I have a question. I’ve been saving my text as .odt’s (ooupen office equivalent of a .doc or .docx), and it hasn’t been much of a problem except that the indentation of the text gets a little messed up when I paste it to a new document in Open Office Writer. But the most recent character I’ve made (not Drakairy on the Move), has 176 pages of text in Open Office Writer, and its a hassle to go through all the text and fix the indent mistakes. I’ve tried saving it in my Google Drive, but it causes it to freeze when I attempt to save the text. What I’m wondering is if there are any ways I could save extra large amounts of text without making it a hassle to fix indent mistakes or just freezing up the program. I’m not keen on buying Microsoft Office, and I’m not sure I want to overload my sta.sh on DeviantArt quite yet.