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- This topic has 491 replies, 39 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 7 months ago by
Herr D.
June 23, 2012 at 10:00 pm #6793
The Atomic PunkParticipantCharacter Contest 44: Nature
Ice: The last of my Elementals upgrades, and one of my favorite designs. Her right hand is a little stiff.
One draft was to tell the story from Ice’s perspective. She would be the focal point of the intrigue. As her moniker suggests, Ice is a manipulator and instigator.
Ice, the Corrupter
HM 2.5
June 24, 2012 at 7:45 am #6803
The Atomic PunkParticipantCharacter Contest 44: Nature
Random characters that I created for this contest.
Big Game Hunter
The legend of Echo and Narcissus
Moondog: A bright spot on a lunar halo caused by the refraction of moonlight
June 24, 2012 at 9:52 am #6806
TrekkieParticipantThe human heads on the wall in ‘Big Game Hunter’ reminded me of Tom Lehrer’s ‘Hunting Song’: “I went out and shot the maximum the game laws would allow:/Two game wardens, seven hunters and a cow!”
June 26, 2012 at 2:35 pm #6894
The Atomic PunkParticipantTom Lehrer is pretty funny. My favorite hunting song is Da Yoopers’ “30 Point Buck.”
Character Contest 44: Nature
Pororoca: an original character who I created for this contest. I have since added him to my meta-verse.
Like many popular Brazilians, the superhero known as “Pororoca” goes by only one name. His grandmother named him. She said that he was born blessed with the heart and spirit of Brazil. In the indigenuous Tupi language, “Pororoca” means “destructive noise”. It is used to describe the large sustained waves that come in from the Atlantic Ocean and churn the mouth of the Amazon River.This is somewhat a misnomer because Pororoca the man is a gentle spirit. An agile soccer player, a bright student, and a champion mixed martial artist. He discovered his power to manipulate the earth, wind, and sea when he learned to surf.
After some hours of testing his new powers, he ran home. He wanted to know how his grandmother knew. And how did he get this amazing gift. Unfortunately, his whole family had been murdered while he was playing on the ocean.
They had been at a local market when rival drug gangs opened fire in broad daylight. They were not ordinary gangs. They employed super criminals. On one side was the international killer-for-hire El Toro Rojo, “The Red Bull”, a massive minotaur. The other gang had hired Lâmina-fogo, “Fireblade”, a master or pyrotechnics.
Striken with grief, and wanting revenge, Pororoca went after the gangs. He was able to take down the pedestrian thugs. However, he was no match for El Toro Rojo. He barely survived the encounter. Undeterred, he went after Lâmina-fogo. That is when he discovered though he could control water, air, and earth, his weakness was fire. Pororoca swore that he would take down the villains. He would continue to train and fight evil men.
He is a folk hero in Brazil. He is a public superhero with no secret identity. Like his Tupi namesake, he controls water, creating huge waves and jet streams wherever there is a source. He creates sonic booms and winds that can knock down his enemies and barriers. He can cause the earth itself to tremor.
Though he does not have full control of his power. Pororoca might mean to push someone out of the way of an attack or an on-coming vehicle. Instead, the rescuee ends up thrown against a wall, injured but still alive. Still, he does not give up. His other mission is to find the source of his power. He believes that if he can find that, he will learn to control it. Unfortunately, no one outside of his family has ever heard of his grandmother.
June 26, 2012 at 9:12 pm #6917
The Atomic PunkParticipantCharacter Contest 44: Nature
Final entry: Autumn. My favorite season. Especially since it’s summer and 98 freaking degrees outside.
June 27, 2012 at 10:06 pm #6938
The Atomic PunkParticipantCharacter Contest 45: Kirby Train
I know of Jack Kirby’s work. He is brilliant, devious, and able to apply his own takes and make them canon. All-around genius and troublemaker. I don’t always agree with his takes, but I love his unapologetic style.
First entry was The Blue Pedestrian. I am a “walker.” I don’t have a driver’s license. I don’t own a car. When I go out, I often depend on cabs to drag my sorry butt home.
The splash effect is too blue. It obscures the character. But none of my CC 45 entries are serious. I had a lot of fun designing colorful travelers.
The Blue Pedestrian does battle with his arch-nemesis The Yellow Taxi
June 28, 2012 at 6:24 pm #6963
The Atomic PunkParticipantCharacter Contest 45: Kirby Train
This one is dangerously close to a copyright. I threw in some silver to break up the red and gold. Should have kept it all red and gold. Also missing from his name is his mode of transportation. He floats around the universe on a disc.
The Crimson Camel
June 30, 2012 at 12:37 pm #7015
The Atomic PunkParticipantCharacter Contest 45: Kirby Train
What if Galactus had a grandmother? I think she would look something like this:
The Scarlet Starlift (also known throughout the Cosmos as “The Celestial Spinster”)
June 30, 2012 at 9:15 pm #5493
The Atomic PunkParticipantCharacter Contest 45: Kirby Train
The Yellow Tuber
The Emerald Elevator (A personal favorite)
July 1, 2012 at 9:25 am #7039
The Atomic PunkParticipantCharacter Contest 45: Kirby Train
Final entry and another personal favorite:
The Purple Piggybacker!
July 1, 2012 at 11:41 am #7040
ScatmanMemberThat is soooo funny!!!I couldn’t stop lauaghing!that tubing dude is just great!and the elevator,CLASSIC!great sense of humor.
July 1, 2012 at 11:08 pm #7056
The Atomic PunkParticipantThanks, Scatman. Many of my entries are tongue-in-cheek. I don’t take HeroMachine very seriously. It’s brain exercise.
Character Contest 46: Holy Moley
The challenge was to design religious characters such as clergy or minions. For my first entry, I re-designed Acolytes that I created in HM 2.5. The 2.5 versions are more science-fiction influenced. I intended for them to be a religious caste in my mecha-verse. The HM 3 version is a pagan warrior priest.
Acolytes HM 2.5
Acolyte HM 3
July 2, 2012 at 7:39 pm #7084
The Atomic PunkParticipantCharacter Contest 46: Holy Moley
Another personal re-design – Achi’a Priestess. I created the original HM 2.5 for another science-fiction story. Sometimes, I include the planet of Achi’i in my meta-verse. The first HM 3 upgrade is influenced by Antiquity (Estruscan / Greco-Roman culture). The second is a fantasy version. I prefer the HM 2.5 version with the feather cape.
Achi’a Priestess HM 2.5
July 4, 2012 at 8:55 am #7164
The Atomic PunkParticipantCharacter Contest 46: Holy Moley
This one is a little busy and confusing. The Astral Priest was inspired by a GURPS Aztec campaign seed. What if the Aztec Empire thrived and colonized space? Would priests sacrifice aliens and robots to the gods?
Astral Priest:
In the year of Xihuitl, an Aztec priest sacrifices a captive to Centeotl, Lord of Maize. If the god is pleased, he will bless the inhabitants of the Pleiades kingdom with bountiful harvests.July 4, 2012 at 9:54 pm #7174
The Atomic PunkParticipantCharacter Contest 46: Holy Moley
Team Cerberus, Agents of H.A.D.E.S. (Heavily Armed Dogs of Eternal Salvation)
Not the best acronym. Just couldn’t come up with something for “E” and “S” at the time. When I designed this group, I was thinking “What if I were to design a cartoon starring anthropomorphic cops?” Not breaking any new ground here. Still, it would be cool to watch Team Cerberus on Saturday mornings or made into a line of toys.
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