I.D. # 273951
Name: Patricia Bowlinger
Interest: Anything deep fried or on a stick
Occupation: Stay at home mom
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The back button
Certainly not 273951, lets just say, she’s not my type. Although on a design level, I like the use of freckles as food stains around the mouth.
I.D. #8675309
Name: Ronnie Jones
Interest: Nascar, shooting stuff, hunting stuff, driving real fast, beer
Occupation: Walmart Greeter
Here for: “I wanna find me one of dem big booty Chinese girls”
lololol where can i sign up. Patricia Bowlinger is definitely my type! But seriously, I wouldn’t want to meet them during my dating sessions at clever date. You can see it here at http://www.freedatinghelper.com/reviews/clever-date/
@WMD: Yeesss!!! That is awesome! I strongly encourage member participation! Very fitting! Leave it right where it is. (I was wondering if anybody was gonna pay that number any attention)
@MrMillion: First off… Welcome to the forums! It’s always good to see new members! Thanks for your comment! I have been thinking about coming up with some kinda “Sign up / Join” button to go under all of these. I might have to try and pull that off sometime today.
Three middle-aged nerds (including yours truly!) review all of the MCU movies in chronological order. Short, funny, and full of good vibes, check it out and let us know what you think!