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  • This topic has 415 replies, 46 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by RobM.
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  • #133641


    This is a detail of the robot from my MoonsRise picture from a few years ago.

    An ASIMOV exCom (expeditionary companion)

    Autonomous Scientific Investigatory Mobile Operations Vehicle


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    For CDC 160 – Here Comes the Money

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    Very nice. Good job there.



    Thanks! Sorry it’s taken me so long to reply; my replies weren’t posting for some reason.



    Doktor Verhangnis and his homunculunk Sigi (diploma edited with much assistance from Mad Jack)

    Doktor Verhangnis & Sigi

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    Mad Jack

    Ah, der olle Ulli. Nett… 😉

    Hope you don’t mind getting a few unsolicited but well-intended corrections from a German speaker:

    – Verhängis (fate/doom) is written with dots above the a (sounds like the e in “welcome”). I know it’s hard to write that with an english keyboard, so here’s the ASCII Code for it: Press and hold ALT and type “0228”.
    – The diploma should read “Polytechnikum” not Polytechnischen …

    I can’t read the rest since the writing is too small in this resolution, but I think there are more spelling errors – if you want, I can proofread it for you. As always: No harm meant! 😉



    Thanks for the offer Mad Jack. I’m sure I made mistakes. Here is the text.

    Das Rektorat der
    Liechtenstein Polytechneschen
    In Anerkennung der erforderlichen studiengang verleiht auf
    Ulli Verhangnis
    der Grad der
    Doktor der Physik
    zsammen mit allen Rechten, Privilegien und Auszeichnungen di dzu gehoren
    uunter dem Seigel der Liechtenstein Polytechneschen gegeben

    Thanks again.


    Mad Jack

    Hmmm, do you have the original English text for it too? Because the German text doesn’t really make much sense (I guess some words got literally lost in translation). Also: You don’t get a doctor’s degree in physics by just passing a course of studies – first you need to do research in a specialist field for about 3 to 7 years and then you have to produce a dissertation <span id=”result_box” class=”” lang=”en”>in which the research activities and their results <span class=””>are described.</span></span>

    Thus a real diploma would read more like this:

    or this:,0s836x1144.jpg




    The University Council of
    Liechtenstein Polytechnic University
    on the nomination of the graduate council
    have conferred upon
    Ulli Verhangnis
    who has proved his ability by original research
    in physics
    the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
    with all the rights and privileges thereto pertaining
    under the seal of Liechtenstein Polytechnic University
    this eleventh day of June in the year
    nineteen hundred and twenty-one



    Herr D

    The easiest way around knowing the real wordage on a diploma is to declare that it’s honorary or on the way or that it’s a substitute for the real document, which was verified but documented lost in a well-known catastrophe. Preferably one caused by the recipient anyway. I love docs like that. Sigi looks ready to say: “Yo! I’m the product of the junk/Albus made me-the punk!/For us being homunc / ulus lays down the funk / so jus’ HIT IT!” [beat box through hidden extra mouth]

    –sorry. Nice work, man.


    Mad Jack

    Literally translated:

    Das Kollegium der
    polytechnischen Universität von Lichtenstein
    verleiht auf Vorschlag der Abschluss-Fakultät
    Ulli Verhängnis
    der seine Fähigkeit durch originäre Forschung
    in Physik bewiesen hat
    den Titel eines Doktor der Philosophie
    mit allen damit verbundenen Rechten und Privilegien.
    Unter dem Siegel der polytechnischen Universität von Lichtenstein
    an diesem elften Tag des Juni im Jahr neunzehnhundertzweiunzwanzig.

    Loosely translated (and imo more correct):

    Der Vorstand des
    Poyltechnikums Lichtenstein

    Ulli Verhängnis
    (insert birthdate here)

    aufgrund seiner originären Forschung
    auf dem Gebiet der Physik zum

    Doktor der Philosophie

    mit allen damit verbundenen Rechten und Privilegien.

    Lichtenstein, den 11. Juni 1922



    Thanks, Mad Jack. I’ve corrected the diploma as you suggested and edited the post with the new image.



    A quickie I whipped up for flavor on a Lodestar Compendium entry. There are two new entries in case anyone is intereested

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    This is a detail of the robot from my MoonsRise picture from a few years ago. An ASIMOV exCom (expeditionary companion)

    <p class=”wp-caption-text”>Autonomous Scientific Investigatory Mobile Operations Vehicle</p>

    This is really well executed and quite beautiful.

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