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- This topic has 198 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 11 months ago by
August 1, 2013 at 7:24 pm #28921
qwerty1971ParticipantNicholas was a police detective in Athens when he was shot multiple times by Greek anarchists during a raid. His GorWol trait saved him and after recovering in the hospital he discovered his powers. He kept them secret and retired under a disability pension. He then started moonlighting as a masked vigilante until Beacon found him. Nicholas decided to become an ISF reserve member so he could stay in his native Greece. Beacon fashioned his armor and power lance. Kataphraktos is a Biokinetic and Electrokinetic. He has increased strength in the 20 ton range, he can fly (200 mph), heals three times faster than normal humans and is resistant to many forms of damage (although not as resistant to negative energy damage and elemental damage). His Obdurium alloy armor increase his durability to attacks and he has an Obdurium alloy shield as well. Kataphraktos can discharge electric bolts from his hands although he needs a specialized conductor to make them powerful. His Power Lance is made of fused Obdurium metals and allows him to project his electric bolts at a distance. He is swifter and has faster reflexes than most Olympic athletes. Kataphraktos is a former police detective and has good investigative skills. He is also a student of modern Pankration. He speaks English, Greek and Turkish.
August 1, 2013 at 9:05 pm #28924
WMDBASSPLAYERParticipantVery cool story.Nice detail with the lighting bolts on the knees of the leg armor.
August 1, 2013 at 9:47 pm #28925
JeimuzuParticipant@WMDBASSPLAYER said:
Very cool story.Nice detail with the lighting bolts on the knees of the leg armor.
Agreed, I enjoyed your bio on the character. Cool character
August 1, 2013 at 10:00 pm #28926
qwerty1971ParticipantRoxanna Milanova was a struggling Russian physics student in Moscow when her GorWol trait manifested in her school science lab. She could not control her powers and the resulting catastrophe caused serious damage and injuries to her University and colleagues. Chechen rebels tried to capture her and use her as a weapon but ISF Team Alpha showed up and saved Roxanna. She stayed at ISF HQs for over a year learning how to control her powers and eventually went from being on the reserve team to joining ISF Team Charlie. Valeska is a magnetokinetic and has comprehensive control over all forms of magnetism and utilizes that control to manipulate ferrous metals and achieve a variety of effects. She can generate magnetic shields for protection, shoot focused electromagnetic rays, manipulate metal and ferrous items, fly by using the earths magnetic waves and can sense changes in the electromagnetic spectrum in her vicinity. Velaska is a member of ISF Team DELTA.
August 1, 2013 at 11:39 pm #28929
WMDBASSPLAYERParticipantI am really loving this series of yours! Great characters and backstories.
August 2, 2013 at 1:28 am #28930
qwerty1971ParticipantSulwen “Samantha” McHarris was a Scottish nanny on vacation visiting Greece, Macedonia and the Crimean Peninsula. While on the Crimean Peninsula she fell ill and was taken to a local hospital. The doctors could not figure out what was happening to her and she slipped into a coma and officially died two days later. Moments after dying she was reborn having increased in height and muscle mass. Trying to escape the surrounding media storm Samantha fell off the roof of the building and flew away. She spotted a sinking luxury boat in the Black Sea and rescued the boat and passengers. The media dubbed her the Scythian Heroine or the Amazon citing historical rumors of the Amazons living in that area ages past. She chose the ancient Amazon name of Thebe, who was from the north and had red hair. Samantha returned to Scotland to fight crime and was soon recruited by Power Stryke and joined the ISF. She is the muscle on ISF Team DELTA. Thebe is a biokinetic and has increased strength (45 tons), reflexes, endurance and durability. She heals four times faster than a normal human. Her skin is very tough, although not as tough as Gilgamesh’s, and she can withstand massive amounts of damage. She also exhibits the potential for Ergokinetics and may shoot energy beams given practice. As tough and strong as she is, Samantha still likes to put her hair up and wear heels and recently started dating Dark Weaponeer.
August 2, 2013 at 3:31 am #28935
qwerty1971ParticipantStanilus Dyminski was a Polish footballer playing for Legia Warsaw in the Ekstraklasa. He was one of the stars of the team and a known hot head when he sustained a devastating lower leg injury against Germany on the pitch. Depressed and mad over this apparent end to his playing career, Stanilus withdrew from society in the Puszcza WkrzaÅ„ska region near Germany. Years went by and no one heard from Stanilus until one day German amateur photographers took a picture of what they claimed was a vampire in the woods that attacked them. Soon there were more reports and sightings of the Puszcza WkrzaÅ„ska monster ayyacking Germans. Eventually Power Stryke was sent to investigate the rumors and encountered Stanilus transformed into what Stanilus called his devil persona (Teufel is devil in German). Power Stryke tried to reason with Stanilus but the ex footballer became enraged and the two fought. Proving to be more than a match for Power Stryke, Stargazer and Bronco Billy were dispatched to assist. After a struggle that destroyed tens of acres of forest Stanilus was subdued and brought back to ISF HQs. He remained under observation until he gained better control of his awesome powers and MEGATEK felt he could be trusted. Now Stanilus is the most powerful member of ISF Team DELTA and one of the more powerful meta-humans on Earth. Teufling can manipulate dark energy, gravity and matter to blast and dominate his foes. He can generate dark fields to give himself incredible defensive capabilities. He has increased strength (15 tons), durability, willpower and energy generation. His energy projection is on par with Stargazer’s. Teufling has tremendous resistance to energy and negative energy attacks. He can emit a negative energy aura from his body at will which continuously causes damage to those near him, weaken their resolve and make him stronger. He can surround himself with shadowy particles that bends the light around him, making him difficult to spot at a distance. He can use his dark energy to steal the life force of those around him to heal his own wounds and damage his opponents at the same time. He can project powerful negative energy blasts from his eyes and hands. His powers allow him the power of flight and teleportation. Due to his powers and his look, Stanilus is a loner even though he is a member of the ISF and other members keep their distance from him.
August 2, 2013 at 4:12 am #28937
Mad JackParticipant@qwerty1971 said:
Stanilus Dyminski was a Polish footballer playing for Legia Warsaw in the Ekstraklasa.
(Teufel is devil in German)Very nice background stories. Hope you don’t mind me criticizing two things here.
1.) Why has a polish hero a german sounding alias? Germany and Poland are two very different countries. So that doesn’t make very much sense in my eyes.
2.) You say that Teufel is the german word for Devil and that’s right, but the word Teufling itself doesn’t exist in german language. So what do you think that Teufling means?
No offense meant, sorry…
August 2, 2013 at 4:24 am #28938
qwerty1971ParticipantA part that I left out of his background is that since the forest is shared with Germany, he terrorized German hikers and campers in the forest due to him blaming Germans for his injury and that is what the Germans called him. Teufel is German for devil and is the basis for Tiefling in DnD so I chose Teufling which is a made up word. I speak no German but it fit the concept. I just got tired of writing the background story and it always sounds much better in my head than on paper.
August 2, 2013 at 4:57 am #28939
qwerty1971ParticipantBataar Chulunn was a Mongolian goat, wisent and horse herder when he was struck by lightning in teh Altai Mountains. His tribesman witnessed the event but he came away from the strike unharmed. His kinsman started calling him Jigari (after a local nature spirit associated with lightning and a rumored son of Tengri) and he lived in relative obscurity with only his kin knowing of his new found powers. Members of the Dark Cabal attempted to start a war between China and Russia fro within Mongolia and when the ISF responded, Bataar was near the battle. When ISF member Aunt Artica found herself fighting Scales and Blood Harpy by herself Bataar intervened, saved her life and drove off the villains. He was soon admitted into the ISF and remained a reserve member until he could control his powers. Now he is a member of ISF Team DELTA. Jigari is an Electrokinetic and his entire body is basically a powerful capacitor. He is super strong (35 tons) and resistant to damage. He can store and release massive amounts of electricity and can absorb energy damage directed at him. He can generate a short electrical field damaging anyone who comes into contact with him, use stored electricity to move faster or heal himself, project electricity from his fists when he punches, and can project electrical blasts from his hands at a short distance. He wears a specially designed suit that regulates the amount of electricity stored in his body. Although having the basic level of education Jigari is good with languages can can speak English, Russian, Chinese as well as Mongolian.
August 2, 2013 at 5:37 am #28940
Mad JackParticipantA part that I left out of his background is that since the forest is shared with Germany, he terrorized German hikers and campers in the forest due to him blaming Germans for his injury and
I guess it depends on his base of operations. If he operates in Germany it makes (a little) sense – otherwise not really, since not every polish speaks german like not every american speaks spanish. That part of the forest is called “Ueckermünder Heide” by the way …
that is what the Germans called him.
The problem with “Teufling” is that it sounds exactly like the real existing word “Täufling” which means “baptizand” – so prettty much the exact oppsite of your intention wherefor no real German would call him that. I guess they would simply call him “ein Teufel” (the word can also be used in a more general sense for anything diabolic appearing) or maybe “Dämon” (demon).
But of course you can name your characters however you want…
Teufel is German for devil and is the basis for Tiefling in DnD so I chose Teufling which is a made up word. I speak no German but it fit the concept.
I live in Germany for 31 years now and grew up quadrilingual (luxembourgian, german, french and english). I still wonder sometimes how “hard” and thus somewhat inflexible the german language is and find it hard to make up convincing sounding new words.
I just got tired of writing the background story and it always sounds much better in my head than on paper.
I really didn’t want to patronize you and I apologize if I seem like a smartass.
But even if I’m not a native speaker I always had a slight problem with the way how ignorant some Americans treats the german language – worst examples are Marvels “Nightcrawler” (a supposed bavarian – guess where I live) and when Kiefer Sutherland aka Jack Bauer masqueraded as a german arms dealer in the last season of “24”.
That last one really was a nightmare since there was in fact a german actor on the set with Jürgen Prochnow (he played a russian mobster of course) who could have corrected the german dialog with ease. But why bother? I know it’s not the end of the world, but it’s a little annoying if it happens over and over again.
August 2, 2013 at 5:46 am #28941
qwerty1971Participantnever watched 24, i think it is crap. been to germany once and that was back when there were two of them. i see your points and duly noted.
August 2, 2013 at 6:10 am #28943
qwerty1971ParticipantAnnuska Perger was an up and coming model from Budapest but was unhappy with her career and felt her life was missing something. While working on a fashion shoot in Milan robbers broke into her hotel room demanding money. Annuska was scared and her GorWol trait manifested when one of the robbers put a gun to her head. She melted the gun to his hand and melted the other robbers gun as well. When the robbers tried to flee she trapped them in cages of fire and burnt them to death when she lost control of her powers. This started a massive fire and burned down one half of the hotel but Annuska walked away unscathed. She allowed the media and authorities to report her death in the fire and she started her new life of vigilantism because of the excitement. After a few months of fighting low level criminals Annuska was tracked down by Vikka and Vargr who convinced her to join the ISF. Torcher helped Annuska learn to control her powers and after serving a short stint on the reserve team she became a member of ISF Team DELTA. Solarra is a Pyrokinetic and a Thermakinetic. She is able to absorb solar radiation and manipulate it for various offensive and defensive uses. She is able to store the solar energy in every cell of her body, even her blood. She can absorb, store, and manipulate energy from light, especially direct sunlight, and fire. She can use it to project heat blasts or blinding flashes, create fire cages to trap targets, and raise the temperature of objects to weaken or destroy them. Solarra is, by nature of her powers, resistant to most heat attacks. Her body is immune to the detrimental effects of wielding her power. By projecting thermal energy below her, Solarra is able to produce sufficient thrust to fly to a maximum speed at which she can still breathe unaided, approximately 130 miles per hour. Solarra can create Thermal shields to protect herself and others from damage.
August 2, 2013 at 8:29 am #28952
qwerty1971ParticipantHans Von Thunstein was born into a wealthy industrial family in Austria. He was born with wings which created a difficult delivery and his mother perished soon after he was born. His father was despondent and took Hans to the family mountain retreat in the eastern Alps where he raised Hans in seclusion of others for fear of Hans being attacked by radicals. Hans received the best tutors his father found but he grew up alone with just his father who ran the energy business from the house. He spent his free time flying around the Alps having fun. By the time Hans was 25 years old he already had three Masters (Business, Economics, Finance) and a Doctorate (International Markets), black belts in Karate and Judo and mastery of medieval weapons but he was unsatisfied. He was tired of individual awards and accolades. After his father died Hans sold the family business for a small fortune and traveled to New York City to the ISFs Field Office for membership. He spent two years at the ISF HQs improving himself mentally and physically. He currently serves on the ISF reserve team. Sky Hunter has greater strength, reflexes, speed, and durability than a normal human. He can lift roughly 5 tons. He has wings on his back which he an use for flying up to 300 mph. ISF scientists created Titanium/Obdurium alloyed shield, armor, broadsword, spear and axe for him to use in combat.
August 2, 2013 at 9:38 pm #28989
qwerty1971ParticipantVeronika was a Czech photo-journalist covering cultural stories for Christian Science Monitor. She was working on the plight of the Karens in Thailand for three years when her team was captured by rogue elements of the Myanmar Military. Her male coworker died under the brutal torture of the rogue commander but his death gave her an opportunity to escape. Fleeing into the jungles, Veronika was chased and cornered when her GorWol trait manifested. She easily defeated her pursuers and eventually made her way back home to Prague. Soon after arriving home, Veronika was contacted by the ISF. Veronika is a therianthropic and must biomorph to use her powers. She calls the biomorph form Nighthorn. When she does biomorph her skins turns to a hardened chitin carapace which protects her from damage. She also gains strength being able to lift roughly 12 tons with extreme effort and her leg strength provides her with great leaping ability. Through concentration she can project the same chitin material to protrude from various parts of her skin like thorns. These thorn-spines are coated with a light toxin that can degrade performance if it gets into contact with skin (it does not have to penetrate the skin). Continual exposure to the toxin results in decreased strength, agility, endurance, speed, mobility and eventual paralysis. She has learned to throw the thorn-spines out towards an opponent but with decreased toxicity.
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