tech / meme branch regrets

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    Herr D

    I’m looking for a good long list of societal regrets. Which inventions, cultural trends supplanting others would you like to undo?

    Starter list:
    Windows over DOS–QuickBasics would have taken another year to develop as far, but they were already headed up.
    Internal Combustion Fossil Fuel Cars–steam would have taken another 5-10 yr to make as safe, but we could have more cheap plastics and less dependence on oil in general.
    CDs over cassettes–it’s beginning to get diff. to play tapes everywhere. Tapes aren’t as fragile. LPs I’m GLAD abt losing.
    Political Correctness–People sometimes need to be offended. They NEED to be. Otherwise they’ll think being the way they are is okay.



    the nuclear bomb.SurprisedFrownYellCry

    Columbus exploiting the Native Americans



    Well, the whole treatment of Native Americans, The trail of tears was a genocide IMO.

    I also agree with the nuclear bomb statement. Barefoot Gen is a great movie that deals with the bombing of Hiroshima, it changed my views on Nukes.

    The belief Reagan was the greatest president. In my opinion, he was one of the worst for his restarting cold war hostilities.

    The polarization of our political system. It will destroy our country either through leaderships undoing wht the past one ahs done or inaction such as what plagues our congress.



    well said!


    Herr D

    Well, I would have called it ‘false polarization’ because our two big parties are vastly different and vastly the same in all the wrong ways. But yes, it is a counterproductive mode.

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