So my next character is my third Champion out of the eight and he is the Champion of Restoration!

This champion is a master of the art of healing. Not only has he mastered multiple forms of medicine and treatments but he has the amazing ability to heal himself from almost any injury. Although it may look like it, he is not blind… he simply has all-seeing eyes. To be honest though I just thought the eyes looked cool, lol.
The design of this character was originally an angel (hence the halo). However I thought the wings cluttered the design and added a dimension that wasn’t needed. I’ll attach an image of my initial design to show you what he originally looked like. I also removed the pattern from his robe as I liked it better without.
I think the contrast of the navy blue to the pale, sand yellow looks good and gives him a regal look. Perhaps I could have tried a purple colour for his robes but that might not look as good. Something to consider for next time I guess. Anyway, I liked the way he turned out although he isn’t one of my favourites.
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