This new challenge i am issuing is to create a SciFi species. Standard clothing for male is briefs and for female briefs and bra.
1.Make size comparison to a standard human.
2.Make male and femaleorsingle gender characters.
3. All dressed in standard clothing in order to see and special markings they may have.
4. Make what their standard clothing would be, for instance with humans it would be jeens and a t-shirt (optional).
Remember no copyrighted races.
if you dont want to create a race, you may attempt to make a female for my alien species, the Nov’ri. i cant make any females good enough.
Standard male Nov’ri
formal Nov’ri garb when outside of home culture
Well, Hammerknight, thank you for volunteering to be the first entrant! what new species would you like to post?
(“no, thanks” isnt a correct answer)
Here’s my contribution: The Ulnus’Tari. As you can tell, they are really big on body art, and this male’s tattoos symbolize that he is a member of the famous and highly respected Talnus’Tar tribe. Female to come soon.
that’s great! but can i have a breif description, so i know if he’s an alien, or mutant, or ancient whatever? a female to go with would be great, too*.
*same for vampyrist
if i recall, i’m still waiting on Hammerknight. it would seem he’s forgotten.
Question: Does the species have to be humanoid? I made an alien for a past contest that might be interesting to dust off, but it is not even close to humanoid in appearance.
Three middle-aged nerds (including yours truly!) review all of the MCU movies in chronological order. Short, funny, and full of good vibes, check it out and let us know what you think!