Printing and Resolution….

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    If anyone is printing their pics, this question is for you.

    I have a character that I wish to print for poster sized sheet and was wondering how do you get the best resolution to make it worth while. I almost always screen shot, cut and paste my characters to save and that doesn’t cut it for a great resolution.

    Anyone can help me with this???





    I always export it as the highest resolution png allowed by Hero Machine. I actually wish we could go even higher, but that’s just me. Another way to get “infinitely” expandable artwork is to print it to a pdf file where it maintains its vector information. The big drawback is that it defaults to 100% opacity for all colors. A big pain in the butt. It really messes with gradient backgrounds used for highlighting. I would make all my files pdfs but unfortunately my extensive use of gradient circles makes it impractical.

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