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- This topic has 198 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 11 months ago by
August 2, 2013 at 10:18 pm #28990
JeimuzuParticipantNight-Thorn looks very cool, I wouldn’t want to give her a hug
August 3, 2013 at 1:16 am #28998
qwerty1971ParticipantDean Castillo has always been the largest and strongest person in his village and worked as a school teacher in his native Belize out in the countryside. He was always the gentle giant. When economic depression hit his village he left to find money elsewhere. He traveled to Texas and found employment as a carnival strong man. He did this job for a year until he saved enough money to attend graduate school in the US. A week before his studies started Dean was robbed in Dallas. During the robbery his GorWol trait manifested and he accidentally punched one of the would be attackers in the chest, caved in the chest and killed the robber. The others fled in fear but with Deans savings. Despondent over what he did Dean turned himself in to the police. At trial his public defender was replaced by a high priced Dallas criminal defense attorney and Dean was found innocent of murder. After the trial concluded Dean was approached by Power Stryke and Stargazer with a new job offer. Dean accepted the ISFs invitation to join and he became the muscle on the reserve team. Dean is a powerful biokinetic. He has increased strength in the 40 tone range, increased endurance and durability. Due to his passive nature Dean is not a fully capable hand to hand combatant but he is improving under Power Stryke’s tutelage which sometimes proves difficult since Dean would rather read a book than spar.
August 3, 2013 at 5:49 am #29008
qwerty1971ParticipantNot much is known about the hero Azu Etlu. He encountered ISF Team Alpha during their war with the Dark Cabal off the coast of Madagascar. The Dark Cabal had taken over a nearby island as a launch site for a spore bomb targeting Africa. During the battle Azu Etlu assisted ISF member MEGATEK in defusing an underwater bomb. Azu Etlu declined full time ISF membership but did accept associate membership. Azu Etlu usually stays near Madagascar and the Eastern African Coast battling poachers, pirates and polluters. When there is an ISF mission in the ocean Azu Etlu is called in to help. Azu Etlu is a hydrokinetic. He can project water blasts, shape and control water (and to a lesser extent other liquids), is able to survive in deep areas of the sea, and even breathe underwater. He can manipulate and alter the molecular state of water, being able to manipulate the surrounding water in the atmosphere, freeze water, or even make really thick clouds of mist, steam or fog.
August 3, 2013 at 7:51 pm #29097
qwerty1971ParticipantDr. Aberdale Croft was a brilliant English scientist. He was an expert in physic, biology, genetics and chemistry. He partnered with Dr. Karl Vogner another brilliant scientist, to map out the humane genome. Together they found proof of the GorWol genetic trait in humans. Croft, wanting to make a fortune from their discovery, tried to convince Vogner to market their research but Vogner wanted to share their findings with the entire world for free. The argument lead to a physical altercation and Croft was accidentally atomized by a quantum destabilizer machine. Crofts body was destroyed but his consciousness remained in the form of powerful psionic energy. It took Croft over a year to learn how to take control of another persons body by transferring their consciousness into a parallel dimension. Croft discovered he also possessed tremendous psionic energies when inhabiting anothers body.The first person he did this with was a petty crook named Richie Dorn. Croft used Dorns body and memories that bled over during the transfer to terrorize NYC until the original incarnation of the ISF stopped him and restored Dorns consciousness to his original body. Croft then inhabited a Philly police detective named Roger Farnsworth and waged another campaign against the ISF. This time he was stopped by Lord Psyker and Gilgamesh. Dormant for almost a year, Croft once again took over small time NYC mob thug and enforcer Donnie Williams. He used Williams body to slowly take over the rest of the mob outfit. He even infiltrated the ISF’s first HQs and copied the database Vogner compiled of suspected Metahumans across the world. He then began recruiting other meta villains to his cause of destroying the ISF. Most villains he encountered joined (Hooligan, Scales, Succubus, Baateezu and Gorilla King) and those that refused he simply killed. During the Meta War Croft killed Vandal but he prefers to let his minions do the fighting while he controls activities from a distance. Aberdale Croft is one of the most powerful metahumans on earth, but only when he inhabits a body. He has tremendous psionic powers and can create psionic force fields and blasts. He can influence weak willed people’s emotions and thoughts. He has tremendous telekinetic abilities and can project illusions into a persons mind. Only Lord Psyker and Gilgamesh were able to stand toe to toe with Croft when he is at full power. The mind transference also bleeds some memories over which gives Croft new found skills like thievery (from Dorn), investigations (from Farnsworth) and Boxing (from Williams) but it also keeps memories that aren’t his within him and that sometimes creates confusion in his thinking.
August 3, 2013 at 8:06 pm #29101
qwerty1971ParticipantHarry O’Dell was a tough Mick from Boston living the life of petty criminal and underground cage fighter when his GorWol trait manifested following a nasty beating from the Boston PD. Discovering he was stronger, faster, tougher then others Harry continued fighting in cage matches earning thousands of dollars and even “accidentally” killing a few opponents. When the ISF started gaining attention Harry simply walked up to Vargr just to see how tough Vargr really was and punched him in the face. This led Harry on the path to being a meta criminal as has fought against many members of the ISF (Vargr, Power Stryke, Gunslinger, Bowslinger, Bengal, Dark Weaponeer) but he usually avoids fighting those he knows he can’t beat (Bronco). Harry is a biokinetic and focuses his biokinesis solely to improve his fighting skills. He has faster reflexes, increased speed, heightened endurance and pain tolerance, and heals faster than normal humans. He is an expert in Muay Thai and Pankration, two fighting styles that are vicious and show no mercy which embodies his way of life. Even without shooting energy beams or superhuman strength Hooligan is a dangerous ISF opponent and has killed more ISF members (Tek-Pro, Jaguara) than any other Cabal member. His most prized possession is his BAMF button.
August 3, 2013 at 8:21 pm #29102
JeimuzuParticipantI really like Azu Etlu, cool pattern on his costume.
August 4, 2013 at 4:34 am #29142
qwerty1971ParticipantI know I started on the Dark Cabal but I had been struggling for a while to figure out a way to make this heroine and it clicked so I posted her right after finishing her.
Sabrina was a typical secretary working in a typical office in a typical high rise building in Mons, Belgium when a nearby fight between Blood Harpy and Warhead against ISF members Gravenger and Solarra damaged her building. As the fight progressed the building became unstable and being 17 stories up, it was hard for Sabrina and her coworkers to escape down the stairs. Warhead caused the building to fall to enable the villains escape and Gravenger tried to keep the building from crumbling using his gravitation powers. The strain proved to be too much and as the building fell Sabrina’s GorWol trait of Geokinesis manifested. Unknowingly she caused a protective cocoon for herself and her coworkers using the buildings concrete. Sabrina lowered the concrete cocoon safely to the ground and then collapsed from exhaustion. Solarra and Gravenger brought her to ISF HQs where she was tested and trained. She declined permanent ISF membership but did accept associate status. Sabrina, taking the name Tremor, then began a year hiatus traveling across Europe and gaining better control over her powers. Along the way she helped the ISF thwart the Dark Cabal and even fought Golem to a standstill. Tremor is a geokinetic and can psychokinetically manipulate earth and rock for various purposes, including reshaping rock, causing earthquakes, or altering its basic consistency. She can bend earth and make it wiggly, soft, hard or smooth, change the texture. She can trap her targets, create rock barriers, shields, slow her opponents down by changing the earth beneath them and create tremors in the ground. She can create formulated earth blasts, fly by projecting a lump of earth beneath her and telekinetically surf in the air. Tremor can also encase herself with rocks for shielding and when encased her strength increases to lifting 20 tons.
August 4, 2013 at 4:47 am #29143
qwerty1971ParticipantMore Dark Cabal members-
No one really knows much about the villainess called Succubus before Dr. Dimento brought her into his Dark Cabal. She might be Eastern European based on the many languages she speaks (Russian, Polish, Czech, Romanian, Bulgarian) however she lies at every opportunity so it is difficult to say. She has bee a member of the Dark Cabal since its inception, being the first recruit. She is blood thirsty and deadly. She also likes to toy with her prey and relishes in killing the innocent. She has a deep hatred for Knight Rose and Genie for unknown reasons. Succubus is an Umbrakinetic and can generate powerful blasts of negative or dark energy. She can also use her dark energy to create simple melee weapons (whips being her preferred choice). She also has the ability to manipulate, nullify and amplify pain which makes her dangerous in a fight, but she can only do one of those at a time. While she is amplifying a targets pain she cannot nullify a teammates pain.August 4, 2013 at 5:53 am #29144
qwerty1971ParticipantWally Rivers was born with a serious skin disease and was shunned by society in Louisiana. His skin was scaly and greenish and he had a temper. After 12 years of living in misery his parents left him in a swamp and moved to another part of the country. Wally embraced this new lifestyle and fully changed into the lizard humanoid being he is today. After killing a few fishermen Wally was caught by local police and handed over to the government. Government scientists believed Wally was a mutant throwback to an earlier period in earths history. Dr. Dimento heard of Wally and broke him out of the government facility. Dimento christened him Scales and made him a completely loyal servant. Scales is a vicious fighter and relishes combat. He helped kill Jaguara and gave Bronco his scars. He also has a personal hatred for Vargr and will usually charge after Vargr if he sees him. Scales is a therianthropic; he transformed into a lizard like humanoid with tough scaly skin, sharp teeth and claws and a tail. He is fast and agile and is strong enough to lift 10 tons. He secretes a toxin from his claws which poisons and will eventually paralyze an opponent if they do not have a high constitution. He can also throw his poison out from his fingertips to about 20 feet. While he cannot breathe underwater he can hold his breathe for hours. He also has heightened senses and can see in the dark
August 4, 2013 at 6:12 am #29148
qwerty1971ParticipantRajan Gudakeshka was a corrupt police officer in Mombai when his GorWol trait manifested. He was fleeing from anti-corruption investigators after receiving a bribe when they caught him in an alley. As the three men beat on Rajan he transformed into a large four armed gorilla and tore the three men to shreds. Retaining his sentience while transformed Rajan understood what he had done and fled into the nearby jungle. After reverting back to human form Rajan went to his house, packed a few belongings and hid them in the jungle, then walked into the nearest bank and robbed out. After the bank was surrounded by police, Rajan strapped the money bag around his torso, transformed into the large gorilla creature and escaped with ease. Dr. Dimento found him in Bangkok and recruited him into the Dark Cabal. Rajan took the name Gorilla King and decided to stay in that form for all time. Gorilla King is strong (25 tons), quick and agile for his size and possess tremendous stamina. His fur and dense skin give him good resistance to most attacks although fire still burns him. He has superior senses and is a savage melee combatant with his four arms. Rajan has stayed in this form for so long his intelligence has diminished a certain degree and he no longer speaks in complete sentences. During the beginning of the Meta War, Gorilla King fought Killer Bee and ripped his original wings from off his back.
August 4, 2013 at 7:26 am #29155
qwerty1971ParticipantAnother hero…
Jayden was a museum curator in London before becoming a full time heroine and associate member of the ISF. Jayden was always religious, ever since she was a little girl when her and her brother fell into a well. She prayed for salvation and she picked up her brother and jumped out of the well. She kept that event a secret believing she was imbued with the power of an angel. As she got older she noticed she was different from others and that only fueled her faith. Jayden is a religious biokinetic. She has increased strength, reflexes and endurance when she believes she is worthy. She can also draw upon bio-energy within herself to drastically increase her strength to press 1 ton and increase her durability. She has specially made titanium alloyed armor and an obdurium alloyed sword. She empowers the sword with her bio-energy and the sword can deflect most energy attacks. Jayden also exhibited some magical talent. She is working with Mystik to expand her magical abilities. She is adept at hand to hand and with medieval weapons, especially swordplay.August 4, 2013 at 7:20 pm #29207
qwerty1971ParticipantAnother hero…
Emily worked for USAID as a humanitarian aid distributor in Uganda when a patrol of The Lords Resistance Army came to the refugee camp looking for young boys and girls. The patrol leader struck Emily and was about to execute her when her GorWol trait manifested and she fought off the guerrilla fighters, saved the refugees and flew away. The battle resulted in the complete destruction of the camp and journalists described it as if a bombshell went off in the camp. Upon her return to the states Emily was approached by Power Stryke and became an associate member of the ISF. Bombshell is an Ergokinetic; she can project energy blasts, absorb various forms of energy to recharge and fly by thrusting the energy beneath her providing lift. She cannot control or shape energy, only project it in the form of blasts. She can convert one type of energy into another, store it within her body, and release it upon command. Her bio-energy makes her faster, more agile, provides quicker reflexes and heal faster than normal humans.
August 4, 2013 at 7:46 pm #29212
NugParticipantI really like your gallery, man! I especially like Gorilla King! That’s just too cool!
August 4, 2013 at 8:02 pm #29217
DiCicatrizParticipantKnight Rose’s armored high heels are the best! Fabulous… yet practical.
August 4, 2013 at 9:30 pm #29222
qwerty1971ParticipantHector Gomez was a petty criminal in Mexico used for muscle due to his imposing size. One day while providing security for the Zeta Cartel, Mexican Police raided the place and Hector was taken prisoner. Rotting in a Mexican jail Hector got on the wrong end of the prison jefe and took a beating that almost killed him. As he lay bleeding in the corner of his cell, his GorWol trait manifested and Hector transformed into a large demon looking creature. He slaughtered everyone in the cell there with him, ripping their bodies to shreds with his new found strength. He easily broke out of the jail and flew towards the US-Mexican border. At the border he was stopped by Major Mercury and Mythic. He fought them until the rest of ISF Alpha team showed up when the balance tipped in their favor. Suddenly Hector was teleported away from the area by Dr. Dimento and given a position in the Dark Cabal where Dimento christened him Baateezu. Baateezu is a pyrokinetic and biokinetic. He is super strong (30 ton range), durable and has wings which he uses for flight. He also generates fire from his hands and mouth out to a distance of 75 feet.
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