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- This topic has 198 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 8 months ago by
August 6, 2013 at 11:32 pm #29384
qwerty1971ParticipantDesmond Rickles was a spoiled rich teen living outside of Miami wasting his life away. His father was a successful land developer and held contempt for how Desmond led his life. Desmond got hooked on drugs and when he overdosed on heroin his GorWol trait manifested after paramedics revived his heart. His skin turned to metal and he generated fire from his body. Desmond got scared and took off running. He soon found himself in Georgia wondering how he had gotten there. Realizing he now had super powers Desmond took the moniker Speed Demon and committed a series of crimes across the south until he was hunted by the ISF. He eluded them and traveled to Providence to re-establish himself there. This brought him into conflict with Warmage. After losing to Warmage Speed Demon was recruited by Deacon Kurst as part of his Sinister Squadron. Speed Demon has metal skin which is hot to the touch and protects him from some attacks. He can generate heat and fire from his body, but he cannot control it. He can run super fast (in excess of 300 mph).
August 6, 2013 at 11:54 pm #29385
qwerty1971ParticipantDeacon Kurst was concerned about Warmage hindering his grand design in Providence so Deacon Kurst hired a few super mercs to deal with Warmage. None were able to kill the hero but some came close. Master Merc was one that came close. Not much is known about him other than he may be British or Australian, is ex special forces from somewhere, and is a master with guns, knives, fists, demolitions and other military skills. Master Merc carries a large bore rifle and uses armor piercing rounds to deal with the increased amount of meta human heroes he crosses in his line of work. He is known to have operated in Central and South America, Africa and in Asia. Gunslinger believes his first name is Dorian since they crossed paths years ago in Asia. It is theorized Master Merc is a minor biokinetic and has increased stamina, reflexes, speed and awareness. He is a dangerous opponent.
August 7, 2013 at 1:58 am #29390
qwerty1971ParticipantLubva Shenynko was a Ukrainian experimental physicist working on an alternate energy source from asteroids samples found within the Ukraine. She and her colleagues were about to make a breakthrough deciphering the energy emissions from the asteroid samples when an electrical power surge caused the containment cell to fail and Lubva was bombarded with the asteroids energy. Lubva survived but the lab was destroyed in the explosion, including her colleagues. When part of ISF Team DELTA was sent to assist and investigate, Lubva, having gone a bit mad as well, attacked them thinking they came to kill her. She proved to be a formidable foe but she fled before they could take her into custody. Lubva fled into outer space thinking it would kill her, but she survived the vacuum of space and she journeyed to the moon. She encountered Golem there alone and after he spoke to her she helped propel him back to the Earth. Staying on the moon for a time, Galaxa, as she calls herself now, decided the ISF probably caused the electrical surge and she wanted revenge. She traveled back to the Earth and became a regular foe of the ISF, sometimes joining with the Dark Cabal. Galaxa is a photonkinetic; she can generate energy blasts of light, create energy shields of light, heal herself by absorbing light and make her body intangible for brief periods. She can also fly, is super strong (15 tons) and has good durability, especially to heat, fire, cold, ice and energy attacks. While she is brilliant, she is mentally unstable. She recently started gathering her own meta villains for a team to attack the ISF.
August 7, 2013 at 8:56 am #29400
qwerty1971ParticipantJerry Patterson was a juvenile delinquent in Atlanta where he developed a fascination with fire. By the age of 15 he was a clinical pyromaniac. He was sent to juvenile detention for burning his school down and endangering the lives of his classmates. What really happened was his GorWol trait manifested in a time of stress and he could not control the fire shooting out of his body. A few years later Colonel Stanislav heard of Jerry’s confinement and rescued him. Stanislav then conducted experiments on Jerry’s cell structure and modified his genetic code to help him gain better control of his powers. Jerry battled the ISF as Pro-Pain, using his powers to create wanton destruction and devastation. Currently Jerry is a sometime member of the Galaxa’s villain group due to his penchant for fleeing a battle when the odds are not in his favor. Jerry is a pyrokinetic. Stanislav augmented his powers significantly and Jerry can generate tremendous amounts of fire from his body. He usually likes to build it up before he releases it to create more damage. Jerry has control over the fires he starts/creates but presently he has no control over fires of other origins.
August 7, 2013 at 9:17 am #29403
qwerty1971ParticipantHolston Kurst comes from a wealthy banking family in Switzerland. He grew up with the finest tutors, attended numerous prestigious universities for degrees and was expected to come back to Switzerland to be part of the family’s banking business. Holston decided to take a summer vacation before committing himself to banking. While in the Himalayas, Holston was trapped in a snowstorm and sought refuge in a mountain cave. A tibetan monk was also in the cave meditating. Stopping his meditation the monk recognized great energy coming from Holston and they talked for hours while the storm raged on. Finally the monk touched Holston in the head and activated his GorWol trait causing Holston to pass out. Then the monk walked out into the raging storm and left Holston alone. Holston had a vision while unconscious about bringing his version of order and control to the world. When Holston awoke he left the confines of the cave and noticed the monk frozen solid outside. Taking this as a sign Holston returned to Switzerland and started recruiting converts to his new faith. When his converts became too aggressive for the likes of the ordered Swiss, Holston relocated to Providence in the US and started recruiting there. This brought him into conflict with Warmage. Holston has sent many meta powered mercenaries to kill Warmage but all have failed thus far. Holston has a modified form of Toxickinesis. This allows him to infect his foes with toxic energy. Holston seems to increase in power as his foes wither away from his toxic assaults.
August 7, 2013 at 10:14 am #29409
qwerty1971ParticipantMihkail Luskovich was a Belarussian Spetsnaz soldier who volunteered for a special program run jointly by Russians and Belarussians. Mihkail was poked and prodded for weeks until the scientists came up with a special serum to see if they could make him a super soldier. Mihkail took the serum and immediately died. Then he revived himself and displayed tremendous radioactive energy powers. Given the code name Warhead, Mihkail was sent to the US to steal an experimental energy converter from Cray Industries. Warhead easily broke into Cray HQs in Maryland but was stopped by ISF members Kharaman and Crystalfrost. Due to his failure the Belarussian government denied their knowledge of Mihkail and left him to rot in prison in the US. When Dr. Dimento broke Scales out after one of his captures Mihkail also took the opportunity to escape and made his way to Mexico. He worked for a time as muscle for a drug cartel but then left when the cartel was targeted by the ISF. Mihkail then found himself back in Europe working for a mysterious benefactor stealing priceless ancient artifacts. When the benefactor turned out to be Demonmancer, Mihkail ended up fighting both Mystik and Knight Rose before fleeing. Finally Dimento found Mihkail and forced him to join the Dark Cabal. Warhead is a radiakinetic; he can generate radiation energy for various effects. Radiation emanates from his body which harms foes, but empowers and shields him. He uses this energy to absorb damage, heal from wounds and debilitate nearby foes. His melee attacks also have radiation energy in them and he can weaken foes with every blow. Warhead has good resistance to most ballistic and kinetic attacks but has high resistance to energy and toxic attacks. He is super strong and can lift up to 35 tons. He can generate radiation energy behind him and fly through the air.
August 25, 2013 at 8:16 pm #30359
qwerty1971ParticipantFrederico Geatano was a Carabineri Special Intervention Group member when he was shot during a raid at a Mafioso compound. As he lay in the hospital ward Frederico felt abandoned by his unit and the Italian government. Following his discharge from service, Frederico retired to a small villa outside of Naples when he discovered his GorWol trait abilities. He then faked his death, walked over to the local mafia boss, beat up his enforcers and then asked for a position in the organization. He served the Italian Mafia for many years as one of their chief assassins. He eventually left when his mafia boss died and he sold his skills on the world market. This brought him into contact with other Meta Humans and he was hunted for political assassinations. He has standing feuds with Gunslinger, Powerstryke, Lady Dynamic, and Bengal. He recently joined Galaxa’s meta villain squad for more protection and help against the ISF. Darkfist is an Umbrakinetic. He can project dark/negative energy from his body to conceal himself, blind opponents, shoot dark blasts, teleport, create dark shields and see in the dark.
August 25, 2013 at 8:34 pm #30362
qwerty1971ParticipantNancy Pitton was working as a waitress in rural Texas when her GorWol trait manifested. Feeling that life owed her and finally gave her a break she used her powers to rob the restaurant where she worked, the local bank and a nearby department store. She was detained by ISF member Nighthorn who happened to be in the area investigating another crime. Handed over to the police, Nancy was sent to prison. A few days later Col. Stanislov broke her out of prison and offered to give her a suit and augment her powers if she worked for him. Nancy agreed then took the suit and fled after Stanislov increased her powers. Nancy took the name Honey Badger and fought as a solo villain until Galaxa convinced her to join up. Honey Badger is a biokinetic. She can lift 15 tons (up from her original 1 ton), is fairly durable and a fierce combatant. She also displays some Ergokinesis but limited to generating energy blades from her wrists with assistance from the suit. She recently discovered she could shoot the blades out as energy blasts but the blasts are not as powerful as the wrist blades. Her suit enhances her defensive abilities to withstand high degrees of kinetic attacks.
August 25, 2013 at 9:14 pm #30365
qwerty1971ParticipantClarence Wittindon was a small time Canadian crook who fled Monties in Winnipeg to rural Nanuvat in northern Canada. He bumped into a Canadian robotics researcher named Darwin Leveler and got a job as a handyman for Darwin after lying about his past. Darwin was working on an artic research robot to explore the North pole when a lab accident almost killed Clarence. Feeling guilty and with the means to improve Clarence’s life, Darwin built the research robot frame around what was left of Clarence’s torso, effectively making Clarence a cyborg. Uploading files into Clarence’s brain so he could learn how to use and repair the suit Darwin intended for Clarence to man the suit into the artic to complete the research. Clarence had different ideas and after killing Darwin, escaped back to civilization not as a small time crook but as a cyborg meta villain named Iceborg. After clashing with ISF members Stormdancer and Jammer Iceborg joined Galaxa’s villain group. Iceborg has Cyrokinetic abilities. He can generate ice and cold from his body, use the moisture in the air to create ice objects, and shoot ice and cold blasts from the suit. The suit itself is extremely durable and allows Clarence to lift 25 tons.
August 25, 2013 at 9:38 pm #30368
qwerty1971ParticipantMarcello Makisig was born without legs in the Philippines but still managed to attend Charles Darwin University, Australia after his family immigrated there. He graduated with degrees in mechanical engineering, physics and robotics. He became a brilliant engineer working on advanced weaponry for the Australian Army until a co-worker stole one of Mercello’s designs and passed it off as his own. Marcello tried in vain to retrieve the designs and after being found rummaging through the thief’s office was fired under the grounds of espionage. Broke and with no place to go, a local criminal gang convinced Marcello to work for them. He helped them break into technology facilities and steal resources he needed to create his armored suit. After stealing what he needed and creating the suit, Marcello put it on, stole money from a nearby bank, gave it to the gang and left to become a criminal. His first stop was to kill his old co-worker. This brought him into conflict with Major Mercury and later Killer Bee. After a few years struggling as a solo villain, Mecha-Viper joined Galaxa’s villain group. The Mecha-Viper suit allows Marcello to fly, slither on the ground, has auto-targeting wrist blasters, a sonic cannon, a rocket launcher, provides enhanced hearing and vision, and protects him from kinetic, fire, energy, acid and cold attacks. The cybernetic tail responds to Marcello’s thoughts and he can coil it around an opponent like an actual snake.
August 25, 2013 at 9:49 pm #30369
qwerty1971ParticipantJana Mirtasova was a Czech jewel thief working in the United States for some quick scores. Running afoul of the police, FBI and criminal organizations Jana was found by Col. Stanislav and he sheltered her from her pursuers. It came at a price though. Stanislav drugged her and experimented on her seeing if he could find her GorWol gene. His experiments caused her Gor Wol trait to manifest and she escaped using her new powers to fight off both Col Stanislav and the police. The press named her Betty Blitzkrieg and the name stuck. She now uses her powers to continue as a criminal and even partnered with Galaxa for a time fighting the ISF. Jana is a powerful electrokinetic. She can discharge powerful electric energy bolts from her hands, can disrupt nearby machinery, absorb various forms of energy and re-direct it as electricity, create electric cages, attack the neurological centers of her opponents freezing them, magnetize metals, ride magnetic waves in the air as if flying and ride along electrical currents.
August 25, 2013 at 10:05 pm #30370
qwerty1971ParticipantKatalina Veracruz languished along the Mexican border with the US eking out a life as a small and terrified teenage girl caring for her younger brother. One day Zeta cartel members came into her village and kidnapped her from her house. She fought back when they tried to have their way with her and the Zeta crime boss decided to inject some experimental heroin into her as punishment. This caused her to have a heart attack and die. The cartel member then tossed her outside with the garbage. She was not dead but her GorWol trait shut her body down until the drugs could be cleansed from her body. During her catatonic state Katalina grew almost a foot and gained 40 pounds of muscle. Waking up from her coma she fled to her home only to discover the Zetas killed her little brother. She went back to the Zeta hideout and tore all the cartel members limbs off. She fled Mexico after that incident and became a villain stealing what she needed to survive. This brought her into conflict with the ISF and she regularly fights against Thebe and CanadiAnne. Eventually Galaxa recruited her dubbing her Miss Havoc. Katalina is a powerful biokinetic. She can lift upwards of 40 tons, is very durable, can leap vast distances and is an able fighter.
August 25, 2013 at 10:34 pm #30373
JeimuzuParticipantCool costume on Miss Havoc, great pose too
August 26, 2013 at 2:57 am #30377
qwerty1971ParticipantAndrey Semenko joined the Russian Military right out of secondary school. He served in Airborne units for 6 years until he received a transfer to the Federal Security Service’s Alpha Unit. He excelled there for a number of years until he was recruited by Directorate S and KR of the Foreign Intelligence Service. It was here that Andrey truly prospered, refining his already considerable language skills (English, German, Mandarin, Spanish), espionage, counter intelligence, marksmanship and unarmed combat. Receiving missions worldwide to spy on facilities or liquidate targets, Andrey proved to be an outstanding operative. One particular mission in Berlin brought him into conflict with Col Stanislav who was targeted for removal by higher ups. Andrey got the drop on Col Stanislav, but Stanislav made Andrey an offer- Andrey would receive an advanced battle suit and weapons from Col Stanislav if Andrey could kill his handler in Berlin. Andrey was looking for a way out anyway so he decided to do the errand for Stanislav. He killed his handler then faked his own death in an explosion. He took the suit and weapons and embarked on a career as Blood Wolf, super spy/assassin for hire. Blood Wolf wears a lightweight battle suit that provides flight (via jetpack), enhanced senses, cloaking, slightly enhanced strength and durability. He also possesses three advanced firearms (laser assault rifle, laser sniper rifle, laser pistol) and a mace for unarmed combat which can shatter or dent most materials.
August 26, 2013 at 8:10 am #30387
qwerty1971ParticipantLewys Cynfab trained with the bow from a very early age in his native Wales. Taking up competitive archery Lewys began winning tournaments all over Europe. Soon he was the best archer in Europe. Winning Olympic gold at his first Olympic Games Lewys started getting bored with competitive archery and yearned for another form of competition. He switched over to archery big game hunting in Africa and Asia. Soon that bored him as well so he started hunting man. Eventually he drifted to becoming a mercenary named Saethwyr. He was initially hired by Deacon Kurst to kill the hero Warmage who was interfering with Deacon Kurst’s operations. Defeated by Warmage Lewys escaped custody and took odd jobs across Europe and Africa oftentimes partnering with Master Merc. He still does odd jobs for Deacon Kurst but avoids Warmage. It is assessed he is a minor biokinetic and his GorWol trait provides him with steady nerves, eyesight, aim and calm. Saethwyr is a master archer, one of, if not the best, archer in the world. He is also adept at throwing bladed weapons such as knives and axes. He trained under Master Merc in military skills, firearms, unarmed combat and other skills associated with the life of a mercenary.
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