Santa Swap 3

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    @Keric I couldn’t find that exact top. Found this one over at the Wal-Mart though for half price. 😉


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    @Herr D: Is there anything left on your list I could do?



    @ Linea, You know what? when I made your redesigns, I forgot to save the Text, but on HM, playing with the text can be half the fun. So, considering that, I went back and remade them (And left some extra stuff incase you want to swap out…) They probably wont look EXACTLY the same but, you know, oops happens!

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    Herr D

    First of all, sorry everyone for being so far behind. When I’m done with my incorporative, I’ll post a link to the first block in this thread.

    @Linea: Left on the list is:

    1. a 3/4 view of a spaghetti Western town, suitable for dueling with one opponent standing far down the street.

    2. a view of a pose of a male bending forward to look through a microscope

    If you are more interested, alternate gifts to be called include any scene from the incorporative under construction on my thread that hasn’t been covered by gifts so far–take your time on those.  I’ll add that sort of thing in very late.

    Or from you if you don’t like those? With your sense of soft color? A twilight sky with a few stars that Gonzo would “get lost in,” or a gem or prism splitting a ray of light against a cave wall, or an otherwise slack face in a dark place with wide eyes reflecting something glowing, like a treasure chest might, or a guttering lantern shining on snow? Take all the time you want if you choose one of those.



    Herr D

    I’m surprised I was able to finish today! The incorporative begins here:

    Herr D's CFLs

    Other notables to follow in the entries immediately after those 4 posts.


    Herr D

    @Cliff: Hairy asked me to compose this for him last week, and I missed his deadline. This one IS as much me as him.

    We freakings of alien star

    Try to raise the common-sense bar.

    Wisdom profuse, we raise I-I-Qs,

    So foolishness does not mar–

    Ear-r-rthlings? We have long to go, to grow.

    We have much to teach, you know.

    We’ll be students; show us pru-u-dence.

    We’ve so very far to go.



    @HerrD – Here’s my interpretation of Kickback:


    I made it to where some of her bones stick out. I’m not sure if that would be a permanent thing of a result of her getting hit. I realized when I was finished she reminded me of a certain serial killer hunter I’ve seen before. Oh well…hopefully she’ll be of some use to you.

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    *runs in, panting* I have your present HerrD, a twilight sky!

    Hope you like it!

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    Herr D

    @Linea: Beautiful–

    : Yes!



    @ Nug thank you for the top, wanted to show what I did with it!



    Cool! I’m glad you like it, Keric! 😉

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