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- This topic has 198 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 10 months ago by
August 26, 2013 at 8:37 am #30388
qwerty1971ParticipantGil Warden was a down on his luck and overweight high school social studies teacher when his GorWol trait manifested during a botched robbery attempt at the convenience store he just happened to be in. He was later recruited by Powerstryke, trained in the use of his powers by the ISF and became an associate of the group based out of Providence, RI. He fought Deacon Kurst and his organization for over a year, battling meta villains Kurst hired to remove his problem. Warmage is a biokinetic and ergokinetic. He is super strong (25 tons), resistant to most attacks, can fly and discharge energy blasts from his hands. He is a decent unarmed combatant and has figured out a way to use his bio-energy to protect himself from mental attacks.
August 27, 2013 at 8:24 am #30446
qwerty1971ParticipantDimitar Hristov was a brutish Bulgarian club bouncer/crime thug in Sofia when a rival criminal gang targeted him for termination following his public beating of the rival leaders son. Dimitar was shot 6 times and almost died in the hospital. Succumbing to a coma while recovering, Dimitar’s GorWol trait activated just as the rival gang was in the hospital to finish the job. Dimitar transformed into a 7 foot tall, green skinned, ogrish looking being and easily crushed his would be assassins. Remembering from his youth his religious mother telling him he would turn into the evil biblical giant Gog if he kept his wicked ways Dimitar accepted his lot and chose the name Gog for his new persona. He was mysteriously outfitted with heavy titanium alloyed weapons and armor and sent to kill Bronco Billy. He almost succeeded save for Genie’s intervention. He has fought Mythic, Kataphraktos, Thebe, Gorilla King and Skulljagger. Gog enjoys the violence and does not care who he fights as long as he wins. Gog is a powerful biokinetic. He is super strong (25 ton range), has thick skin, leaping ability and above average reflexes for his size. He also has a limited form of regeneration and can heal from most wounds in days. His senses of smell and hearing are highly developed. He is armed with a sword, hammer and axe and wears armor as well. He is very hard to kill.
August 27, 2013 at 8:30 am #30448
The Atomic PunkParticipantThe blood dripping into the letters is a really cool effect. Very menacing!
August 27, 2013 at 8:57 am #30452
HarlekinMemberI agree with Atomic. Cool idea with the blood letters.
August 27, 2013 at 10:32 am #30455
Ishikawa Edogawa was a Japanese college student studying history and a practicing Buddhist. Edogawa became enamored of the Sohei warrior monks and was writing his thesis on their contribution to Japanese society. One day while riding the Maglav to Tokyo, Edogawa observed Yakuza members accosting some people on the train. Edogawa rushed to their aid and disarmed a few with some Judo moves. The Yakuza then focused their attention on Edogawa and some shot at him. His GorWol trait activated and he protected himself with a psychic shield. The Yakuza ran away and Edogawa got off at the next stop. He went to the closest Buddhist temple and began to pray. He heard a voice telling him to use his abilities to protect the innocent. He decided to be a modern day Sohei and trained with his powers until he could instantly summon a psychic energy Naginata and O-yoroi Samurai armor. He fought against many Yakuza clans across Japan and he eventually accepted associate membership in the ISF. Sohei is a psionkinetic. He can use psionic energies to create armor and weapons, which he forms into traditional Japanese versions. He can instantly summon the armor and weapon with but a thought. He is also well versed in Judo and is learning Shotokan Karate.August 27, 2013 at 9:25 pm #30494
qwerty1971ParticipantAntonio Villanueva was a Colombian university student in Bogota when his older brother was gunned down by FARC narco-terrorists in Medellin. This prompted Antonio to join the Colombian military and the famed Lancero unit and the Anti-Narcotics Brigade. While out on a patrol searching for FARC members Antonio and his squad were attacked by the villain Warmonger who was employed as a FARC enforcer. Warmonger easily neutralized Antonio’s men but the stress of the attack triggered Antonio’s GorWol trait and his skin transformed into hardened crystal and he was able to generate crystal spears from his hands. They fought until Warmonger fled following military reinforcements. Antonio became a Colombian hero, taking the name Lancero in homage to his training and accepted a position in the Colombian military fighting against meta villains and cartels. Lancero has a special form of geokinesis, with some scientists labeling it crystalkinesis. He can turn his skin into a hard crystal-like substance. The crystal skin protects him from some kinetic and energy attacks. Lancero can also create crystal spears from his hands which he can either use for melee combat or throw for ranged combat. Lancero can fly but it is currently unknown how he does so. He may do it via telekinesis and if so then he may exhibit other telekinetic powers in the future.
August 27, 2013 at 10:03 pm #30495
ShawnMemberNice work here! Lancero’s effects are really cool
August 28, 2013 at 7:02 am #30508
qwerty1971ParticipantJames loved helping people out and he loved education. He spent all of his time after graduating from college either working in or attending Universities. He accomplished two goals in his life, getting a doctorate in education and finding his perfect job at the CIA…the Culinary Institute of America. He spent countless hours mentoring and helping the students deal with the hectic schedule at the school and he was loved by all. That all changed one day when Gog raided the school looking for food after a particularly nasty fight with some ISF Team CHARLIE members near Albany. As James was helping to evacuate students from one of the kitchen labs Gog threw him threw a wall and that stress activated his GorWol trait. James used his powers to hold Gog off until ISF Team CHARLIE tracked him down and subdued him. Afterwards ISF brought James to their HQs and helped him learn how to better control his powers. He took the name Illuminator and began protecting NYS as a hero. Illuminator has photokinetic powers. He can discharge pure beams of light energy that can damage, blind or burn targets. He can also use his photokinetic powers to fly, create shields and force fields and shape simple constructs. He has displayed some skill at creating light based illusions. He also bought a “Physics for Dummies” book since his powers fall under that science and not under his specialty of education.
August 28, 2013 at 11:18 pm #30564
qwerty1971ParticipantHelmutt Junker was born in Bavaria and lived outside of Munich. His family moved from Prussia to Bavaria after WW2. Although they had fallen on hard times they still had a noble demeanor. Helmutt was the black sheep of the family. Helmutt was always in trouble and after barely finishing school he entered the Streitkräfte (German Army) with intentions of joining the Stadtallendorf (Special Forces Division). Helmutt was a disruptive soldier and found out that discipline was not one of his virtues and ho only made it to the rank of Stabsgefreiter before punching an officer and spending time in military prison. After his release he joined a Munich Criminal Syndicate as muscle and enforcer. During a shoot out with German Police Helmutt was wounded and the shock of the wound triggered his GorWol trait. Helmutt was ecstatic and killed a few policemen before he fled. He took the name Warmonger and began robbing banks and jewelry stores across Germany until he was stopped by Vargr and Vicca. He fled to the US where he found employment under Deacon Kurst and fought Warmage many times. His next stop was in Colombia working for the FARC where he crossed paths with Lancero. Eventually he returned to the states working as a Meta enforcer for Kurst. Warmonger is a biokinetic and ergokinetic. He can lift 15 tons, is resistant to attacks and can discharge energy force blasts from his hands. He can also fly by projecting the energy behind him but he cannot use his hands for anything else while in flight. He is an able unarmed combatant and is a cold blooded killer.
August 29, 2013 at 3:01 am #30569
Mad JackParticipant@qwerty1971 said:
Helmutt Junker was born in Bavaria and lived outside of Munich.
His family moved from Prussia to Bavaria after WW2.
[…] he entered the Streitkräfte (German Army) with intentions of joining the Stadtallendorf (Special Forces Division).Sorry to be nitpicky again, but since I live in a town outside of Munich myself I can’t resist.
1.) I’ve never seen the German name Helmut written with two t – but I guess that depends on the parents…
2.) The German Army isn’t called “Streitkräfte” since WW2. Nowadays it goes by “Bundeswehr”.
3.) I’m not very experienced regarding German Special Forces Divisions, but afaik there is no one called “Stadtallendorf” since that’s just the name of a middle-sized town in Hesse – so not even in Bavaria. The only German Special Forces I know are the KSK (Kommando Spezialkräfte) – a military special division with the focus on reconnaissance, counterterrorism, rescue, evacuation and recovery, command warfare, and military advice. They are stationed in the “Graf-Zeppelin” barracks at the (Baden) Württembergian town Calw.No offense – just trying to help here. Feel free to ask if you need informations and facts about Germany and it’s neighboring countries …
August 29, 2013 at 11:04 am #30585
qwerty1971ParticipantDr. Dimento had a Dark Cabal hideout out in rural Indiana where he conducted various experiments with Col Stanislav. When the ISF member Power Stryke uncovered the hideout he called in the closest ISF team which happened to be ISF Team CHARLIE and some associate members. Many members of the Dark Cabal where there and a titanic battle raged across rural Indiana. When the tide had turned in the ISF’s favor Dr. Dimento unleashed his latest creation, a genetic and superior clone of Terry Harding, the original Thunderfist. This stunned Lord Psyker and the rest of ISF Team CHARLIE allowing Dr. Dimento time to escape. The clone fought Team CHARLIE until he was subdued but the fight provided the Dark Cabal time to blow the hideout and flee the area. Afterwards the clone was found to be innocent of his actions since he was programmed to attack the ISF. Genie was brought in to heal his mind and deprogram him after Lord Psyker refused to look at him. With no where to go the clone took Warmage’s offer to live in Providence with him as the clone figured out what to do with his life. He took the name Torrance Farmer and is trying to start a life. Thunderfist is a biokinetic. He is immensely strong, able to lift 45 tons with effort. His skin is highly durable and can withstand most kinetic and environmental attacks. He heals four times faster than a normal human. His leg strength is strong enough to give him super leaping abilities. He has a titanium alloy outfit which gives him increased resistance to environmental attacks (fire, ice, cold, heat, thermal, radiation, electricity). Thunderfist exhibits the potential for Ergokinesis but has not expanded that ability yet.Torrance looks like a healthy 27 year old but is actually 3 years old. He has rudimentary education skills. He was programmed by Col Stanislav with the fighting skills of a Spetsnaz soldier and is adept at SAMBO.
August 30, 2013 at 2:55 am #30640
qwerty1971ParticipantDavid worked in a mundane state job in Virginia Commonwealth as an office manager in Richmond. One day while he was working late on a project he noticed a commotion out on the street. Police sirens were wailing and helicopters were flying overhead. He peeked out of his window and saw an enormous green skinned person wielding weapons with terrible efficiency. The police stood no chance against this villain. Wondering if he was going to get a glimpse of some IFS members David watched until the villain, later identified as Gog, threw a police car through David’s office window. Trying to help the police still trapped in the car David failed to realize the floor to the office was giving way and crumbling. helping the police out of the car David and the police car fell 15 stories. David thought he was going to die until his GorWol trait manifested and he found himself flying. When the ISF RESERVE Team showed up David assisted them in driving Gog away and helped in rescue operations. After the chaos settled Stargazer invited David to stay with the ISF for a while to learn how to use his powers. David then accepted associate membership taking the name Solarblaze. David is a radiakinetic and thermakinetic. He can absorb sunlight and radiation to shoot energy beams, fly, weaken foes by dousing them with radiation, resist extreme heat and flames and absorb other forms of energy. He also displays a limited ability to heal himself and others with thermal radiation, generate radiation shields specific to certain energy attacks and raise or lower the temperature in his surrounding area. He is one person who will never get another sunburn unless he is actually near the sun.
August 30, 2013 at 3:21 am #30641
qwerty1971ParticipantJoseph worked in a casino out in Arizona in their public relations department. He spent his days getting more people to come to the casino or getting more sponsors. On his off time he liked to watch and play golf, perfect for Arizona. One day while he was out getting in a quick 18 holes the super villain Gog started tearing up the golf course searching for something. When golf course security came Gog sliced them in two. Joseph ran near Gog to get an old man away from the villain when Gog slammed his hammer into Josephs chest caving it in and sending him flying. Landing in some trees Joseph though he lay dying when actually his GorWol trait manifested and healed him. He also grew 6 inches and added 50 pounds of muscle. Joseph then tackled Gog from behind and wrestled with him until ISF members came to assist. Noticing how Joseph was able to stand toe to toe with Gog for a few minutes Gunslinger invited Joseph back to ISF HQs for further examination. Joseph accepted associate membership and took the name Guardian. Joseph is a biokinetic. He is super strong (25 ton range), durable and heals five times faster than a normal human. He can use his leg strength to leap long distances.
August 30, 2013 at 3:39 am #30642
qwerty1971ParticipantFrank joined the army at 21 and spent the next 20 years serving in a variety of roles and theatres. Retiring with a medical discharge for migraines Frank took a job around the DC area. He seemed to live a comfortable and quiet life yet he yearned for the adrenaline rush of his past employment. When he was walking to work near Foggy Bottom metro stop the villain Gog was advancing towards the Smithsonian museums area when ISF Team DELTA members Thebe and Gravenger attacked Gog. Frank rushed over to provide first responder care to some of the wounded and noticed Gog picking up a metro bus full of people to hurl it at Thebe. Angry and feeling helpless Frank wished there was a way he could save the people in the bus and his GorWol trait manifested. Using his mind he caught the bus in the air and gently placed it on the ground. Stunned by what he had accomplished Frank used his powers to help the beleaguered ISF members drive Gog away. Power Stryke found him the next day and brought him to ISF HQs. Taking the name Warmind he accepted associate membership. Warmind is a telekinetic and a neurokinetic. He can create telekinetic shields, force bolts, levitate and fly. He can also use psychic energy to protect his mind and teleport. He also displays low level telepathy.
August 30, 2013 at 5:44 am #30643
qwerty1971ParticipantThese four heroes banded together after meeting at an ISF social/recruitment drive. Noticing they had the same enemy in Gog, the four heroes decided to watch over America as the ISF started to concentrate more activities overseas and in outer space. Dubbing themselves the American Watch the four heroes respond to major threats within the US.
(I must admit, doing these four together posed quite a challenge, do not know how you pros do more than four and in complex poses)
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