Qwerty’s ISF

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    Blood Harpy is a psychotic person, even for the Dark Cabal. It is believed her name was Susan Tharpe before she manifested and turned into the being she is today. She is a minor biokinetic having super strength (1 ton), enhanced reflexes and stamina. She is also a minor audiokinetic able to focus sound waves from her mouth in a scream which can weaken and destroy objects. She also possesses ergokinetics and can generate powerful blasts from her hands. She has sharp talons on her hands and feet and sharp teeth which she will use in combat. She is utterly loyal to Dimento, dislikes Succubus and Major Flirt, and is friends with Scales. Blood Harpy also likes any female metahuman who is prettier than her (which most are) and has special enmity against Astra Deva, Vikka, Genie, and Bombshell. She often competes with Succubus to see who is more demented when torturing poor souls.



    Colonel Viktor Stanislav was an officer in the KGB in the Special Operatives Division. His work there entailed finding any Soviet citizens with metahuman powers after the rise of metahumans across the globe. When the KGB deactivated following the break up of the Soviet Union Colonel Stanislav entered the newly formed FSB as its Director of Meta Powers Division. His harsh and often barbaric methods of recruiting Russians, amid rumors of his questionable experimentation forced him out of the FSB and branded an enemy of the state. Fleeing to North Korea with the promise of making super soldiers for the North Korean Regime, Stanislav was run out yet again when he failed to deliver on his promise. Setting up shop hidden in Detroit Stanislav used homeless and the unemployed as guinea pigs for his experiments. He was able to augment the powers of a few minor metahumans (Pro-Pain and Nightshade) but most of his test subject ended up insane or perished. When Dr. Dimento came to recruit Stanislav, the Russian balked at the idea of playing second fiddle to Dimento and a fight ensued. Dimento easily defeated Stanislav but kept him alive. Dimento had Stanislav outfitted as a cyborg but Stanislav proved to be too difficult to control and escaped. He once again set up a secret lab in Chicago and created Skulljagger but was defeated by Skulljagger as well. Dimento found Stanislav yet again, altered his memory and made Stanislav his chief scientist. Stanislav is a genius in the areas of genetics, biology, chemistry and medicine. He is also well versed in cybernetics and robotics (he built Warbot) due to his new form. Stanislav moves around on a mechanical spider body and has cybernetic arms and chest plate. He is super strong (10 tons), has various melee and ranged cybernetic weapons and is very durable.



    I think Colonel Stanislav looks really cool. His background is thorough and well thought-out too.



    Brodie Jameson and his brother Bobby were good kids born into a poor situation. Living in a broken home in NYC, the brothers were busted for petty crimes by the time they were 18. Brodie did a two year stint in prison where he got his GED and learned a trade, electrician. He got out and was determined to go straight when his brother found him a job doing electrical work for a mysterious researcher. The day Brodie finished laying all the wire for the lab, the researcher, wanted by INTERPOL and the FBI for stolen toxic chemicals, was arrested along with everyone at the lab- including Brodie and Bobby. Doing another two years for associating with a known criminal while on parole Brodie again tried to go straight when he was approached by a rich Mexican businessman to be his chauffeur. Brodie accepted the job until his electricians paperwork for the union was finalized. Little did Brodie know that the Mexican businessman was the leader of a drug cartel in Mexico and was arrested by the DEA soon after. Brodie again was sent to prison for another year. His brother Bobby found him an electrical job for a Russian when he got out and Brodie was happy laying electrical wires again. The Russian turned out to be Colonel Stanislav and soon the brothers found themselves strapped to a table with the Colonel injecting them with an experimental serum. Bobby grew in size and broke his restraints but then died from the serum. Brodie also grew in size, broke his restraints and beat the Colonel with his new found powers of super strength and durability. At this point the police raided the lab and saw Brodie beating the Russian with a dead body at his feet and shot at Brodie. Brodie easily escaped and finally accepted he was destined for a life of crime. He was eventually found by Dr. Dimento and accepted a position within the Dark Cabal (better than the alternative). Brodie took the name Skulljagger and when Stanislav joined the Dark Cabal (with a wiped memory) Stanislav designed and built the energy shield Skulljagger wears. Skulljagger is a biokinetic; he can lift 30 tons, has increased stamina and is very durable. He has an energy shield which enhances his durability especially against all the new heroes running around blasting everything with their energy powers.




    Kristoff was found by Dr. Dimento in an insane asylum in Bulgaria. He was declared clinically insane after police in Bulgaria uncovered half consumed bodies in his house. Dr. Dimento broke Kristoff out of prison and unleashed his GorWol trait turning Kristoff into Kyton. Dimento had Stanislav fashion an outfit and whips for Kyton. Kyton is a dangerous and unpredictable opponent. During one fight against Gunslinger, Kyton had the upper hand but left because he believed Gorilla King touched his stuff at their hideout and wanted to make sure. Kyton is a minor biokinetic; he has enhanced strength (approximately 1 ton), reflexes, agility, and stamina. He wears armor which provides some resistance to attacks, and has two super strong and bladed whips which he employs with supreme skill. He has special enmity for Lord Psyker (calls him the prison shrink), Mythic, and Skyhunter. He is also fascinated with Blood Harpy.



    Nbuka is a Ghanan vodun priestess, a vodunsi, from a long line of priestesses. All the women in her family exhibit the same GorWol trait and each daughter has a stronger strain of the trait. Nbuka is the last of her female relatives to have the trait. Her mother was killed by Ghanan Bushmen for bringing a curse upon their tribe. Nbuka fled to the safety of the nearby mountains and she remained hidden, perfecting her powers. When she was strong enough she raised an entire graveyard and slaughtered the tribe that killed her mother. She then went to find a perfect mate so she could have a daughter. Her first target was Vargr since animal spirits hold great respect in vodun but she was thwarted by Vikka and MEGATEK. She then attacked Bronco to see if he was worthy but Genie helped Bronco defeat Nbuka. She then targeted a well known British stage actor in London but was stopped by Mystik and jailed. Dr. Dimento broke her out of prison in England, called her his DarkWitch and she joined his Dark Cabal still looking for a suitable mate. Nbuka is a umbrakinetic and necrokinetic. She can generate dark energy for a variety of effects such as- dark energy blasts, dark shields, invisibility, teleportaition, blinding or scaring targets, flight, entangling foes and weakening their bodies and spirits. She is also a powerful necrokinetic. She can make zombies and skeletons rise from the grave and do her bidding. The undead are nearly impervious to harm (except fire and acid) although attacks which destroy a large magnitude of the undead body will sever the necromantic link. The undead are superstrong, loyal, and posses basic intelligence for simple commands. Nbuka can control up to 50 undead at one time, but that limits her ability to do anything else other than concentrate on undead control.



    Pamela Weston looks like a bikini model- blonde, beautiful, young, endowed, when actually she is a plump 45 year old drifter and grifter. Pamela never completed high school back in rural Arkansas and moved to Louisiana to follow her sweetheart Roy. After a year of living in a slum apartment with minimum wage jobs Pamela kicked Roy out and began stripping for money. Pamela went from abusive relationship to abusive relationship for the next 20 years eking out a pitiful existence. Her GorWol trait manifested after her last boyfriend beat her and sent her into a slight coma. She survived and when she woke up and saw her bruised face, she wished she looked like she did when she was 18 again. She instantly changed in appearance. Stunned, Pamela retreated to her home and experimented with what she could do. She could cast real lifelike illusions so convincing they fool people even by touch and smell. When her boyfriend was released from jail and came back to the apartment Pamela was waiting for him. She used her powers to scare and he died of a heart attack. Pamela then began a new life looking like a 23 year old buxom blonde. She became a good con-woman, bilking rich men out of money and jewels. She even became a thief able to change her appearance after robbing a place. Dr. Dimento found her stealing from rich men in the French Riviera when he gave her the option of joining his Dark Cabal or perish. She chose to join and became enamored of Skulljagger (who believes her to be a damsel in distress). Major Flirt is an illusionist and can psionically create life-like illusion with her thoughts. Her illusions are light based and appear as blurs when caught by video or pictures. Her illusions are so powerful they can force her opponents to react to to them (feeling pain when hit by one of her illusion flash lasers). If she concentrates on the illusion they will last indefinitely, if she does not concentrate on them then they will dissipate over time, depending on how much energy it took to create the illusion. Her GorWol trait also provides her with a slight increase in reflexes, stamina, speed, and healing.



    Colonel Stanislav created the WARBOT to be his bodyguard and as a weapon for Dr. Dimento. Stanislav stole materials he needed from the US Military and from private technology corporations across the states. WARBOT has a titanium alloyed chassis that is very tough and can withstand most ballistic attacks. WARBOT is also highly resistant to elemental attacks (fire, heat, cold, ice) although massive extremes of any of them will damage his circuits. WARBOT is outfitted with multiple offensive weaponry including mini rockets, an energy generator, an acoustic generator, a force field generator, a flame thrower, a heat beam generator and a battle computer than can assist in making combat calculations. WARBOT is super strong able to lift 20 tons and can fly via a self contained jet pack. WARBOT is programmed to defend Stanislav and Dimento when not engaged in other tasks.



    This one proved to be a difficult villain to compile. I tried mixing male alternate body parts with granite pattern but it slowed down the program too much and it just didn’t look right. Eventually I used a companion base and added features to create the large behemoth know as Golem.
    Samuel Norris was a crooked cop in LA when he was convicted of corruption and murder and sentenced to 20 years in the California Prison System. After beating the first prisoner who challenged him half to death Samuel was prepared for other expected attacks. When a riot broke out in his prison, Samuel was chased in the ensuing chaos by members of a street gang who he used to target as a cop. Cornered in the prison laundry facility, Samuel was attacked and his GorWol trait manifested and he transformed into an 8 and 1/2 foot, 1 ton body of stone. Easily dispatching his attackers and then walking through the withering fire of the prison guards and national guard, Samuel escaped. He kept walking until he was confronted by the original ISF team of Stargazer, Bronco, Genie, Vikka, Vargr and MEGATEK. He fought them to a standstill but was defeated when Stargazer propelled him into space with his Photokinesis. It took Norris, now called Golem, a year to leap from the moon back to Earth. He again challenged the ISF but was defeated when ISF teams ALPHA and BRAVO combined forces. Taken into custody, Golem was released by Dr. Dimento who offered him a job of getting revenge against the ISF. Golem is now the Dark Cabals muscle. Golem is super strong able to lift about 50 tons. His skin is made of hard rock and he can withstand tremendous amounts of kinetic and energy damage. He is almost immune to fire/heat/cold/ice based attacks but is susceptible to cold when water is involved. He has a degree of psionic resistance due to his brain turning into organic rock when transformed. Even though Golem moves slowly he is fairly fast up close in melee combat.



    Wow, love Golem. HE has really nice, solid look about him, and love how… ROCKY he feels.



    another hero. i had some issues with making her appear to transform so any suggestions are most appreciated.

    Jurga Jukarvich was a Lithuanian bicycle messenger when members of the Dark Cabal robbed the National Bank in Vilnius. When ISF Team CHARLIE responded Jurga was caught in the ensuing battle. Trying to get an old woman off the street Jurga was thrown by Scales and she landed against a tree. Her GorWol trait manifested and she turned into a copy of a dog nearby, although larger, and she attacked Scales. After the Dark Cabal was driven off (with the stolen money and papers) Jurga passed out and shifted back to her human form. Gunslinger recognized the need to bring her back to ISF HQs so MEGATEK and the other scientists could examine her. It was deduced she is a shapeshifter. She can transform into animals and has a limited ability to mimic another person. She stayed with the ISF for a year learning how to control her powers, accepted associate membership and returned to Lithuania.




    Jerrol Livingston III is a British archaeological scholar who specializes in ancient Mesopotamian cultures. He is also has an avid arcane researcher. While on a dig in Iraq, Jerrol uncovered an ancient Sumerian text outlining incantations to summon demons and cast other spells. He studied the text for years, memorizing each spell in Sumerian and consulted other sources before he attempted to summon his first demon. He summoned a fire breathing demon and just spoke with the demon for hours. Soon Jerrol was sending his summoned demons out on errands, mostly thievery, while he stayed safe in the comforts of his abode. Eventually Jerrols activities brought him to the attention of Mystik who investigated the criminal activities. Mystik uncovered Jerrols involvement in the crimes and the two fought a vicious battle in the outskirts of London. Mystik won the magical duel and Jerrol fled to Eastern Europe and was found by Dr. Dimento. Jerrol stayed with the Dark Cabal for a few months helping them battle the ISF during the Meta War. Currently Jerrol is no longer with the Dark Cabal and his whereabouts are unknown. Jerrol is a Demonmancer- he can summon demons from another dimension to do his bidding. These demons all posses super human strength and durability. Some of the demons posses other abilities like fire, ice or negative energy generation. Jerrol is also skilled in the mystic arts and can cast spells for various effects.



    Not much is known about the meta villain Ruthven other than his name and his membership in the Dark Cabal. He claims to be the Ruthven from history but he does not use the title of Lord that is associated with the vampire named Ruthven. If he is indeed the same Lord Ruthven that would make him well over 200 years old. It is known that he was around during the Great War so he is indeed old. Ruthven claims to be a vampire, but not like the ones in the fiction books. He is super strong (1 ton), has good resistance to physical harm, heals faster than normal humans and can fly. He also is a limited umbrakinetic and can generate clouds of shadows. He has been known to attack the will and psyche of foes so he may possess some psionkinesis as well. What is known is that Ruthven is a dangerous opponent, is vicious and is hard to kill.



    I will lose my internet over here for a bit so I wanted to get as many drawings as possible loaded up before it happens.


    The Atomic Punk

    Good stuff. See you again soon.

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