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- This topic has 198 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 11 months ago by
March 30, 2013 at 7:54 pm #21779
HammerknightParticipantVery cool.
April 1, 2013 at 7:57 am #21834
qwerty1971ParticipantDesmond Aboya was a store clerk in a small town in Cameroon being the first one in his family who graduated high-school. His father was killed by a rival tribal family and when Desmond and his brother went to speak to the murderers they were attacked. Desmond and is brother were both shot and fled into the jungle. Being pursued and then cornered Desmond’s GorWol trait activated and he transformed into a powerful body with insect wings. Desmond fought and killed their attackers and then carried his brother home. His brother remarked that Desmond looked and fought like one of the vicious ants that plague the countryside. A few months after this incident Desmond was recruited by Power Stryke to join the ISF taking the name Army Ant. During his training phase Desmond accompanied Lord Psyker on his quest to investigate the rumors of Dr. Dimento’s return. Currently Desmond is a member of ISF Team CHARLIE and is good friends with Kharaman. Army Ant is a biokinetic and has super strength in the 25 ton range, has a hardened outer carapace which provides a limited degree of protection when transformed, can jump higher than a normal human, heals five times faster than a normal human and has powerful double insect wings that provide flight up to 200 mph.
April 5, 2013 at 10:05 pm #22011
qwerty1971ParticipantKarishma Mora was a minor Bollywood actress/model/singer trying to make it big in India and Hollywood. One day while out promoting her latest film she was struck by a runaway bus. Taken to the hospital she was declared dead by doctors and then revived and floated in the emergency room in a shining light. Secluded in a wing of the hospital until doctors could determine what happened to her she was attacked by religious fanatics who saw her as evil. She fought them off with the assistance of Power Stryke who was sent to recruit her. After the attack she joined the ISF under the name Astra Deva and is a member of ISF Team CHARLIE. Astra Deva is a biokinetic and neruokinetic. She can project an energy from her body that can weaken and even disintegrate inorganic materials or burn organic materials. She also uses her psionic powers to heal herself and others in a limited capacity. It is believed that her neurokinetic powers actually speed up the time around an object to allow for healing. If that is the case she may possess more chronokinetic powers in the future. She has psionic energy wings which provide her with flight at 200 mph.
April 5, 2013 at 10:16 pm #22012
qwerty1971ParticipantHeather Caoilinn was a nature guide at Curraghchase Forest Park in Ireland working for her uncle. She is also an expert archer taught by her uncle after the death of her parents. One summer foot soldiers of the Dark Cabal came and took an old meteorite stone from the park that was a tourist attraction. During the robbery her uncle was shot and killed. Heather swore revenge and tracked the robbers to the US where she attacked them just as the ISF was attacking. She helped the ISF arrest the robbers and was asked to join the ISF as a reserve member. She spent a few missions as a reserve member until she moved to ISF Team BRAVO under Gunslinger. Her and Gunslinger are currently engaged. Miss Bowslinger is a minor biokinetic. She has uncanny aim, reflexes, agility and endurance. She is also adept at Wing Chun Kung Fu, learned from her uncle who spent some time as a soldier in the orient.
April 5, 2013 at 10:18 pm #22013
qwerty1971ParticipantThis is a group picture of Gunslinger and Miss Bowslinger armed to the teeth.
April 6, 2013 at 12:46 am #22016
qwerty1971ParticipantEduardo Luzon was a horrible Peruvian soldier just making ends met living paycheck to paycheck when his unit was sent to the jungle part of Peru to fight the resurgent Shining Path. During the dreary months that followed it was determined that the Shining Path were being supported and funded by Dr. Dimento and his Dark Cabal. During a particularly nasty firefight Eduardo fled from the battlefield and was cornered by some insurgents. As they shot at him, he put his hands up and his GorWol trait manifested. He created a gravitational forcefield around himself which stopped the bullets. He subdued his attackers, went back to the battlefield to save the remainder of his unit and saw ISF Team ALPHA fighting members of the Dark Cabal. Helping the ISF drive off the Dark Cabal, Eduardo went back to their headquarters to become a new member. After serving some time on the reserve team he joined the new ISF Team DELTA as their control specialist. Gravenger is a gravikinetic; he can control the gravitational forces around an object. He can surround any object or person including himself with gravitons and anti-gravitons thereby increasing or decreasing the Earth’s pull of gravity upon it. Gravenger can fly, project gravity force bolts, create gravity shields, hold people in place and make other objects or people fly through the air.
April 6, 2013 at 6:50 am #22027
qwerty1971ParticipantJoseph Kingali is the son of a tribal chief in Kenya and was educated in Switzerland where he excelled in athletics and humanities. He traveled to the US to attend college at Harvard when he was targeted by members of the Mungiki in Boston. This stemmed from activities his father took against the Mungiki in Kenya and the criminal group sought revenge. Joseph’s GorWol trait manifested during the attack and he quickly subdued his assailants. Completing his studies in 3 years, Joseph stayed for Graduate school. Working part time at a homeless shelter he was depressed to see violence committed by criminals against the weak so he decided to become a vigilante to protect the innocent. Creating his own weapons and costume Joseph was soon called the Dark Weaponeer by the media as he fought criminal scum in and around Boston. It was a year before the ISF was able to track him down and invite him to join their ranks. He was a longtime member of the ISF reserve team until he completed his studies and then he became a full member of ISF Team DELTA. Joseph is a biokinetic and has enhanced reflexes, speed, endurance, senses and agility. He is trained in eskrima, kobudo, dog brothers knife fighting, and is a black belt in Karate and Judo. He is in a relationship with Thebe.
April 8, 2013 at 7:04 pm #22134
HammerknightParticipantCool characters. They would be great for some of the Character Design Contest on the blog.
April 18, 2013 at 11:15 pm #22777
qwerty1971ParticipantTiffany was a gifted French student/athlete and received a scholarship to the Dijon Law School. After graduating with honors she found a job working for France’s Department of Territorial Safety/Security as a field agent. Racking up a string of successful cases solved Tiffany was continually bypassed in favor of men and agents with prestigious family histories. One day on an assignment to stop an arms trafficker Tiffany was cornered by some criminals and in the ensuing shootout her GorWol trait manifested and she was able to stop the kinetic power of the criminals bullets. Not understanding what occurred she kept her powers hidden until they became uncontrollable. Soon after she was contacted by the ISF for membership which she took. Initially she served on the reserve team under Stargazer until a fourth field team was added and she took the command of Team DELTA. Lady Dynamic has kinetikinesis powers allowing her to slow down or speed up the kinetic energy of inorganic objects. The object must already be in motion for her to control. In addition she is a minor biokinetic and has increased agility, speed, reaction time, and reflexes.
April 18, 2013 at 11:38 pm #22789
WeilynMemberGreat design and backstory!
April 19, 2013 at 7:50 am #22810
ScatmanMemberYour characters are sooo well put together!I am very happy I visited!
April 19, 2013 at 8:32 am #22816
qwerty1971ParticipantThanks for the nice comments. I just need to get my characters to the same level of detail their background stories are.
August 1, 2013 at 9:02 am #28894
qwerty1971ParticipantGilgamesh claims to be the famed hero from the Epic Poem, but that would be impossible as that would make him over 4,000 years old. His last known memory after waking up from his self imposed dormancy was attacking Constantinople as a Jannisary under the Turkish Sultan Mehmed II. While it was reported in history the Sultans cannon knocked holes in the walls of the city, in actuality it was Gilgamesh who toppled sections of the walls with his fists. During the sacking of the city Gilgamesh left disgusted and sealed himself up in a cave in the mountains of Anatolia until Archaeologists uncovered his resting place. In any case Gilgamesh is a powerful biokinetic. He has enhanced strength, durability, reflexes, speed and healing. He is the strongest person on the Earth and can lift 50 tons. He is a powerful Ergokinetic and can also project force beams from his hands and energy beams from his eyes. His Ergokinesis allows him flight up to 300 mph. His skin is durable and can withstand most physical attacks although he is susceptible to magic and mental attacks. He looks down upon ordinary humans and considers himself their champion mostly because they are too weak to defend themselves. He takes a personal interest in any metahuman who claims to be tougher or stronger than him.
August 1, 2013 at 9:13 am #28896
qwerty1971ParticipantMystik is the ISFs resident spellcaster and magical subject matter expert. He is from Wales and speaks Welsh in addition to Latin, Sumerian and the Fey tongue. His father was a Welsh bookeeper and his mother was a banished Fey sorceress from the Other Realm thus making Mystik half human. Mystik is also the only ISF member without a GorWol trait, all his abilities are magical in nature. He has mastered the four elemental forces (air, earth, fire, water) and is considered by the Fey to be an elemental mage. He uses elemental magic to capture targets, generate ice/air/earth/fire/water blasts, and create specific elemental shields. He can control and conjure eldritch energy to make shields, blasts, shape constructs, become invisible/intangible, fly and teleport. His staff is from the Other Realm and helps him channel his magical power. Rhidwen is skilled in thaumatology, arcanology, astronomy, and alchemy. He works as a book shopkeeper. He is skilled in fighting with the staff and has some unarmed combat skills. Given enough time and resources Mystik can create a spell capable of any power or feat. He is the closest thing Gilgamesh has to a friend since they can speak Sumerian when they are together.
August 1, 2013 at 9:37 am #28897
qwerty1971ParticipantHeather is a Dutch librarian who has the GorWol trait of Aerokinesis and Atmoskinesis. She can control air, winds and generate or vanquish storms. She is able to make durable wind shields around herself and others, lift or push down objects using air force, knock flying objects out of the sky, immobilize or crush targets, and can heal or awaken others by generating pure oxygen. She can also influence weather conditions and make storms easier or worse, generate wind storms, create fog, create limited snow storms, create tornado’s, and call down lighting during storms. She can use her powers to fly and to pick up others with air pockets and lift them through the air as if flying. Stormdancer is a member of the ISF Reserve Team.
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