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Herr D.
February 6, 2013 at 5:10 pm #18827
The Atomic PunkParticipantCharacter Contest 89: Super Omega Deathbattle Warzone Apocalypse (The Most Dangerous Game Ever Made)
Since the contest was not limited to new designs, I entered one of my favorite HM 2.5 characters.
Cinder 2.5 (SODWA entry)
Cinder 3 (Update)
Here is an original character for the SODWA contest. I’m working both Cinder and the Emerald Witch into other storylines
The Emerald Witch
February 7, 2013 at 7:27 pm #18889
The Atomic PunkParticipantCharacter Contest 89: Super Omega Deathbattle Warzone Apocalypse (The Most Dangerous Game Ever Made)
Another cannon-fodder character. I was in such a rush to submit my designs for the contest. You’ll know when you see it…
Mars Trooper
February 9, 2013 at 1:45 pm #18980
The Atomic PunkParticipantCharacter Contest 89: Super Omega Deathbattle Warzone Apocalypse (The Most Dangerous Game Ever Made)
Final entry. This is a nod to one of my favorite comics as well as toy-lines – The Micronauts.
February 10, 2013 at 6:56 am #19044
The Atomic PunkParticipantCharacter Contest 90: Fifth Anniversary Random Edition
Yep, Jeff Hebert piloted HeroMachine solo for five years. We’re talking daily blogs. Coming up with topics for discussion, polls, and contests (of course). Not to mention reading and replying to his inbox. The occasional Sketch of the Day. Adding items to HeroMachine. Contest prizes. HeroMachine was Jeff’s full-time job during that time. Still, that’s dedication. I can never thank Jeff enough for this amazing program that has spawned such a colorful community.
Since Jeff’s “retirement” from HeroMachine, the blog traffic has slowed. However, the forums have exploded. Everyone’s doing his/her/its own thing. Which is really cool. Lots of fun and interesting stuff. People have created entire meta-verses using HeroMachine. Many I would truly love to see in comics. Some I would collect the action figures!
Being at a crossroads myself, I have found less time to create as of late. I passed on renting an apartment and have been kicking myself ever since. It’s impossible to relax when I’m at the house. Which is causing all sorts of stress. Thankfully, it’s only deflating not soul-crushing.
Sorry, had to vent a little. Since I was pressed for time and not very inspired, I only had one entry for CC: 90. She could be a hero or villain. Typically with a royal title, one would say villain. However, she could also be a crime-fighting diva.
Bee Empress
My Seventh Sanctum spin
Cinder Cleric
Ghost Tracker
Glacier Dynamo
Invunerable Leaf
Joker Flame
Smash Emperor
Strike Tempest
TerrashamanessFebruary 13, 2013 at 8:42 pm #19266
The Atomic PunkParticipantSon of Son of Friday Night Fights!
Create a Classic Five-Member Super Team With Unified Costume Designs
I created five (5) characters for Friday Night Fights 3: Son of the Son of Friday Night Fights! The HeroMachine Challenge is to create a super-team based on the archtypes of Gadgeteer, Brick, Martial Artist, Energy Blaster, and Mentalist with a common theme (costume, logo, power base, etc.). I chose “Dungeons & Dragons” based loosely on the world of Eberron. Specifically the continent of Xen’drik. A harsh jungle continent rife with evil.Before I go into the background, some standard disclaimers. Dungeons & Dragons is a product of Wizards of the Coast, a division of Hasbro, Inc. If I run afoul of any copyrights, I immediately apologize and will desist. My position on the issue is that of a “fair user.” I have played Dungeons & Dragons and other RPGs. Spent many weeks’ allowance on books, dice, and miniatures. Good times!
These characters are from a Dungeon Master’s point of view. They could serve as a pre-made adventure party or NPCs that you just don’t want to meet. The setting is a high-level campaign, such as “Dieties & Demi-Gods” or “Manual of the Planes.” One of the great things about D&D is world-building. The backgrounds and names are part of the official D&D universe. As a DM, I take certain liberties and artistic license to fit my campaign. Whether what I feel is acceptable is also legal… well, I’m not a lawyer.
Please enjoy. If you like, feel free to use these characters in your RPGs. And now…
The Damning Eyes
Giants ruled the jungle continent of Xen’drik for millenia. Among the lower races, there was violence. However, fear of the overlords kept conflicts to skirmishes and border raids. The giants knew nothing of the changes happening under their feet. Revolution came from the Underdark. A strange new god had emerged among the drow – Vulrook. A radical patriarch who inspired his followers to open war.The scorpion god’s open defiance inspired other races to revolt. Battles were not coordinated attacks between allies. Rather, they were free-for-alls with the goal of destroying first the giants then whichever enemies remained on the battlefield.
The drow, second most powerful race on Xen’drik, quickly moved to fill the power vacuum. Unfortunately, the wars exacted a heavy toll. Entire Houses were destroyed. Many fled Xen’drik. Lolth and Vulrook encouraged their faithful to destroy the other’s. Other races tried to capitalize on the drow’s weakness. The derro renewed the Uniting War. Even humans travelled to the continent in hopes of wiping out the remnants.
From all this, Vulrook conscripted his enemies to fight his battles for him. Through Arcane Arts, he created a binding magic known as “the Damning Eyes.” The Damning Eyes compel the enchanted to obey the scorpion. He specifically enslaved those who had dared oppose him. His intent to show that he is not simply the god of the drow, but of all Xen’drik. Often referred to as “His Eyes” or simply “Eyes”, the press-ganged group fights to conquer and defend the continent above and below the surface.
Those who bear this mark are instantly recognized as agents of the scorpion god. Depending one’s status, these shock troops are to be loathed or feared, never loved. They might come to a mountain village to slay a giant or a dragon. Then they burn it down and slay the villagers for a perceived slight against Vulrook.
February 14, 2013 at 5:40 pm #19304
The Atomic PunkParticipantSon of Son of Friday Night Fights!
First (and least favorite) is my Gadgeteer. I’m not happy with his proportions. He’s stretched and skewed not stout.
Nibin is a derro – a Dwarf of the Underdark. He is a master blacksmith and engineer; however, he was an amateur thief and scout. During the last Uniting War, forces of the drow god Vulkoor captured Nibin. The derro had tried his hand as a sapper. He intended to literally undermine the scorpion god’s holiest city. Weakening its foundations, thus causing it to collapse.The drow slaughtered the other derro. Vulkoor had other plans for Nibin. The scorpion god used his dark magic to enslave his captive. His intention was to conscript a shock force composed of his enemies. Thereby showing his power not to dominate just the drow but all the races of Eberron.
Like the god’s others of “His Eyes,” Nibin bears the “Damning Eyes” of Vulkoor. These tattoos bind him to the god. Though they still have free will, they can never leave Xen’drick permanently nor can they ever refuse Vulkoor’s demands.
Unlike other derro, Nibin does not long to return to his people. He failed them in the Uniting War. He knows that he would be killed by his former clansmen. Instead, he takes some solace in that he and the other Eyes function as a unit.
As an engineer, Nibin devises weapons of war and fortifications. As a thief, he lays traps for raiding parties as well as trackers. As a derro, he builds elaborate torture devices.
Nibin forges weapons of quality for Vulkoor. Some are worthy of enchantment, such as the Lizard King’s trident. His skill is such that he is able to repair the Warforged. Though he is not able to create one himself. Nibin refuses to repair The Heretic’s armor. He holds no love for any drow, even those who seek to destroy Vulkoor. The derro stays clear of the Illithid. Vulkoor has already scrambled his head. What sense is left might make a tasty snack for a Mindflayer.
February 16, 2013 at 8:48 am #19434
The Atomic PunkParticipantSon of Son of Friday Night Fights!
Another disproportionate character; however, this time deliberately. I like the funky pants.
Warforged: The Brick
Warforged is one of Vulkoor’s Eyes. He is the raw muscle that obeys without question. Late in the last War, Vulkoor’s spies had managed to bribe a corrupt wizard and an unscrupulous builder. He insisted that they build him an army of Warforged. They built one with the intention to use him to destroy the scorpion god. Their plan failed; however, they managed to destroy Vulkoor’s foundry.It is rumored that Vulkoor’s Warforged is an unholy construct built using the corpse of a Treant and dwarf iron. Though the height of a tall human, his strength and endurance rival that of a small giant. He is intelligent enough to understand strategy and risk. However, he lacks the will to act independently outside of combat. Though he has no mouth, he is able to vocalize. His voice sounds like someone talking into a tin can while sitting in the hollow of a tree.
Warforged was built specifically to serve Vulkoor. Unlike the other Eyes, he does not conspire, he simply does what he is told. He likes Nibin, the derro, and the drow Heretic. Both are able to make repairs. He wonders about King, who breaks from the main attack to fight on his own. To Warforged’s focused mind, that is a lack of discpline and failure to grasp tactics. He believes that the Illithid takes frequent looks into his mind. As if Warforged can “feel” the Mindflayer’s presence. Though he makes nothing of it.
February 17, 2013 at 6:56 am #19515
The Atomic PunkParticipantSon of Son of Friday Night Fights!
Don’t care for how the awkward position of the Lizard King’s tail. Overall, I am happy with the design and enjoyed writing his story.
King: Martial Artist
Saahj-shrr-ah is more infamously known for what he is… a King. He is an elite fighter yet a bully. Though he can go toe-to-tail with bugbears and umber hulks, King prefers to raid weak encampments, such as goblin villages. It is this ravenous appettite that brought him into the service of the drow god Vulkoor.King began raiding mining colonies that supply Vulkoor’s armies with ores and treasure. It was the scorpion god’s derro, Nibin, who set the trap that captured the wild lizard man. King rather willingly submitted to Vulkoor. Most likely to try to save himself from the binding spell. Vulkoor branded him with the “Damning Eyes” because he rightly believes King will betray, possibly even try to eat him.
A master of lizard man fighting techniques, King has even studied other races’ martial arts. He uses this knowledge to throw enemies offguard. Likewise, he surprises other lizard men fool enough to challenge him. He is blinding fast. One enemy begrudgingly described his style as “a beautiful dance of murder.” As with other lizard kings, his preferred weapon is the trident. Though he uses it more to parry and disarm opponents. He prefers to take whole bites from his enemies.
The trident itself is enchanted. It was forged by Nibin. Should King need, the trident sends a shock of electricity that will paralyze most opponents, causing massive damage in the process. He uses this power sparingly as he does not like the smell of cooked meat.
Saahj-shrr-ah has an indifferent attitude to the others of His Eyes. He prefers to communicate using the “Silent Language” of the Underdark. He does not eat Nibin, the derro, because there is plenty of food. (King refers to His Eyes’ raids and campaigns as “hunting.”). The Heretic is an arrogant, contemptible drow witch. The Mindflayer looks poisonous, so King does not try to sample a taste. The Warforged is useful, though. He can take on the larger opponents while King dives into the slaughter. Vulkoor is his master but not his god. Someday, King will feast on the scorpion’s flesh.
February 18, 2013 at 6:33 am #19607
The Atomic PunkParticipantSon of Son of Friday Night Fights!
Don’t know why I used energy effects for a psychic character. I tried adding the same ring pattern to his robes as Warforged’s pants. Didn’t care for the result. Still, should have done something. His legs are rather flat compared to the shading in his arms.
Udefaat: The Mentalist
Udefaat is an Illithid. To be accurate, he is a Mind Flayer. His quest for knowledge and power compelled him to seek the newest Lord of Xen’drick. A neophyte would be perfect from whom to build power. Udefaat offered his services to Vulkoor as an advisor. The scorpion god accepted Udefaat under one condition: teach him the Arcane Arts.The Illithid underestimated Vulkoor who has a much more powerful will. The drow turned the tables on his tutor. The student became the master with the branding of the “Damning Eyes.” Udefaat now serves his lord as a researcher into dark, obscure knowledge and uncharted realms. Vulkoor sends the Mind Flayer and His Eyes to these new lands and dimensions to negate threats or find empires to conquer.
More than anything, Udefaat wants to seize power from the scorpion, preferably in a publicly humilating fashion rather than court intrigue. His ego knows no bounds. Which hinders his mad pursuits more than helps.
The Mind Flayer tries to manipulate the other Eyes. The derro, Nibin is useful for laboratory testing new elements and compounds. The lizard king and Warforged provide a shield in battle. In the case of the Warforged, Udefaat has been trying to wipe his mind then plant his seed. In the event of Udefaat’s death, he might be able to live on through the construct’s body. The drow Priestess is definitely a rival to see who kills Vulkoor. She seems aware of Udefaat’s intentions. Perhaps he can persuade her to help him break the spell of the “Damning Eyes” before she makes her move.
February 20, 2013 at 8:21 pm #19822
The Atomic PunkParticipantSon of Son of Friday Night Fights!
One of my personal favorites. Also “flat” in design, I like her battle-damaged breast-plate.
Heretic (Val’zhin’an): Energy Blaster
Val’zhin’an was a High Priestess of Lolth, the Queen of Spiders and goddess of the drow. When the drow broke the giants’ control over Xen’drick, something changed. An usurper… a male… had seized power from the newly “liberated” Houses. Perhaps because the greatest houses were weak from the wars, that many had simply sailed from the continent, or Lolth herself was punishing the Sisters.The Priestess gathered her Sisters and her only daughter to fight this Vulkoor. To their surprise, he was extremely powerful. He slew the Sisterhood but spared Val’zhin’an and her daughter. The Priestess refused to subjugate. She was the last Matron Mother on the continent. Her daughter, the last heir. They would rather die than live under a blasphemer.
Instead of dispatching the defiant women, Vulkoor bound Val’zhin’an with the “Damning Eyes.” He took her daughter prisoner. For Vulkoor believes that though bound, the Priestess’ will is strong. A hostage adds insurance against her wrath. The scorpion god stripped Val’zhin’an of her spiritual trappings, her family insignia, then finally her name. The once proud and feared High Priestess of the Spider Queen is now known as “The Heretic.” For hers is the false religion. Her story serves notice to the drow of Xen’drick that he is the true god.
Vulkoor plays games with His Eye and her daughter. He courts the latter in his palace. He wants to seduce her to be his High Priestess. He tries to create doubts in her mind about her faith and her Matriarch. Vulkoor hints at his romantic overtures when speaking to the Heretic. He knows it drives her mad.
However, he also shows favor to the Heretic. She commands the Damning Eyes in his stead. He promises her the role of High Priestess should she convert. Vulkoor requires that his followers deliver to her two dobluth (male outcasts) every thirty days. These are weak males, unworthy to conscript for a rebellion. She uses them for carnal delight. If the Heretic does not slit their throats herself before the next sacrifices arrive, she feeds them to King.
The Heretic continues to wear her ceremonial breastplate that was damaged in her battle against the scorpion god. He also requires her to wear shackles to remind his followers that she is his slave. That Lolth is no longer their diety. Still, she fights his battles with ferocity. They are an outlet for her rage.
She is a powerful cleric and wizard in her own right. Her spells are still not enough to disintegrate the scorpion. Keeping with drow tradition, she learns new magics and seeks power. She secretly prays to Lolth for power to destroy the blashpemer. In her goddess’ name, the Heretic will take back Xen’drick, reclaim her daughter, and take back her name.
The Heretic despises the other Eyes. They are beneath drow. If any cause for concern, it is the Illithid. She assumes, rightly, that he seeks to overthrow Vulkoor then claim Xen’drick as his.
February 23, 2013 at 6:42 am #20010
The Atomic PunkParticipantFebruary 24, 2013 at 6:50 am #20067
The Atomic PunkParticipantCharacter Contest 91: The Phantom ________
I have since incorporated this character into by meta-verse. Though have yet to settle on a new name and the extent of her power. She might be a heroine, villain, or perhaps an “observer.” I like her costume too much to leave her as a one-shot gimmick. Whether “Lavender Lass” makes the cut has yet to be decided.
No one fools with the fiancé of the Phantom Fist.
February 24, 2013 at 7:10 am #20070
VampyristParticipantI like PhantomWing’s mask and nice scene with Phantom Fist.
February 27, 2013 at 7:28 pm #20287
The Atomic PunkParticipantThanks, Vampyrist.
Only one entry for this contest. Coincidentally, I had just received an order of maple butter that same week. Du pain (some bread) and I was all in heaven (en ciel).
Green Mountain Boy (Vermont Revolutionary Militia)
February 28, 2013 at 6:40 pm #20334
The Atomic PunkParticipantCharacter Contest 93: Alchemist
Like many professions, Alchemists employ assistants and understudies…
Gary and his apprentice Steve
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