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July 28, 2016 at 6:40 am #137026
Herr DParticipantAs sole entrant, I declare [winds up, tosses]
Those to be the 3 items. Contest closes at 2pm EST on 8/9/16. Wow me, guys!
You must be logged in to view attached files.August 1, 2016 at 12:36 am #137098
KericParticipantThe break down the arms are the “sea~do”
the guns are the “lasers”
and the briefs are the space craft.Attachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.August 2, 2016 at 10:31 pm #137138
RandallParticipantThe world thought the Samaria had gone extinct. The problem was they went into hiding. They found anyone they could to train. They went after mostly Orphan Children. Now before they can rise and strike an organization known as The Drone Brothers have created robotic weapons. The robotic weapons are called The Samaria Hunters
I used the legwear for the body of the hovercraft, the arms are for the style of the boosters, and the guns are mounted to the hovercraft for easy access.
You must be logged in to view attached files.August 9, 2016 at 12:28 pm #137300
Herr DParticipantI am somewhat surprised at the results below. This might be looked at as a flaw in my rubric, but I’ve looked it over. I’ve been internally consistent, if harsh. Randall [R] edged out Keric [K] despite item use scores because his creation had more of what I judge on. . . . well, maybe that’s my work ethic biasing my rubric. “80% of life is just showing up” [approximate quotation.]
Both Keric and Randall used the “mechdrawers” as flying conveyances. I’m not going to do more than mention the Jungian tie-in, but the dream symbolism doesn’t detract from the item abuse. That’s a one for findable with or without prompting / questioning. That’s at least a two for “abuse,” or leaving category in an emphatic manner. That’s a three for incorporating / manipulating in a way that makes it less obvious but still present and belonging to the pic. Randall’s was partly covered by posing, but still edges out Keric’s.
When it came to the “holsteredguns,” I felt harsher. They were still weapons on Randall’s hoverboard, but they were laserbeams / energy bolts on Keric’s. So Keric got a whole point over Randall here.
Then there’s the “woodarms.” Yeesh. They might have made better damage masked to the conveyances than symmetrical features or ripples in the lava or whatever, but okay. That’s worth a two. Keric’s, while it doesn’t look that much like a ‘sea-doo,’ the double-item usage, positioning, and a je-ne-sais-quoi about how it just seems to belong (???) led me to give it a four. I just—like it. I don’t understand that myself. It IS a long way from arm to conveyance . . .
General contribution category went about the same. The emotional content was about the same for how the items contributed to the overall picture. Keric’s items were a much bigger part of the story the picture told, nearly 100% of it, since only one other item was even used, apparently.
Bells here means presence by virtue of item or holistic effect contributed. Keric here suffered a bit for sparseness and what looked like a scaling issue. I can’t tell for certain whether the ‘giant’ is falling behind and to the right of his seadoo or whether it’s just kind of big for him. Ambiguity never helps.
Whistles is about minor pieces or features like placement, shading, highlighting, etc. Keric got a bare one point for a random-looking dispersion of energy bolts and picking the companion that looks most like he’s bailing out. Randall got a four for posing and developing an entire character. Faint praise. It looks interesting. This is where Keric might’ve pulled ahead by adding a scoreboard and a life meter for the giant, transforming the entire thing into a video game without adding an entire background. Or shadowing the bailout to get rid of the ambiguity and be the only contributor who did any shading. Or adding an energy effect for a bolt hitting something or scaling them down for dispersal or distance.
Finally there are background and story. Randall did and Keric didn’t. The three items in my rubric can add to the total score twice or more, as they are the point of the contest. Doing what is obviously more work can overshadow that. In this case, that would’ve only tied everything up. Keric’s score might have compared better if I’d bothered with half points or quarter points, but in this case, it wouldn’t have changed the outcome. Randall wins.
Pick your three, Randall!
Backstory score: ………………..R3……K0
Bkgd score:……… ……………R3…..K0
Item WOODARM:…………….R2.…….K4
Item MECHDRAWERS: ….…R3…….K2
Bells: ………………………….R4…….K2
Whistles: ………………..…….R3……..K1
August 9, 2016 at 9:00 pm #137312
RandallParticipantIt’s an Honor to choose again. The judging will be 8/23/2016 at 2:00 pm central.
You must be logged in to view attached files.August 16, 2016 at 3:02 pm #137450
Herr DParticipant“Thrill Ride 823” XTS, the extreme sports company, realized they would schedule their 823rd event on 8/23. So they had this idea. Skydivers would jump from barnstormers minutes before a thunderstorm. As the barnstormers would peel away, the skydivers would go from the drop zone to land on pre-parked rocket-carts. The first contestant to get through the obstacle course, including a water hazard, a stunt course, and a naturally occurring cave, would win. Eight of ten of the contestants caught their parachutes on fire and were put out with desert sand and gusto from the crowd. Bobby “Brrzerk” Zerk crashed in the stunt course for a second place, allowed to borrow a regular skateboard to complete the stunt course and run the rest of the way. The winner was Rory “Roars” McTavish, the crowd favorite since he jumped with the chute harnessed to a dragon costume, which he finished the race in, despite completely demolishing the head of it against the wing of his plane. But then, things like that do make a crowd favorite.
*hair became flamejets, monocles became casters, and the horse made a great dragon costume base complete with parachute harness.
August 17, 2016 at 5:17 am #137479
KericParticipantYeah, I really can’t touch that! I yield the point to D.
The best I could think of was a pasture scene!
August 23, 2016 at 1:15 pm #137644
Herr DParticipantBizzang. As sole contestant, I throw THIS in the ring! [winds up, throws]
Due 9/6/16, 2pm EST, hopefully all seven entries to be judged by 8pm EST. (See what I did there?)
You must be logged in to view attached files.August 25, 2016 at 10:58 am #137684
KericParticipantAugust 27, 2016 at 8:26 am #137746
RandallParticipantAfter being banished from The Order of The Wand for practicing Dark Magic Victor Lea Bond retreated into the forest for several years. He worked harder on his Dark Magic and eventually created a boar which could walk upright like a man with hand similar to a man. He created many more after this. Now ready to take his army Victor fashioned himself with a fine mighty weapon. He painted a strange and unusual face on the weapon which reflects Victor’s sick and twisted mind. He stand with his army ready for revenge and he will slaughter anyone who gets in his way.
The boar heads are on the five soldiers, the eyes are used for the face on the weapon, and the tongue is used for the road.
September 8, 2016 at 5:57 pm #138138
Herr DParticipantSorry for the delay. Had to get the file of the following sent to friend B’s computer from friend A.First, by Miyagi, ‘let’s look eye.’ That’s a one for findable with or without prompting / questioning. That’s at least a two for “abuse,” or leaving category in an emphatic manner. That’s a three for incorporating / manipulating in a way that makes it less obvious but still present and belonging to the pic. Randall’s was not a ‘real’ eye, but representing one, so not emphatic. Keric’s eyefruit went very well with the veganfae. Category to Keric.When it came to the “boarheads and tongues,” I was a little confused at first, then realized this scoring would have to have some half-points. Randall’s tongue as a road was a great notion that didn’t work very well, so it came out as a bare two. His boarheads were . . . heads. That WOULD’VE been just a one, but his incorporation of so many in foreground AND background and making them belong so well made it deserve a two. Keric’s head-as-logo on the waitstaff (I think the bizarre bar might’ve been named the Red Boar?) wouldn’t have brought more than a one, but it was a theme, carried on by the stein or decorative vase. BTW, I like stein better, but I wasn’t sure. They were only fake heads, but the theme belonged in the picture for consistency. So it earned a three. The theme continuing with the decorative plant – tongue or little drink-umbrella – tongue would’ve got a three even with the ambiguity except for the additional ambiguity. The yellow one in mid-air? Was that a lock of the swordswoman’s hair? Maybe an oversight? Just a two and a half.<span id=”yiv1385749546yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1472722283284_3696″ style=”line-height: 20.4px;”>The emotional content was about the same for how much I wanted to be in the bar and not be in front of the army. Keric suffered a bit for what looked like scaling and placement issues. The items contributed to the overall story of the picture in both entries, but Keric’s ‘extra’ tongue bothered me a lot. Randall’s only tongue just bothered me more.</span><span id=”yiv1385749546yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1472722283284_3851″ style=”line-height: 20.4px;”> </span>Bells here means presence by virtue of item or holistic effect contributed. Keric found some great companion uses and one alteration. Randall found a layer of purple shadows can appear to double your favorite enemy.<span id=”yiv1385749546yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1472722283284_3901″ style=”line-height: 20.4px;”>Whistles is about minor pieces or features like placement, shading, highlighting, etc. </span><span id=”yiv1385749546yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1472722283284_3902″ style=”line-height: 20.4px;”>Keric, I can see why you didn’t shade or highlight.</span><span id=”yiv1385749546yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1472722283284_3903″ style=”line-height: 20.4px;”> Randall, varying your army’s armor and weaponry won you this category, despite you not making the weapon’s face or Victor’s armorskulls more boarlike. Maybe the tongue could’ve been used as horns or ears on those?</span>Finally there are background and backstory. Randall did an obvious lot more work on the background. But as it happened, Keric’s prefab was almost all he needed. Randall’s backstory was good, and Keric’s didn’t exist.This one looks pretty close so far . . .…………..K……….RB/S……..0………..3Bkgd….3…………3.5iHead…3…………2iEye……3.5………1iTongue..2.5…….2Bells…….3…………3Whistles..2………..2.5i-Story……2.5…….2Emot-i…..3………..3Total ….22.5……22. . . And that was closer than I thought! Keric wins by half a point! Both were good entries; they scored low because I went to half points for closer determination. As it happens, I like BOTH of these better than the last time you competed with me judging. Tips? Randall, you probably could’ve made the road-tongue into just scuffmarks in the dirt. The ‘boaring’ of the weaponface or his armorskulls would be great additions if you revise this piece, maybe another layer of darker purple for a third wave of boarmen or boar archers half-hidden behind some trees? Keric, shading or highlighting would be a lot of work, but would obviously help, but you’d be better off making a tray stick out slightly from behind the waiter with some more steins on it. Move that swordswoman away from poking the wallflower. Harp-and-bullhorn karaoke? Fae dancing in a cage? Mermaid fishtank? Special sign? Kali bartender? Loads of ways to go, man.Pick 3.September 9, 2016 at 12:45 am #138182
KericParticipant@ Herr Thank you, shading I’ll definately have to look more into that…
meanwhile here is the next challenge
You must be logged in to view attached files.September 16, 2016 at 4:20 pm #138589
Herr DParticipant“Esther On Routine”
“–I don’t understand this clause. We’ll own the condo, but aren’t allowed to accept packages or move things we find right outside the door or change the hanger on the doorknob. That makes no sense to me. This is the sixtieth floor. No one can even get up here.”
“That, sir, is part of the ownership contract. Not negotiable. You will rescind your membership and be evicted immediately if you are found non-compliant.”
“I’m not saying I won’t agree. I very much want to own this condominium. The Cloud is wonderful and surprisingly inexpensive on this floor.”
“Indeed, sir. Please sign this non-disclosure agreement.”
“Uchhh. Fine.” [signs] “But seriously, what is this for?”
“The previous owner of The Cloud had a granddaughter named Esther. The building wasn’t called that then, and this was quite some time ago.”
“Esther is deformed and disabled, has the mentality and disposition of a sweet, dutiful, and productive four-year-old. She collects the dirty towels and leaves clean ones. The staff puts out the dirty ones for her.”
“Wait, what?”
“She checks the door hangers to know how many to leave. She’s very quiet. She makes her rounds between three and four a.m. If you see her, the clauses on how to conduct yourself around her are in the section marked “Rules Of Conduct.” These rules DO apply to your visitors and guests.”
[flips pages] “This? No saying anything to her but these phrases?”
“Thank you, Hello, Goodbye, and Good Job. You may also call her Esther. She has a routine. She wears a maid’s uniform, carries an old feather duster behind her ear.”
“Are there other maids I could confuse her with?”
“No, she is rather, DISTINCTIVE, we say, sir. Slightly deformed, warty, thick glasses, barely four feet tall. Our regular maids wear street clothes when on the sixtieth floor so as not to worry her. You must understand, this is how she is.”
“So she doesn’t actually clean the rooms?”
“Oh, no sir. Her keys to the rooms don’t even fit. She has no elevator pass, and she wears an alarm belt to alert us if she ever does attempt to leave. She passes between doing laundry, watching recorded cartoons on a loop, eating the meals we leave for her, sleeping, hygiene, and her rounds. We think she thinks her family is on vacation instead of deceased these fifty-odd years now.”
“How old is she now?”
“Ninety-six, sir. If this is a problem, there are other floors. They are more expensive, but you understand. The sixtieth floor is exclusive to people known for behaving themselves, sticking to routine, and following rules. I’ll be in my office when you decide. Take your time.”
*The shoulder pad makes a great door tag and Esther’s braids. The hair is her ancient duster and the odd bits of hair sticking out of the end of her right braid. The glasses are her hair bow.
September 19, 2016 at 11:48 am #138719
RandallParticipantFirst off I would like to congratulate Keric on the last contest. You did a good job. I was actually choking when I saw your entry. Secondly you forgot to post a day and time for when the contest is due. Anyways here my piece with a little story. Good luck Herr D and hopefully to anyone else who may enter.
Morbid is a dedicated bounty hunter who takes on any bounty as long as the bounty allows him to kill. For every victim that Morbid kills he collects their scalp as a trophy. Morbid keeps his own hair cut as short as he can for fear that someone will kill him and take his scalp. So you better be careful what crime you commit or Morbid could be coming for your scalp next.
I used the glasses for his eyes, I use the standard shoulder piece for the top part of his belt, and the hair I used for one of the scalps on the wall.
September 19, 2016 at 2:57 pm #138721
KericParticipantYes, I am bad at posting times, I could cast my vote now, but I think (this)Friday the 24th when I wake up will allow any other enteries that may still want to be entered. =)
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