta-save-issues/



    And for anyone with a Mac that has a newer OS, you may have noticed that is hard to find the .sol files just using the default settings of the finder. I found this helpful thread…


    …that explained how to do advanced searching. I expanded the search to system and hidden files and was able to find the .sol file. Now I have it safely backed up.



    thanks, folks!



    I’m running Windows Vista. Mine is at:
    C:UsersUsual accountAppDataRoamingMacromediaFlash Player#SharedObjectsZ8Z8Z526www.heromachine.comhm3heromachine3.swfhmcharacters.sol

    So you might be able to track yours down by following something like that. (The only bit of it that looks as if it might vary arbitrarily is “Z8Z8Z526”, and that was actually the only folder within “#SharedObjects” so it wouldn’t be hard to identify.) I found that address using a Firefox add-on called BetterPrivacy, which can list all the Flash cookies on the computer and their file path, and allows me to set which ones I want to keep and automatically delete all the others at the end of the session. I’ve set it to always keep all Flash cookies from heromachine.com, but for some reason they sometimes disappear all the same, so I’ve had to learn pretty quickly how to save the file elsewhere!

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