The Realm of AuldMisdione

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    Hi everyone on the HeroMachine forums, my name is AuldMisdione, and this is my art page containing all the work I have made using the HeroMachine program.

    The first character I created is Dalos Sylvari, one of my original characters.

    He was originally born into the world as a human, but his immense size and kind nature were mistrusted among his fellow townsfolk. After deciding to travel the world, he eventually came across an abandoned palace. Venturing inside, he discovered an ancient bottle. With a single pull of the cork, Dalos found himself staring up at a powerful genie.

    “Holder of my bottle, you have released me. I shall grant you one favour, then our time together is done.”

    Dalos knew his wish before the man had finished speaking. He asked to be given the power to make people happy, just as the servant himself could do. With a smile, the powerful man snapped his fingers and Dalos found himself transformed into smoke, and was pulled inside a golden lamp.

    When he reformed, he learned that he had been transformed into a genie, and was trained in the art of magic for many hundreds of years. Now his lamp wonders the world, searching for people who want their dreams fulfilled.

    If you would like code to recreate this character, please let me know. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.



    Ok, so official moderator stuff out the way first, welcome to the forums, blah blah blah, forum rules, have fun posting, other stuff, etc.

    But anyway, good to see you decided to make a thread. Good to have you around mate. If you need any help with anything or have any questions you know how to get hold of me.



    Thanks JR. I’ve been meaning to create a thread for some time.


    Herr D

    Good genie.

    Feedback–the face is proportionate, which is difficult for many. Shape-continuity overall is good, the only improvement I would suggest is try the ‘bracers’ upside down. With the biceps thicker-looking than the shoulders, the ‘bracers’ should fit better. (the outer edge of one doesn’t line up at all) Now that we have gems, you have the freedom to play with something besides cabochons on them, too.

    Colorwise, I’d make the fez and tassel some teal, purple, or blue combo to go with the rest of it.

    Personally, I’d have all of it match his eyes, but there might be a reason not to in backstory.

    In Itemright / energy, there are some things to play with too, maybe coming from the eyes? And in ItemR/ misc, there might be some good lamp parts. Good luck.


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